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ברכת המזון לסעודת סוף הצום לסיגד | Birkat haMazon for the break-fast meal of Sigd (29 Marḥeshvan)

Sigd is an Amharic word meaning “prostration” or “worship” and is the commonly used name for a holiday celebrated by the Ethiopian Jewish Beta Israel community on the 29th of the Hebrew month of Marḥeshvan. This date is exactly 50 days after Yom Kippur, usually falling out in late October or November, and according to Ethiopian Jewish tradition is also the date that God first revealed himself to Moses.

Sigd is a unique holiday. Originally only celebrated by the Ethiopian Jewish Beta Esrael community, it has gotten more traction recently. One could describe the key concept of Sigd as being the acceptance of the Torah — not the giving, but the receiving of it. Sigd is a holiday of the continuation of the covenant. No matter the persecution that the Beta Esrael suffered (and hoo boy, did they suffer), Sigd announced that they would preserve their Judaism through it all.

Sign is traditionally considered a fast day, and at its conclusion a celebratory break-fast meal is held. This is a poetic Birkat haMazon, similar to those found in the Cairo Geniza, intended for this specific break-fast meal. The editor has included the text in Hebrew, English, and an attempted Liturgical Ge’ez translation. (The editor is not an expert in Liturgical Ge’ez, so any grammatical corrections would be welcomed.)

Unique aspects of the Ge’ez are marked in red. Unique aspects of the Hebrew text are marked in blue.

Note: “The CAUSE” is used to translate the Divine Name YHVH, based on the philosophical idea of God as the Prime Mover and on the interpretation of the Name as a causative form of the copula – “causes to be.”

[From a family of musicians, Isaac Gantwerk Mayer believes that creative art is one of the most powerful ways to get in touch with the divine. He composes music and poetry in Hebrew and English. Isaac runs a Jewish music transcription service, which will transcribe and set any Jewish music in any language, recorded or written. To commission works, check out his website or email him.]


