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Prayer for Voting, by Rachie Lewis (Keshet 2024)


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As you prepare to fill out your ballot, take three deep breaths.
Then recite the following prayer:
May it be Your will,
God of our ancestors,
Divine spirit who makes change
and inspires change,
that You accompany us
as we carry out our civic duty
to vote,
to concern ourselves with the fate of our community,
for we are all responsible for one another.[1] Cf. Shevuot 39a.22 
May it be Your will
that all endowed with the right to vote
recognize their power,
exercise their power;
that You bless the work of our hands,[2] Cf. Psalms 90:17 
striving to build a world
that honors Your creations,
every one made B’tselem Elohim — in Your image;[3] Pirkei Avot 3:14 (a teaching in the name of Rebbi Aqiva) after Genesis 9:6 
that You grant us the wisdom
to choose holiness,
to choose love,
to choose life.[4] Deuteronomy 30:19 
Blessed are You God,
who hears our prayer,
who spreads over us a sukkah,
a voting booth,
of peace.

This Prayer for Voting was written by Rachie Lewis, senior writer of קשת Keshet: For LGBTQ Equality in Jewish Life, and first published at Keshet’s website on 23 September 2024.


Prayer for Voting (Rachie Lewis for Keshet, 2024)



1Cf. Shevuot 39a.22
2Cf. Psalms 90:17
3Pirkei Avot 3:14 (a teaching in the name of Rebbi Aqiva) after Genesis 9:6
4Deuteronomy 30:19



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