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תפלה בעד שלום המדינה | Prayer for the Welfare of the Government and Country of the United States of America, by Avraham Hyman Charlap (1912)


Source (Hebrew)Translation (English)
אָֽנָא, ‏
הָאֵל יְיָ, ‏
בּוֹרֵא הַשָּׁמַֽיִם וְנוֹטֵיהֶם, ‏
רֹֽקַע הָאָֽרֶץ וְצֶאֱצָאֶֽיהָ, ‏
נֹתֵן נְשָׁמָה לָעָם עָלֶֽיהָ, ‏
וְרֽוּחַ לַהֹלְכִים בָּהּ׃
God Adonai,
Who creates the skies and drapes them over the earth,
Who spreads out the earth and its descendants,
Who grants life to its nations,
and vigor to those who walk upon it,
אַתָּה הִצַּֽבְתָּ גְבוּלוֹת הָאָֽרֶץ, וּמַמְלָכוֹת וּמְדִינוֹת כּוֹנָנְֽתָּ׃
גַּם אֶת־מַמְלֶֽכֶת אַרְצוֹת־הַבְּרִית הַזּאֹת, אַתָּה יָדֶֽיךָ כּוֹנָֽנוּ׃
מִצְעָר הָיְתָה רֵאשִׁיתָהּ, וּבַחֲסָדֶֽיךָ הָרַבִּים וְהַגְּדֺלִים, ‏
כְּאֶֽרֶז בַּלְּבָנוֹן תִּשְׂגֶּה, וּמִדּוֹר אֶל־דּוֹר, תּוֹסִיף אוֹנִים, תּוֹסִיף חַֽיִל וָעֹז׃
וּמֻטּוֹת כְּנָפֶֽיהָ פְּרֻשׁוֹת מִיָּם אֶל יָם, וְעַד אִיִּים רְחוֹקִים׃
כַּשֶּֽׁמֶשׁ בִּגְבוּרָתוֹ, הִיא מְאִירָה לָאָֽרֶץ, וְלַדָּרִים עָלֶֽיהָ, בְּמִשְׁפָּטֶֽיהָ הַטּוֹבִים וְהַיְשָׁרִים, בְּחֻקֶּֽיהָ הַנְּכוֹחִים וְהַצַּדִּיקִים׃
You positioned borders on earth and sustained sovereigns and states.
These United States, too, Your hands arranged.
They began in distress, but through Your great and abundant kindness,
have grown like a cedar in Lebanon, adding vitality, strength, and success with each generation.
America’s wings stretch from sea to shining sea, and over far islands.
Like the sun at its zenith, it lights the world and its inhabitants with laws and ordinances good and upright, righteous and fair.
גַּם עַמְּךָ, בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל, ‏
אֲשֶׁר שְׁנוֹת אֲלָפִים הָיָה נִרְדָּף, מֵֽרוּחַ סֹעָה וָסַֽעַר, ‏
מֵחֲמַת עָם, וּמִשִּׂנְאַת גּוֹיִם, ‏
וַיְהִי לִמְשִׁסָּה, וְאֵין אוֹמֵר הָשֵׁב, ‏
מָצָא בָאָֽרֶץ הַזֹּאת מָנֽוֹחַ, קֵן לָשֶֽׁבֶת, ‏
וְאֹֽהֶל מִבְטָח, לְהִתְלוֹנֵן בּוֹ.‏
Your People, too, the Family of Israel,
pursued for two thousand years by storm and violence,
by racial rage and collective hatred,
a target, a victim welcomed by none,
found rest here in this land,
a nest to lodge in, a safe tent in which to dwell.
וְעַתָּה, יְיָ אֱלֹהִים, הוֹאֶל־נָא, ‏
וּבָרֵךְ אֶת־הָאָֽרֶץ הַזֹּאת וְאֶת־יוֹשְׁבֶֽיהָ כֻּלָּֽהַם בְּשִׁפְעַת בִּרְכוֹתֶֽיךָ׃
אַל נָא יִשָּׁמַע חָמָס בִּמְדִינוֹתֶֽיהָ, שׁוֹד וָשֶֽׁבֶר, בּגְבוּלֶֽיהָ. ‏
וְקָרָֽאתָ יְשׁוּעָה, חוֹמוֹתֶֽיהָ, תְּהִלָּה שְׁעָרֶֽיהָ׃
הָסֵר־נָא מִיּוֹשְׁבֶֽיהָ, כֻּלָּם, כָּל מַחֲלָה וְכָל תַּקָלָה, כָּל שָׂטָן וּפֶֽגַע רָע׃
פְּרֹשׂ־נָא עָלֶֽיהָ, סֻכַּת שְׁלוֹמֶֽךָ, ‏
וּכְבוֹדְךָ, יָהּ, יְהִי חוֹפֵף עָלֶֽיהָ, כָּל־הַיּוֹם. אָמֵן׃
And now, Adonai Elohim in Your kindness,
please bless this country and all its inhabitants with Your overflowing blessings.
May violence not be heard, nor robbery, nor injury within its borders.
May You call its walls ‘Rescue’, and its gates ‘Praise’.
Please remove from all its inhabitants sickness and misfortune, impediment and injury.
Please spread over it Your shelter of peace,
and may Your Glory, Yah, hover above it every day. Amen.
אָבִֽינוּ שֶׁבַּשָׁמַֽיִם, ‏
בָּרֶךְ־נָא אֶת־נְשִׂיא אַרְצוֹת הַבְּרִית הָאֵֽלֶּה
וְאֶת־סְגָנוֹ, הַװַײס-פְּרֶזִידֶנְט…‏
אֶת נִבְחֲרֵי הָעָם, הַמְּחוֹקְקִים וְהַשּׁוֹפטִים כֻּלָּם.‏
Our Parent in Heaven,
Please bless the President of these United States of America,
their deputy, Vice-President [name], 
and the people’s chosen legislators and justices.
צַו בִּרְכוֹתֶֽיךָ, גַּם אֶל־שַׂר הַמְּדִינָה הַזֹּאת, ‏
וְאֶל־סְגָנוֹ, ‏
אֶל רֹאשׁ הָעִיר הַזֹּאת, ‏
וְאֶל יוֹעֲצֶֽיהָ
Direct Your blessings, too, upon the Governor of this State,
upon their Lieutenant-Governor,
upon the Mayor of this city,
upon the members of the City Council,
and upon all its Commissioners.
שְׁלַח יִשְׁעֲךָ, גַּם אֶל הָעִיר הַזֹּאת, ‏
וְאֶל־כָּל־יוֹשְבֶֽיהָ, ‏
פְּרֹשׂ עֲלֵיהֶם סֻכַּת שְׁלוֹמֶֽךָ, ‏
וְהָסֵר מֵהֶם כָּל־מַחֲלָה וְכָל־פֶּֽנַע, ‏
שָׂשׂוֹן וְשִׂמְחָה יַשִּׂיגוּם, ‏
וְנָסוּ יָגוֹן וַאֲנָחָה.
Impart Your redemption also to this city,
and to all its inhabitants.
Spread over them the shelter of Your peace,
remove from them all sickness and injury,
let joy and happiness overtake them,
and drive away moans and sighing.

This is an original translation of an abridged form of the prayer for the government offered by Avraham Hyman Charlap (1862-1916) as found in his Siddur Tifereth Jehudah (Hebrew Publishing Company 1912/1916). For the unabridged version, find it here. –Aharon Varady






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