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Blest is the Bond of Wedded Love, a hymn on “Matrimonial Love” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)


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Blest is the bond of wedded love,
When they who at its altar bow,
Remember that the God above,
Is witness to their holy vow,
When they sweet counsel interchange,
And as each season onward rolls,
Prove that no chance can e’er estrange,
The feeling that unites their souls.
To woman, in the stormy hour,
Doth not her stronger partner turn?
And from her spirit gather power,
Peril and pain alike to spurn?
And she, the gentle, tender one,
Whose atmosphere is purity,
Doth she not in his love alone,
Confide for her security?
That noble trust oh! man fulfil,
Which before heaven hath been sworn;
Cherish thy wife through good and ill,
Her virtues love, her frailties mourn.
Blest are the vows of wedded life,
When they from righteous lips proceed;
When free from wrath, perverseness, strife,
Time hallows that which God decreed.

“Blest is the bond of wedded love,” by Penina Moïse, published in 1842, appears under the subject “Matrimonial Love” as Hymn 42 in Hymns Written for the Service of the Hebrew Congregation Beth Elohim, South Carolina (Penina Moïse et al., Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim, 1842), pp. 45-46. I have tagged this hymn as problematic due to its assignment of weakness to women and of strength to men in the third and fourth stanzas. –Aharon Varady




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