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Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Israel Goldstein on 21 April 1942

Guest Chaplain: Rabbi Israel Goldstein, of the Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, of New York, and president of the Synagogue Council of America
Sponsor: n/a
Date of Prayer: 21 April 1942


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who art our refuge in all generations
and art near to all who call upon Thee in truth,
we pray that the deliberations
of the Representatives of the American people here assembled
may be informed with the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
counsel and strength,
knowledge and fear of the Lord.
Grant us understanding
great enough to pierce the confusion
which our foes are striving to bring into our midst
by fomenting suspicion and ill will
between group and group.
Grant us strength
equal to the burdens of battle.
Grant us faith
commensurate with the desperate need
for a better world.
We lift our hearts with thanksgiving
that a people of diverse strands,
we are indivisible in the bond of allegiance;
that a people of several creeds,
we are of one faith touching our destiny
as sponsor
and guarantor
of the concepts of human freedom.
May Thy protection be vouchsafed
unto the Chief Executive of our Nation
and unto all who with him are entrusted
with the safeguarding of our rights and our liberties,
our lives, our security, and our honor,
our commonweal of body and spirit—
be their places in the halls of government,
on the fields and lanes of battle,
in the farms, factories, and offices,
or in the homes, schools, and churches.
May victory crown our hopes,
our labors,
and our sacrifices
and bring nearer the day
when all men shall dwell in safety,
everyone under his vine and under his fig tree,
with none to make him afraid.[1] Cf. Micah 4:4 

This prayer of the guest chaplain was offered in the fourth month of the second session of the 77th US Congress in the House of Representatives, and published in the Congressional Record, vol. 88, part 3 (21 April 1942), page 3568.


Congressional Record, vol. 88, part 3 (21 April 1942), p. 3568



1Cf. Micah 4:4

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