A list of all the public readings and liturgical sources shared through the Open Siddur Project, sorted alphabetically.
If you have an original reading you would like to share, or a transcription or translation of a liturgical source you would like to contribute, please do — and thank you.
- [בחודש אייר בראשון] | [On the 1st of Iyyar] — the first psalm of the “Additional Psalms” from the Cairo Geniza, MS RNL Antonin 798
- 💬 “A Parable Against Persecution,” a pseudepigraphal text written by Benjamin Franklin (1755)
- 💬 “I have a Dream” by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1963), cantillated by Rabbi David Evan Markus
- 💬 A New Declaration of Independence, by Emma Goldman (1909)
- 💬 Alternate Haftarah for Yom ha-Atsma’ut (Jeremiah 30:1-22)
- 💬 Amendment ⅩⅣ to the Constitution of the United States of America (1866/1868, with translations in Hebrew and Yiddish by Judah David Eisenstein 1891)
- 💬 An Adaptation of the Megillah of Esther, an English Rendition with Trōp, by Ḥazzan Jack Kessler (1990)
- 💬 De Rechten van den Menschen van den Burger | דברי הברית החקים והמשפטים אשר בין אדם לאדם | The Rights of Man and of the Citizen, after the Declaration of the Batavian Republic and the Emancipation of Dutch Jewry (1795/1798)
- 💬 Declaration of Interdependence, by Meyer David, Christian Richard, and Will Durant (1944)
- 💬 Eikhah for the Earth: Sorrow, Hope, and Action from the Shalom Center
- 💬 Excerpts from speeches by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1956-1968) selected by Rabbi Marcia Prager, cantillated by Ḥazzan Jack Kessler
- 💬 Excerpts from the Speeches and Letters of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1958-1968) from an ecumenical MLK Day service by Temple Emanu-El & Abyssinian Baptist Church
- 💬 Four excerpts from a “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1963), cantillated by Rabbi David Evan Markus
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Ḥol haMo’ed Shabbat Sukkot (Ezekiel 38:18-39:16): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Minḥah on Fast Days (Isaiah 55:6-56:8): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Aḥarei Mot (Ezekiel 22:1-19): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat b’Ha’alotekha (Zekharyah 2:14-4:7): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat b’Ḥuqotai (Jeremiah 16:19-17:14): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat b’Midbar (Hosea 2:1-22): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat b’Shalaḥ (Judges 4:4-5:31): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Balaq (Mikhah 5:6-6:8): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat beHar (Jeremiah 32:6-27): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Bereshit (Isaiah 42:5-43:10): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Bo (Jeremiah 46:13-28): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Devarim (Shabbat Ḥazon, Isaiah 1:1-27): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Emor (Ezekiel 44:15-31): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Éqev (Isaiah 49:14-51:3): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat ha’Azinu & the Seventh Day of Pesaḥ (2 Samuel 22:1-51): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Ḥayyei Sarah (1 Kings 1:1-31): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Ḥuqat (Judges 11:1-33): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Ki Tavo (Isaiah 60:1-22): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Ki Tetsei (Isaiah 54:1-10): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Ki Tissa (1 Kings 18:1-39): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Lekh Lekha (Isaiah 40:27-41:16): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Mas’ei (Jeremiah 2:4-28; 3:4; and 4:1-2): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Matot (Jeremiah 1:1-2:3): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Metsora (2 Kings 7:3-20): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Miqets (1 Kings 3:15-4:5): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Mishpatim (Jeremiah 34:8-22 & 33:25-26): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Naso (Judges 13:2-25): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Nitsavim (Isaiah 61:10-63:9): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Noaḥ (Isaiah 54:1-55:5): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Ph’qudei & Sukkot Day 2 (1 Kings 7:51-8:21): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Pinḥas (1 Kings 18:46-19:21): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Qedoshim (Amos 9:7-15 [Ashkenazim]): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Qedoshim (Ezekiel 20:2-20 [Sefaradim]): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Qoraḥ (1 Samuel 11:14-12:22): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat R’éh (Isaiah 54:11-55:5): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Shemini (2 Samuel 6:1-7:17): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Shemot (Isaiah 27:6-28:13, 29:22-23): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Shlaḥ (Joshua 2:1-24): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Shoftim (Isaiah 51:12-52:12): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat T’tsaveh (Ezekiel 43:10-27): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Tazria (2 Kings 4:42-5:19): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Terumah (1 Kings 5:26-6:13): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Toldōt (Malakhi 1:1-2:7): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Tsav (Jeremiah 7:21-8:3 & 9:22-23): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Va’era (Ezekiel 28:25-29:21): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat va’Etḥanan (Shabbat Naḥamu, Isaiah 40:1-26): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Vayaqhel (Sepharadim: 1 Kings 7:13-26 & Ashkenazim: 1 Kings 7:40-50): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Vayeḥi (1 Kings 2:1-12): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Vayelekh (Hoshea 14:2-10, Mikhah 7:18-20, Yoel 2:15-27): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Vayera (2 Kings 4:1-37): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Vayeshev (Amos 2:6-3:8): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Vayetsei (Nusaḥ Sefarad: Hosea 11:7-12:12; Ashkenaz: Hosea 12:13-14:10): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Vayigash (Ezekiel 37:15-28): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Vayiqra (Isaiah 43:21-44:23): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Vayishlaḥ (Ovadiah 1:1-21): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Yitro (Isaiah 6:1-7:6 & 9:5-6): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Zot haBrakhah and Simḥat Torah (Joshua 1:1-18): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Shabbat haGadol (Malakhi 3:4-24): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Shabbat haḤodesh (Ezekiel 45:16-46:18): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Shabbat Ḥol haMo’ed Pesaḥ (Ezekiel 36:37-37:17): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Shabbat Maḥar Ḥodesh (1 Samuel 20:18-42): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Shabbat Parah (Ezekiel 36:16-38): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Shabbat Rosh Ḥodesh (Isaiah 66): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Shabbat Sh’qalim (2 Kings 11:17-12:17): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Shabbat Zakhor (1 Samuel 15:1-34): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Shemini Atseret (1 Kings 8:54-9:1): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for the Eighth Day of Pesaḥ (Isaiah 10:32-12:6): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for the First Day of Pesaḥ (Joshua 3:5-7, 5:1-15, 6:1, and 6:27): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for the first day of Rosh haShanah (1 Samuel 1:1-2:10): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for the First Day of Shavuot (Ezekiel 1:1-28 & 3:12): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for the First Day of Sukkot (Zekharyah 14:1-21): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for the First Shabbat of Ḥanukkah (Zekharyah 2:14-4:7): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for the Second Day of Pesaḥ (2 Kings 23:1-9 & 23:21-25): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for the second day of Rosh haShanah (Jeremiah 31:1-19): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for the Second Day of Shavuot (Ḥabaquq 2:20-3:19): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for the Second Shabbat of Ḥanukkah (1 Kings 7:40-50): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Tishah b’Av Morning (Jeremiah 8:13-9:23): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Yom Kippur morning (Isaiah 57:14-58:14), a slightly midrashic translation by Arthur O. Waskow
- 💬 Haftarah Reading for Yom Kippur morning (Isaiah 57:14-58:14): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 Haftarot from Jeremiah for the First Two of the Three Weeks of Mourning with their Spanish translations from a compilation by Rabbi Isaac Lopez (Jamaica, ca. 1843)