Source (Hebrew)Translation from the Hebrew (English)Translation from the Ge’ez (English)
מתחילים בתהלים קכ״ב בעברית (תהלים קי״א בגעז)
We begin with Psalm 122 Masoretic, Psalm 121 Ge’ez.
שִׁ֥יר הַֽמַּעֲל֗וֹת לְדָ֫וִ֥ד
שָׂ֭מַחְתִּי בְּאֹמְרִ֣ים לִ֑י
בֵּ֖ית יְהֹוָ֣ה נֵלֵֽךְ׃
עֹ֭מְדוֹת הָי֣וּ רַגְלֵ֑ינוּ
בִּ֝שְׁעָרַ֗יִךְ יְרוּשָׁלָֽ͏ִם׃
יְרוּשָׁלַ֥͏ִם הַבְּנוּיָ֑ה
כְּ֝עִ֗יר שֶׁחֻבְּרָה־לָּ֥הּ יַחְדָּֽו׃
שֶׁשָּׁ֨ם עָל֪וּ שְׁבָטִ֡ים
שִׁבְטֵי־יָ֭הּ עֵד֣וּת לְיִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל
לְ֝הֹד֗וֹת לְשֵׁ֣ם יְהֹוָֽה׃
כִּ֤י שָׁ֨מָּה ׀ יָשְׁב֣וּ כִסְא֣וֹת לְמִשְׁפָּ֑ט
כִּ֝סְא֗וֹת לְבֵ֣ית דָּוִֽד׃
שַׁ֭אֲלוּ שְׁל֣וֹם יְרוּשָׁלָ֑͏ִם
יִ֝שְׁלָ֗יוּ אֹהֲבָֽיִךְ׃
יְהִי־שָׁל֥וֹם בְּחֵילֵ֑ךְ
שַׁ֝לְוָ֗ה בְּאַרְמְנוֹתָֽיִךְ׃
לְ֭מַעַן אַחַ֣י וְרֵעָ֑י
אֲדַבְּרָה־נָּ֖א שָׁל֣וֹם בָּֽךְ׃
לְ֭מַעַן בֵּית־יְהֹוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֵ֑ינוּ
אֲבַקְשָׁ֖ה ט֣וֹב לָֽךְ׃
A song of ascents, David’s.
I rejoiced when they said to me,
to the house of the CAUSE we will go.
Standing were our feet
in your gates, Jerusalem.
Jerusalem built,
like a city that is knit together.
For there arose the tribes,
tribes of Yah, testimony of Israel,
to thank the name of the CAUSE.
For therein sat the thrones of judgement,
the thrones of the house of David.
Ask for peace of Jerusalem;
may those who love her be tranquil.
May there be peace in your walls,
tranquility in your palaces.
For the sake of my brothers and friends,
I wish to — please — speak of peace in you.
For the sake of the CAUSE our God,
I request your good.
A song that is of his ascents.
I rejoiced when they said to me,
to the house of the World-Ruler we will go.
Standing were our feet
in your gates, Jerusalem.
Jerusalem built,
like a city that is knit together.
For there arose the tribes,
tribes of the World-Ruler, testimony of Israel,
to thank the name of the Ruler.
For there sat the thrones of judgement,
the thrones of the house of David.
Ask for peace for Jerusalem;
may those who love your name rejoice.
May there be peace in your walls,
rejoicing in your glorious palaces.
For the sake of my brothers and friends,
let them speak of peace within you.
And for the sake of the World-Ruler our God,
I request your good.
שלושה שאכלו כאחד חיבים לזמן זימון
Three who eat together begin with a zimmun:
מזמן רַבּוֹתַי נְבָרֵךְ!
Leader: My masters, let us bless!
קהל יְהִ֤י שֵׁ֣ם יְהֹוָ֣ה מְבֹרָ֑ךְ מֵ֝עַתָּ֗ה וְעַד־עוֹלָֽם׃
Community: May the name of the CAUSE/World-Ruler be blessed from now and forever!
מזמן יְהִ֤י שֵׁ֣ם יְהֹוָ֣ה מְבֹרָ֑ךְ מֵ֝עַתָּ֗ה וְעַד־עוֹלָֽם׃
Leader: May the name of the CAUSE/World-Ruler be blessed from now and forever!
מזמן בִּרְשׁוּת מְרָנָן וְרַבָּנָן וְרַבּוֹתַי נְבָרֵךְ (בעשרה אֱלֹהֵינוּ) שֶׁאָכַלְנוּ מִשֶּׁלוֹ׃
Leader: With the permission of my teachers and rabbis and masters,
Let us bless (With ten, add: our God) the One from whom we ate!
קהל בָּרוּךְ (בעשרה אֱלֹהֵינוּ) שֶׁאָכַלְנוּ מִשֶּׁלוֹ וּבְטוּבוֹ חָיִינוּ׃
Community: Bless (With ten, add: our God) the One from whom we ate, and in whose goodness we live!
מזמן בָּרוּךְ (בעשרה אֱלֹהֵינוּ) שֶׁאָכַלְנוּ מִשֶּׁלוֹ וּבְטוּבוֹ חָיִינוּ׃
Leader: Bless (With ten, add: our God) the One from whom we ate, and in whose goodness we live!
קהל בָּרוּךְ הוּא וּבָרוּךְ שְׁמוֹ׃
Community: Bless the One, and bless the Name!
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם הַזָּן אֶת־הָעוֹלָם כֻּלּוֹ בְּטוּבוֹ
Blessed are You, CAUSE/World-Ruler our God, Sovereign of the Universe, who feeds all the world in goodness…
אַז בְּנֵי גְוֹנְדַר דָּנִים הִתַּמְּרוּ (אבגד״ה)
וּבְיוֹם זֶה חוֹזְרִים טְהוֹרִים יְזַמְּרוּ (וזחט״י)
כִּי לַשָּׁמַֽיִם מְרוֹמִים נֹאמַר וַיֹּ֣אמְר֔וּ (יכלמ״נ)
וַיֹּ֣אמְר֔וּ כֹּ֛ל אֲשֶׁר־דִּבֶּ֥ר יְהֹוָ֖ה נַעֲשֶׂ֥ה וְנִשְׁמָֽע׃ (שמות כד:ז)
Thus the children of Gondar,[1] The city of Gondar in the Semien region of Ethiopia is right smack in the middle of what was once one of the largest Beta ʾƎsraʾel communities.  Danites,[2] According to Beta ʾƎsraʾel legend, as well as the records of Eldad the Danite and the psak of Ḥakham ‘Ovadia Yosef, the Beta ʾƎsraʾel are descendants of the Tribe of Dan.  ascended,[3] A major part of the Sigd ritual is a procession up to the top of a mountain, representing Sinai.   
And on this day the returning pure ones will hymn  
For to the highest heavens we will say: And they said…  
As it is said:
And they said, “all that the CAUSE/World-Ruler has said, we will do and we will hear!” (Exodus 24:7)
פּוֹתֵ֥חַ אֶת־יָדֶ֑ךָ וּמַשְׂבִּ֖יעַ לְכׇל־חַ֣י רָצֽוֹן׃ (תהלים קמה:טז)
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְהֹוָה הַזָּן אֶת־הַכּל׃
And it is said:
You open Your hand and sate all life as desired. (Psalms 145:16)
Blessed are You, CAUSE/World-Ruler, who feeds all.
סֵֽימֵן עֲדַת פִּינְחַס צָמוּ (סעפ״צ)
קֵסִּים קָרְאוּ רְבִיעִית רוֹמְמוּ (קקר״ר)
שְׁמָשׁוֹת שׁוֹכְבוֹת תַּעֲנִיּוֹתֵֽינוּ תַּֽמּוּ (ששת״ת)
יוֹרְשֵׁי צֶֽדֶק, חִזְּקוּ! קֽוּמוּ! וַיָּק֙וּמוּ֙ (יצח״ק)
וַיָּק֙וּמוּ֙ עַל־עׇמְדָ֔ם וַֽיִּקְרְא֗וּ בְּסֵ֨פֶר תּוֹרַ֧ת יְהֹוָ֛ה אֱלֹהֵיהֶ֖ם רְבִעִ֣ית הַיּ֑וֹם וּרְבִעִית֙ מִתְוַדִּ֣ים וּמִֽשְׁתַּחֲוִ֔ים לַיהֹוָ֖ה אֱלֹהֵיהֶֽם׃ (נחמיה ט:ג)
Semien,[4] The Semien mountains in Ethiopia was home to the majority of the Beta ʾƎsraʾel community, and is said to have been an independent kingdom under the rule of a Jewish dynasty.  the community of P̣inəḥas,[5] P̣inəḥas the priest was the legendary first ruler of the Kingdom of Semien, the semi-legendary independent state of the Beta ʾƎsraʾel.  fasted  
Kessoch[6] The spiritual leaders of the Beta ʾƎsraʾel, parallel to rabbis in rabbinic practice.  called out for one-quarter [of a day], “Exalt!”  
The sunset is passing, our fasts have ended.  
Inheritors of justice, be strong! Rise up! And they rose up…  
As it is said:
And they all rose up on their platforms and read of the Book of the Teaching of the CAUSE/World-Ruler one quarter of the day, and for another quarter they confessed to the World-Ruler and bowed down to the CAUSE their God. (Nehemiah 9:3)
וְאָכַלְתָּ֖ וְשָׂבָ֑עְתָּ וּבֵֽרַכְתָּ֙ אֶת־יְהֹוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֔יךָ עַל־הָאָ֥רֶץ הַטֹּבָ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר נָֽתַן־לָֽךְ׃ (דברים ח:י)
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְהֹוָה עַל־הָאָֽרֶץ וְעַל־הַמָּזוֹן׃
And it is said:
And you will eat and be sated and bless the CAUSE/World-Ruler your God over the good/blessed land given to you. (Deuteronomy 8:10)
Blessed are You, CAUSE/World-Ruler, for the land and for the food.
הַר הָאֵל בְּנֵה! אֲבָרְכָה רָהִיטִים (הרא״ל ב״ן אברה״ם)
כֹּה נָשִׁיר: אוֹי יָהּ הַעֲלוּ נִלְקָטִים (כה״ן ויע״ל)
הֶרְאֵיתָֽנוּ חָזוֹן זֹֽהַר קִשּׁוּטִים (חז״ק)
נַעֲלֶה כְּמוֹ שֶׁעָלוּ שְׁבָטִ֡ים
שֶׁשָּׁ֨ם עָל֪וּ שְׁבָטִ֡ים שִׁבְטֵי־יָ֭הּ עֵד֣וּת לְיִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל לְ֝הֹד֗וֹת לְשֵׁ֣ם יְהֹוָֽה׃
Build the Mount of God! May I bless its beams  
Thus we will sing: Oh, Yah/Ruler, raise up the gathered ones!  
You showed us the vision of the splendor of its adornments.  
We will arise, as arose the tribes.
As it is said:
For there arose the tribes, tribes of Yah/the World-Ruler, testimony of Israel, to thank the name of the CAUSE/Ruler.
בֹּונֵ֣ה יְרוּשָׁלִַ֣ם יְהוָ֑ה
נִדְחֵ֖י יִשְׂרָאֵ֣ל יְכַנֵּֽס׃ (תהלים קמז:ב)
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְהֹוָה בּוֹנֵה בְרַחֲמָיו ירוּשָׁלַיִם אָמֵן׃
And it is said:
Builder of Jerusalem is the CAUSE/World-Ruler;
gathering the exiles of Israel. (Psalms 147:2)
Blessed are you, CAUSE/World-Ruler, who compassionately builds Jerusalem, amen.
אומר ברכה אחרונה לפי נוסח רגיל,
אבל בפסוקי הרחמן אפשר להוסיף

