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You are here:   👂︎ Liturgical Readings, Sources, and Cantillation   —⟶   Reading Schedules   —⟶   Schedule for the Reading of Ketuvim Aḥerim corresponding to the Weekly Torah Portion, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

Schedule for the Reading of Ketuvim Aḥerim corresponding to the Weekly Torah Portion, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

Every single Shabbat, we read a portion from the Prophetic books, known as the Haftarah. These portions are usually connected in meaning with the weekly Torah reading, though they also sometimes reflect the specific Shabbat upon which they are read. Though not all of the Prophets are read, all of the readings are from the Prophets. The Writings, the third great category of Scripture, is traditionally avoided.

As far back as Rabbeinu Tam, some have suggested that the Sages had a custom of reciting passages from Ketuvim during Shabbat afternoon services, but if this is true such a system has long been lost. As a consequence of this, most of Ketuvim is rarely, if ever read in public. The Five Scrolls (Esther, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, and Ecclesiastes) are read once per year, and many have customs of reciting Psalms. But the remaining books in the Writings – Proverbs, Job, Chronicles, Ezra/Neḥemiah, and Daniel – have some wonderful content that really deserves more time in the spotlight than it gets. (As the old joke goes: a yeshiva bokhur goes to his rebbe and asks “What’s this ‘Nakh’ book Ḥazal keeps quoting?”)

This is a system that seeks to create a Haftarah-like system for the reading of these “ketuvim aḥerim.” Readings have been assigned to the weekly parashot and special Shabbatot based on content or linguistic parallels. These could be read using the cantillation systems designed by the editor (Ezra, Nehemiah, Chronicles; Job; Psalms) or just according to any personal preference.


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Bereshit: Proverbs 8:22-36
Noaḥ: I Chronicles 1:1-27
Lekh L’kha: Nehemiah 9:5-15
Vayera: Job 24:2-18
Ḥayei Sara: Nehemiah 13:15-31
Toldot: II Chronicles 21:1-12, II Chronicles 23:1-3
Vayetse: I Chronicles 19:6-19
Vayishlaḥ: Proverbs 24:15-26
Vayeshev: Daniel 1:1-19
Miketz: Daniel 2:20-49
Vayigash: Daniel 5:16-6:5
Vayḥei: II Chronicles 35:20-36:4

Shemot: II Chronicles 12:2-12
Vaera: I Chronicles 5:27-6:4
Bo: Ezra 6:12-22
Beshalaḥ: Job 26:1-14
Yitro: Nehemiah 8:1-12
Mishpatim: Nehemiah 10:29-40
Trumah: II Chronicles 1:18-2:17
T’tzaveh: II Chronicles 3:1-17
Ki Tisa: II Chronicles 13:1-16
Vayakhel: II Chronicles 4:1-22
Pekudei: II Chronicles 5:1-6:2

Vayikra: Ezra 3:1-13
Tsav: I Chronicles 15:11-16:4
Shmini: I Chronicles 24:1-19
Tazria: II Chronicles 16:1-14
Metsora: II Chronicles 26:11-23
Aḥarei Mot: Daniel 9:1-20
Qdoshim: Job 29:1-25
Emor: Nehemiah 8:13-9:4
Behar: Nehemiah 5:1-13
Beḥuqotai: Proverbs 1:20-33

B’midbar: Ezra 8:1-23
Naso: Proverbs 6:20-7:3
B’ha’alot’kha: II Chronicles 30:1-27
Shelaḥ Lekha: Nehemiah 9:16-31
Koraḥ: Proverbs 28:1-25
Ḥuqat: II Chronicles 20:14-30
Balaq: Nehemiah 12:37-13:3
Pinḥas: I Chronicles 23:1-32
First Shabbat of Rebuke: Job 1:1-22
Second Shabbat of Rebuke: Job 2:1-13

Third Shabbat of Rebuke: Job 3:1-26
First Shabbat of Consolation: Job 38:1-21
Second Shabbat of Consolation: Job 38:22-38
Third Shabbat of Consolation: Job 38:39-39:18
Fourth Shabbat of Consolation: Job 39:19-40:2
Fifth Shabbat of Consolation: Job 40:3-14
Sixth Shabbat of Consolation: Job 40:15-41:26
Seventh Shabbat of Consolation: Job 42:1-17
Shabbat Shuvah: Daniel 9:21-10:12
Ha’azinu: Proverbs 30:1-31:9

Shabbat Ḥanukkah: Ezra 5:1-13
Shabbat Sh’kalim: Ezra 1:1-11
Shabbat Zakhor: I Chronicles 4:24-43
Shabbat Parah: Daniel 1:1-17
Shabbat haḤodesh: II Chronicles 29:12-36
Shabbat haGadol: Nehemiah 1:1-11 + 1:10 again
Shabbat Ḥol haMoed Pesaḥ: II Chronicles 35:1-18
Shabbat Ḥol haMoed Sukkot: Daniel 12:1-13

Shabbat Erev Rosh Ḥodesh OR Shabbat Rosh Ḥodesh: replace with I Chronicles 27:1-15, then:
RḤ Nisan: repeat verse 2, then read for Shabbat haḤodesh
RḤ Iyar: repeat verse 4
RḤ Sivan: repeat verse 5
RḤ Tammuz: repeat verse 7
RḤ Av: repeat verse 8, then read Job 2:1-13
RḤ Elul: repeat verse 9,    then read Job 38:39-39:18
RḤ Ḥeshvan: repeat verse 11
RḤ Kislev: repeat verse 12
RḤ Tevet: repeat verse 13, then read for Shabbat Ḥanukkah
RḤ Shevat: repeat verse 14
RḤ Adar Alef: repeat verse 15
RḤ Adar or RḤ Adar Bet: repeat verse 15, then read for Shabbat Shekalim



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