- 💬 Iwo Jima Memorial Address at Fifth Marine Division Cemetery, by Rabbi Chaplain Roland B. Gittelsohn (21 March 1945)
- 💬 Nevertheless She Persisted: A Modern Esther Tribute for Purim and Women’s History Month, by Rabbi David Evan Markus (Bayit, 2018)
- 💬 Preamble and Introduction to the United Nations Charter (1945) | מבוא לאמנת האומות המאוחדות (Hebrew trans., 1949)
- 💬 Preamble to the United States Constitution (1787, with translations in Hebrew and Yiddish by Judah David Eisenstein 1891)
- 💬 Proklamation der Grundrechte der Tiere | Proclamation of Fundamental Animal Rights | Proclamation des Droits Fondamentaux de L’animal (Die Grünen Bundesarbeitsgruppe “Mensch und Tier,” April 1989)
- 💬 The Bill of Rights: Amendments Ⅰ through Ⅹ of the Constitution of the United States (1791, with translations in Hebrew and Yiddish by Judah David Eisenstein 1891)
- 💬 The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America (1776) | די דעקלאראציע פון אומאָפּהענגיקײט (Yiddish translation 1954) | הצהרת העצמאות של ארצות־הברית (Hebrew translation 1945)
- 💬 The Last Tishah b’Av: A Tale of New Temples, by Rabbi Arthur Ocean Waskow & Rabbi Phyllis Ocean Berman (2006)
- 💬 The Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Holy Children, according to the Judeo-Aramaic text found in Divrei Yeraḥmiel, vocalized and cantillated, with a new English translation by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 The Presence of an Absence: a Public Reading for the Fast of Esther, the dark side to Purim, by Rabbi Arthur O. Waskow
- 💬 The Rainbow Haftarah by Rabbi Arthur Waskow, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (1993)
- 💬 Universal Declaration of Animal Rights (ILAR, revised 1989)
- 💬 Universal Declaration of Human Rights | אַלװעלטלעכע דעקלאַראַציע פֿון מענטשנרעכט | הַכְרָזָה לְכׇל בָּאֵי עוֹלָם בִּדְבַר זְכֻיוֹת הָאָדָם | Deklarasion Universal de Derechos Umanos (1948)
- 💬 איכה פרק ו׳ | Lamentations “chapter 6” in cantilized English, a supplement to public readings of Eikhah by HIAS (2018)
- 💬 בן סירא מב:כא-מג:לא | ben Sira 42:21-43:31, a hymn of creation translated by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan
- 💬 דברי גד החוזה | The Words of Gad the Augur (translated and cantillated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer)
- 💬 דָּנִיֵּאל וְהַתַּנִּין | Daniel vs. the Dragon, according to the Judeo-Aramaic text found in Divrei Yeraḥmiel, vocalized and cantillated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 הפטרה חלופית לשבת שחל ביום לפני חנוכה או ביום הראשון של חנוכה (ביום כד׳ וכה׳ לכסלו) | Alternative Haftarah for when Shabbat falls either on the day before Ḥanukkah or the first day of Ḥanukkah
- 💬 הַפְטָרָה לְחַג הַפַּאי | Haftarah for the Festival of π (I Kings 7:23-26 and 8:54-66), the twenty-second day of the seventh month (which falls on Shemini Atseret)
- 💬 הפטרה לשבת חזון | Haftarah Reading for Parashat Devarim (Shabbat Ḥazon, Isaiah 1:1-27), translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 הפטרת שבת חזון | Aftarát Shabbat Ḥazon, with verse-by-verse translation in Early Modern Spanish
- 💬 הפטרת תשעה באב | Aftarát Tishŋa b’Aḇ, with verse-by-verse translation in Early Modern Spanish
- 💬 הַצְהָרַת הָאֵמַנְצִיפַּצְיָה | The Emancipation Proclamation (1 January 1863), translated, vocalized and cantillated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 זָכוֹר אֶת־יוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת לְקַדְּשׁוֹ | Remember the Shabbat day to keep it holy, a reading for the first se’udah of Shabbat from the Zohar (parashat Yitro)
- 💬 זָכוֹר אֶת־יוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת לְקַדְּשׁוֹ | Remember the Shabbat day to keep it holy, a reading for the second se’udah of Shabbat from the Zohar (parashat Yitro)
- 💬 זָכוֹר אֶת־יוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת לְקַדְּשׁוֹ | Remember the Shabbat day to keep it holy, a reading for the third se’udah of Shabbat from the Zohar (parashat Yitro)
- 💬 ילקוט מזמורים לבן סירא פרק נ״א | An Appendix of Psalms of Ben Sira chapter 51, vocalized, cantillated, and translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 כְּגַוְנָא | K’gavna, on the Secret of Oneness and the Mystery of Shabbat, a reading from the Zohar (parashat Terumah §163-166 & §169-170)
- 💬 כִּי בְּהַרְאָיָה הַשֵּׁנִית | The Second Inaugural Address of President Abraham Lincoln on 4 March 1865
- 💬 מְגִילַּת אַנטְיוּכַס | Megilat Antiokhos — in the original Aramaic, cantillated according to the British Library manuscript Or 5866
- 💬 מְגִילַּת אַנטְיוּכַס | Megillat Antiokhus for Ḥanukkah in Aramaic, translated in Hebrew, Yiddish, and English
