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You are here:   March 2023

A prayer for a country poised between demise and rebirth, by Rabbi Daniel Raphael Silverstein (Applied Jewish Spirituality 2023)

על השואה ועל התפלתה | Prayer in the Shoah, an essay and a prayer by Rabbi Dr. David Weiss Halivni (2000)

Blessings and Ethics: The Spiritual Life of Justice, a dvar tefillah on berakhot by Rabbi Dr. Joshua Gutoff (1997)

שְׁפוֹךְ אֲהָבָתֵךְ | Shfokh Ahavatekh (Pour Out Your Love), by Rabbi Ḥayyim Bloch (1948)

📖 סדר תפלת ישורון (מנהג הספרדים)‏ | Seder Tefilat Yeshurun, a bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook translated by Menaḥem-Gershon Glenn (1935)

📖 Mediæval Hebrew Minstrelsy: Songs for the Bride Queen’s Feast, by Herbert Loewe (1926)

📖 בזמרות נריע לו | Die häuslichen Sabbathgesänge für Freitag⸗Abend, Sabbath⸗Tag und Sabbath⸗Ausgang, by Dr. Leo Jehudah Hirschfeld (1898)

📖 (רפורמי)‏ Morning Prayers, arranged by Rabbi Dr. Gustav Gottheil (Temple Emanu-El, 1889)

Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Last Days of Passover, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)

Prayer for the First Days of Passover (פסח), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)

Gebet am Uiberschreitungsfeste (חג הפסח) | Prayer on the Passover Festival, a teḥinah by Meïr haLevi Letteris (1846)

Gebet am Erinnerungsfeste der Befreiung aus Egypten (Pessach) | Prayer on the Festival of the Liberation from Egypt (Pesaḥ), a teḥinah by Max Emanuel Stern (1841)

תַשְׁפִּיעַ עָלַי חָכְמָה בִּינָה וָדַעַת מֵאִתְּךָ | Pour upon me your wisdom, understanding, and knowledge (Liqutei Tefilot Ⅰ:58 part 1) by Reb Noson Sternhartz of Nemyriv (ca. 1820s) and “A Student’s Prayer” as adapted by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)

Am Überschreitungsfest | At the Passover Festival, a teḥinah for Pesaḥ by Peter Beer (1815)

אֲשֶׁר בָּרָא יֵין עָסִיס | Asher Bara Yayin ‘Asis — a Poetic Extension of the Blessing over Wine for the Passover Seder (ca. 9th c.)

שים שלום למוסף טל | Sim Shalom for the “Tal” Musaf Amidah of Pesaḥ (extended)

אתי בשלם | ࠀࠕࠉ࠰ࠁࠔࠋࠌ | Itti Bishlam (Come in Peace), a Samaritan Aramaic Poem for the Festival Season by Marqeh ben Amram (ca. 4th c.)