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Future Happiness, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1853)


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Future Happiness.
וְאָמְרוּ הָאָרֶץ הַלֵּזוּ הַנְּשַׁמָּה הָיְתָה כְּגַן־עֵדֶן
וְהֶעָרִים הֶחֳרֵבוֹת וְהַנְשַׁמּוֹת וְהַנֶּהֱרָסוֹת בְּצוּרוֹת יָשָׁבוּ׃
And they shall say, “That land, once desolate, has become like the garden of Eden;
and the cities, once ruined, desolate, and ravaged, are now populated and fortified.” (Ezekiel 36:35)
כִּי אִם בְּתוֹרַת יְהֹוָה חֶפְצוֹ
וּבְתוֹרָתוֹ יֶהְגֶּה יוֹמָם וָלָיְלָה׃
But his delight is in the instruction of YHVH;
and in his Torah he meditates day and night. (Psalms 1:2)[1] These verses are only referenced and not published with translations in the original text. They are provided in full here for the framing Rosa Emma Salaman intended for her work. 
Oh! with what ecstatic pleasure
Shall the righteous, like a stream,
Overflow with that lost treasure,
Happiness! no more a dream.
Earth in beauty! earth in gladness!
Flowers in eternal bloom!
All that was of grief and sadness
Buried low within the tomb.
See, the loving and the lowly,
See, the patient and the meek,
Clad in garments pure and holy,
Walking forth their God to meet.
Fragrance through the air is stealing,
Sighing as an angel sighs,
Beauty to each eye revealing,
Beauty of the earth and skies!
Now the birds, in joyous chorus,
Flap the bright exulting wing;
Rainbow-hued, they hover o’er us,
Upward to the heavens they sing.
Now the vine, luxuriant growing,
And the palm-tree, spreading wide;
Every brilliant blossom blowing,
Rose and citron side by side.
Here the bud, so soft and tender,
There the fragrant brier green,
Trees of most unearthly splendour
Wave the graceful branch between.
‘Tis the land where beauty shineth,
‘Tis the land of perfect love;
Peace and joy here intertwineth,
Crowned with glory from above.
None are desolate and lonely;
Tears will never more be seen
In those radiant eyes, where only
Melancholy grief hath been.
Wealth and grandeur of the nations!
High and mighty of the earth!
Where are thy exalted stations?
Where the places of thy birth?
Gone for ever! and forsaken!
They were but an empty dream;
Like the highest boughs, when shaken,
Or the false and shallow stream.
But the blessed and the tender,
They who had no wealth to give,
Heart and soul they did surrender,
And for this their souls shall live;
They who sought the poor to cherish,
And rejoice the breaking heart,
When the soul was nigh to perish,
And the tear of woe to start.
See, the glorious light is spreading,
Dawn of everlasting day!
See! the silver orb is shedding
One expansive, endless ray.
Hark! a voice—the dead awaking,
With the sound of that great Name;
Earth within its centre shaking,
God, its maker, to proclaim.
Through the earth a thousand voices,
Through the air angelic strains,
Every distant sphere rejoices,
God alone in glory reigns!

“Future Happiness” by Rosa Emma Collins née Salaman was published in her bound collections of poetry, Poems (1853), p. 35-39. We do not know if it had been published elsewhere prior. If you know, please contact us or leave a comment.





1These verses are only referenced and not published with translations in the original text. They are provided in full here for the framing Rosa Emma Salaman intended for her work.

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