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Prayer for Submission to the Divine Will, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)


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Prayer for submission to the divine will.
Oh, Thou who canst look into the inmost soul of Thy people;
Thou who knowest their secret thoughts,
though hidden from all mortal eye;
Thou to whom their every feeling is open as the day,
though to themselves all is darkness;
oh, merciful and gracious God,
if it be acceptable in Thy presence,
oh, grant the wish
that is now uppermost in my heart.
I know not what is for my good.
I know not for what I pray,
but, to my darkened eye,
that wish seems as if
it tended but to my happiness;
but, if it be not granted,
teach me, oh my God,
submission to Thy divine will.
Oh, give me a lowly and an humble spirit,
that I may feel all that Thou doest is right,
and all that the Almighty wills is for the best.
Though at the time my soul may sink
beneath disappointment,
yet, oh merciful God,
let me still retain that even temper
which is most acceptable to Thee.
Teach me, my Heavenly Father,
the right government of my easily excited feelings,
that I may meet sorrow and disappointment
with an humbled and a chastened,
yet not a failing or a murmuring
Thou, oh God,
knowest my heart,
and Thou wilt not give me trials
disproportioned to my strength.
From Thy powerful hand
all the happiness of this life cometh,
and from Thy dread hand
cometh sorrows.
Give me then, oh most merciful Father,
a chastened and an humble spirit,
that whatever may be Thy just decree,
though it may not please Thee
to grant my wish,
I may bow in submission
to Thy divine will,
and say, with a rebuked and lowly heart,
Thy gracious will be done!
Hear me, oh merciful God,
and, for the sake of Thy great and holy name,
oh, answer me. —

“Prayer for submission to the divine Will” by Grace Aguilar was published posthumously by her mother Sarah Aguilar in Essays and Miscellanies (1853), in the section “Sacred Communings,” pp. 176-177. In the UK edition of Sacred Communings (1853) the prayer appears on pages 70-71.






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