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Bénédiction pour Napoléon | Blessing on the Festival of Napoleon Ⅰ, by Rabbi David Sinẓheim (15 August 1806)


Source (French)Source (Italian)Translation (English)
Bénédiction.[1] Traduction du sermon prononcé en allemand par M. David Zinsheimer, rabbin député de Strasbourg. Le rabbin Zinsheimer qui a prononcé en allemand l’excellent sermon dont la traduction est sous les yeux du lecteur, est auteur d’un fort bon ouvrage de théologie très-étendu, d’un discours pastoral contre l’usure , cité avec de très-grands éloges dans les observations de M. Grégoire; de plusieurs prières et discours de circonstances, en allemand, et de plusieurs en hébreu, traduits avec beaucoup d’exactitude et de goût par M. Lyon Marx, interprète de l’assemblée pour la langue allemande, et traducteur de la proclamation faite et proposée par M. le président Furtado, et adoptée par l’assemblée, à toutes les Synagogues de France et d’Italie. 
Benedizione.[2] Traduzione del discorso pronunciato in tedesco dal sig. Davide Zin-heimer, rabbino, deputato di Strasbourg. Il rabbino Zinsheimer che ha pronunciato in tedesco l’eccellente discorso, la di cui traduzione è sotto gli occhi del lettore, è autore di un’opera di teologia assai bella, buona ed estesa, di un discorso pastorale contro l’usura, citata con grandissimi elogi nelle osservazioni del signor Gregoire; di molte preghiere e discorsi di circostanze in tedesco e di molti in ebreo, tradotti con molta esattezza e con molto buon gusto dal signor Leone Marx, interprete dell’assemblea per la lingua tedesca, e traduttore della proclamazione fatta e proposta dal signor presidente Furtado, ed adottata dall’assemblea, a tutte le sinagogue di Francia e d’Italia. 
Benediction.[3] Translation of the sermon delivered in German by Mr. David Zinsheimer, rabbi deputy of Strasbourg. Rabbi Zinsheimer, who delivered in German the excellent sermon whose translation is before the reader’s eyes, is the author of a very good and extensive work of theology, of a pastoral discourse against usury, quoted with great praise in the observations of Mr. Grégoire; several prayers and speeches in German, and several in Hebrew, translated with great accuracy and taste by M. Lyon Marx, interpreter of the assembly for the German language, and translator of the proclamation made and proposed by Mr. President Furtado, and adopted by the assembly, to all the Synagogues of France and Italy. 
O Dieu! créateur du ciel et de la terre,
et de tout ce que renferme leur vaste étendue,
Roi des Rois, qui les a établis pour gouverner les peuples,
parmi lesquels tu as singulièrement favorisé les Français et les Italiens,
en mettant à leur tète l’homme selon ton cœur,
l’illustre Napoléon,
dont la bonté et la justice égalent l’héroïsme,
et dont la rénommée s’étend d’un bout du monde à l’autre.
Daigne, Seigneur, lui continuer ta grâce,
daigne exaucer, dans ce jour de son anniversaire,
les prières ferventes que t’adressent
pour lui les députés israëlites de France et d’Italie.
Accorde – lui ainsi qu’à sa digne Epouse,
l’Impératrice Joséphine,
et à toute leur auguste Famille, une vie longue et heureuse.
Puissent-ils voir toujours les Français et les Italiens
vivre en paix et en abondance et s’étendre,
comblés de leurs bénédictions, approuvées par toi Seigneur.
Oh Dio! Creatore del cielo e della terra,
e di tutto ciò che contiene la vasta loro estensione,
Re dei Re, che gli ha stabiliti per governare i popoli,
tra i quali tu hai singolarmente favoriti i Francesi e gli Italiani,
mettendo alla loro testa l’uomo secondo il tuo cuore,
l’illustre Napoleone,
di cui la bontà e la giustizia pareggiano l’eroismo,
e la di cui fama si estende da un capo del mondo all’altro.
Degna, Signore, continuargli la tua grazia,
degna esaudire in questo giorno del suo anniversario
le fervide preci che ti dirigono per esso lui
i deputali Israeliti di Francia e d’Italia.
Accordagli egualmente cho alla sua degna sposa,
l’Imperatrice Giuseppina,
ed a tutta l’augusta loro Famiglia una vita lunga e felice.
Possano essi vedere mai sempre i Francesi e gl’Italiani
vivere nella pace e nell’abbondanza, ed estendersi,
ricolmati delle loro benedizioni approvate da te Signore.
O God, creator of heaven and earth,
and of all that their vast expanse contains,
King of kings, who established them to govern the peoples,
among whom you have singularly favored the French and Italians,
by placing at their head the man after your own heart,
the illustrious Napoleon,
whose goodness and justice equal his heroism,
and whose renown extends from one end of the world to the other.
May you, Lord, continue your grace to him,
and may you hear, on this day of his birthday,
the fervent prayers addressed to you
by the Israelite deputies of France and Italy.
Grant him and his worthy wife,
Empress Josephine,[4] Joséphine de Beauharnais (born Marie Josèphe Rose Tascher de La Pagerie; 23 June 1763 – 29 May 1814) was Empress of the French as the first wife of Emperor Napoleon Ⅰ until their divorce in 1810.  
and all their august family, a long and happy life.
May they always see the French and Italians
live in peace and abundance and spread out,
filled with their blessings, approved by you Lord.

