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Rebuke Me Not Nor Chasten Me (Psalms 38), a hymn on “Confidence in God” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)


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Psalms 38.
Rebuke me not nor chasten me,
In Thy displeasure, Lord!
But let a frail transgressor be
To virtue’s path restored.
My heart like grass is withered up,
Sorrow my strength destroys;
Sin’s bitter drop within my cup,
Life’s sparkling draught alloys.
In vain my spirit seeks repose
From all its worldly cares;
Mine adversaries round me close,
They compass me with snares.
My friends and kinsmen stand aloof,
And mock me from afar;
My soul, untouched by their reproof,
Turns to its guiding-star.
For with unbroken trust will I,
In Thee, my God, confide;
Who deigns the meek to dignify,
The arrogant to chide.

“Rebuke me not, nor chasten me (Psalm XXXVIII),” by Penina Moïse, published in 1842, appears under the subject “Confidence in God” as Hymn 29 in Hymns Written for the Service of the Hebrew Congregation Beth Elohim, South Carolina (Penina Moïse et al., Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim, 1842), pp. 32-33. –Aharon Varady




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