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Prayer for the Penitential Days, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)


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Prayer for the Penitential Days.
Almighty Father of Heaven,
Thou King of Justice, God of Israel,
to whom every thought and feeling of Thy servants
is open as the day,
though to themselves
all may be unknown;
O strengthen my soul
that it may cease to regard
the approaching day of fast
with dread.
Teach me, O God,
so to govern my thoughts
that I may not regard that solemn day
merely as one of suffering to the body,
but as a day of good to the soul,
a day devoted to Thee, our Father,
and to the thoughts of Heaven.
Remove from me
those tremblings of the soul
with which I sometimes think,
on so long an abstinence from food.
Bid my thoughts be fixed on Thee alone, O God,
that by this day of solemn fast, humiliation, and prayer,
I may draw nearer to my Heavenly Father,
and be more fitted for Heaven
when it may please Thee to take me hence.
O let my sins stand before me,
that I may know wherein I may have committed sin
and guard against them in the future,
and that I may repeat the confession of wickedness
appropriate to the day with fervour and devotion.
O give me strength
that I may go through this long fast without sinking.
Grant me strength that my body may not fail,
nor my spirit droop during this day,
but that I may feel Thy holy spirit
dwelleth in my soul,
that I may look to this day
as one devoted to Thyself alone, O God,
and to none other.
O have mercy on me, Thou King of Justice;
have mercy on my sins,
and bestow on me that holy strength for which I pray.
Father of Heaven,
O answer my call,
and grant my prayer.

“Prayer for the Penitential Days” by Grace Aguilar was published posthumously by her mother Sarah Aguilar in the UK edition of Sacred Communings, pp. 90-91. It is not found in the US edition.




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