הוּא יִתֶּן לָֽנוּ וּנְקַבְּלָה יוֹם שֶׁכֻּלּוֹ טוֹב׃
הוּא יְקַיֵּם וְיִשְׁמֹר אֶת־הַבְּרִית וְאֶת־הַחֶֽסֶד בֵּינוֹ וּבֵינֵֽינוּ׃
We say the final blessing according to the normal practice,
but in the verses of “HaRaḥaman” we may add:

May the Merciful One
grant us that we may receive a day that is entirely good.
May the Merciful One
uphold and guard the covenant and the faithfulness between God and us.


1The city of Gondar in the Semien region of Ethiopia is right smack in the middle of what was once one of the largest Beta ʾƎsraʾel communities.
2According to Beta ʾƎsraʾel legend, as well as the records of Eldad the Danite and the psak of Ḥakham ‘Ovadia Yosef, the Beta ʾƎsraʾel are descendants of the Tribe of Dan.
3A major part of the Sigd ritual is a procession up to the top of a mountain, representing Sinai.
4The Semien mountains in Ethiopia was home to the majority of the Beta ʾƎsraʾel community, and is said to have been an independent kingdom under the rule of a Jewish dynasty.
5P̣inəḥas the priest was the legendary first ruler of the Kingdom of Semien, the semi-legendary independent state of the Beta ʾƎsraʾel.
6The spiritual leaders of the Beta ʾƎsraʾel, parallel to rabbis in rabbinic practice.



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