This prayer by Rabbi David Sinzheim followed a sermon he gave during the Festival of Napoleon the Great on 15 August 1806, as recorded in Collection des Actes de l’Assemblée des Israélites de France et du Royaume d’Italie, pp. 218-219, and Raccolta degli atti dell’assemblea degli Israeliti di Francia e del regno d’Italia, p. 221. (For a contemporary 1807 English translation, find Transactions of the Parisian Sanhedrim, pp. 212-213). For the official record of the Sanhedrin, the sermon was translated from German to French by Lyon Marx and to Italian by either Marx or by Isaac Samuel Avigdor (1773-1850), and we are not aware that the original German text survives. If you know of a record of the original German text, please leave a comment or contact us.

The transcription of the French provided machine-readable text for a machine translation by DeepL, which we then edited for accuracy and clarity. We welcome corrections and improvements. –Aharon Varady







1Traduction du sermon prononcé en allemand par M. David Zinsheimer, rabbin député de Strasbourg. Le rabbin Zinsheimer qui a prononcé en allemand l’excellent sermon dont la traduction est sous les yeux du lecteur, est auteur d’un fort bon ouvrage de théologie très-étendu, d’un discours pastoral contre l’usure , cité avec de très-grands éloges dans les observations de M. Grégoire; de plusieurs prières et discours de circonstances, en allemand, et de plusieurs en hébreu, traduits avec beaucoup d’exactitude et de goût par M. Lyon Marx, interprète de l’assemblée pour la langue allemande, et traducteur de la proclamation faite et proposée par M. le président Furtado, et adoptée par l’assemblée, à toutes les Synagogues de France et d’Italie.
2Traduzione del discorso pronunciato in tedesco dal sig. Davide Zin-heimer, rabbino, deputato di Strasbourg. Il rabbino Zinsheimer che ha pronunciato in tedesco l’eccellente discorso, la di cui traduzione è sotto gli occhi del lettore, è autore di un’opera di teologia assai bella, buona ed estesa, di un discorso pastorale contro l’usura, citata con grandissimi elogi nelle osservazioni del signor Gregoire; di molte preghiere e discorsi di circostanze in tedesco e di molti in ebreo, tradotti con molta esattezza e con molto buon gusto dal signor Leone Marx, interprete dell’assemblea per la lingua tedesca, e traduttore della proclamazione fatta e proposta dal signor presidente Furtado, ed adottata dall’assemblea, a tutte le sinagogue di Francia e d’Italia.
3Translation of the sermon delivered in German by Mr. David Zinsheimer, rabbi deputy of Strasbourg. Rabbi Zinsheimer, who delivered in German the excellent sermon whose translation is before the reader’s eyes, is the author of a very good and extensive work of theology, of a pastoral discourse against usury, quoted with great praise in the observations of Mr. Grégoire; several prayers and speeches in German, and several in Hebrew, translated with great accuracy and taste by M. Lyon Marx, interpreter of the assembly for the German language, and translator of the proclamation made and proposed by Mr. President Furtado, and adopted by the assembly, to all the Synagogues of France and Italy.
4Joséphine de Beauharnais (born Marie Josèphe Rose Tascher de La Pagerie; 23 June 1763 – 29 May 1814) was Empress of the French as the first wife of Emperor Napoleon Ⅰ until their divorce in 1810.

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