- 💬 מְגִילַּת אַנטְיוּכַס | Megillat Antiokhus in Aramaic, critical text by Menaḥem Tsvi Kaddari with English translation by John C. Reeves
- 💬 מגילת אנטיוכס עם טעמי מקרא | Megillat Antiokhus, with a novel cantillation by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (translation by Tsvi Filipowski, 1851)
- 💬 מגילת אסתר | Megillat Esther: Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 מְגִילַּת הִיטְלֶיר | Megillat Hitler — a Purim Sheni scroll for French Armistice Day [after World War Ⅱ] by Asher P. Ḥassine (Casablanca, 1943)
- 💬 מגילת הנצחון של װאודראו װילסאן | Megillat Wilson — a Purim Sheni scroll for Armistice Day [after World War Ⅰ] by Rabbi Jacob Gerstein (1919)
- 💬 מְגִילַּת יְהוּדִית לְאָמְרָהּ בַּחֲנֻכָּה | Megillat Yehudit, the Medieval Scroll of Judith to be said on Ḥanukkah
- 💬 מגילת יונה | Megillat Yonah — translated by J.R.R. Tolkien (1966)
- 💬 מגילת יונה | Megillat Yonah: Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 מגילת פורים קטן | Megilat Purim Qaṭan, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 מגילת קהלת | Megillat Qohelet (Ecclesiastes): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 מגילת רות | Megillat Rut (translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer, 2024)
- 💬 מגילת רות | Megillat Rūt: Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 מגילת רות | Megillat Ruth, Yiddish translation by Yehoyesh Blumgarten (1910)
- 💬 מְגִלַּת אֵיכָה | Megillat Eikhah (Lamentations) for Reading on Tishah b’Av, translation by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- 💬 מְגִלַּת אֵיכָה | Megillat Eikhah (Lamentations) in acrostic English translation by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 מְגִלַּת אֵיכָה | Megillat Eikhah: Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 💬 מְגִלַּת וָשִׁעְתּוֹן | Megillat Washiŋton — a Purim Sheni scroll for 🇺🇸 Thanksgiving Day by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (1790, 2018)
- 💬 מְגִלַּת לִינְקוֹן | Megillat Lincoln — a Purim Sheni scroll for the 13th of Tevet commemorating the revocation of Ulysses S. Grant’s General Order № 11 (1862, 2020)
- 💬 מְגִלַּת סָארַגוֹסָא | Megillat Saragossa — a Purim Sheni scroll for the 17th of Shəvat commemorating the deliverance of Aragonese (or Sicilian) Jewry
- 💬 מְגִלַּת סֶבַּאצְטִיָין | Megillat Sebastiano — a Purim Sheni scroll for the 1st of Elul commemorating the deliverance of Maghrebi Jewry from King Sebastian of Portugal in 1578
- 💬 מְגִלַּת פִּסְגָּה | Megillat Fustat — a Purim Sheni scroll for the 28th of Adar commemorating the deliverance of Egyptian Jewry from Hain Ahmed Pasha in 1524
- 💬 מדרש לחנוכה | Midrash l’Ḥanukkah, an interwoven miscellany of Ḥanukkah stories
- 💬 מזמור לבן סירא על זכות אבותינו (פרקים מד-נ) | Paean of Ben Sira on the Merit of the Ancestors (ch. 44-50), vocalized and cantillated with the Poetic Masoretic System by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 מַעֲשֶׂה חֲנֻכָּה א׳ | Ma’aseh Ḥanukkah “alef,” a tale of the people’s resistance to the Seleucid Greek occupation
- 💬 מַעֲשֶׂה חֲנֻכָּה ב׳ | Ma’aseh Ḥanukkah “bet,” a retelling of Megillat Antiokhus as Midrash Aggadah
- 💬 מַעֲשֶׂה חֲנֻכָּה ב׳ | Ma’aseh Ḥanukkah “bet” in Ladino, a retelling of Megillat Antiokhus with details from II Maccabees by Rabbi Isaac Magriso (1764)
- 💬 מעשה טוביה ליום שני של שבועות | The Story of Toḇiyah for the second day of Shavuot
- 💬 נחמיה ט׳ | Rededication Ceremony (Neḥemiah 9): the second reading for the Sigd festival
- 💬 סדר לקריאת מגילת העצמאות | The Declaration of Independence of the State of Israel (1948), a service for its reading on Yom ha-Atsma’ut
- 💬 ספר תולדות ישו, לפי נוסח שטרסבורג | The Book of the Generations of Yeshu, according to the Strasbourg Variant, cantillated and vocalized by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 פֶּרֶק שִׁירָה | Pereq Shirah, a litany of verses spoken by the creatures & works of Creation (after the arrangement of Natan Slifkin)
- 💬 פרקי אבות פרק א׳ | Pirqei Avot: Chapter One, cantillated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 פרקי אבות פרק ב׳ | Pirqei Avot: Chapter Two, cantillated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 פרקי אבות פרק ג׳ | Pirqei Avot: Chapter Three, cantillated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 פרקי אבות פרק ד׳ | Pirqei Avot: Chapter Four, cantillated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 פרקי אבות פרק ה׳ | Pirqei Avot: Chapter Five, cantillated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 פרקי אבות פרק ו׳ | Pirqei Avot: Chapter Six, cantillated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 קריאות ליום הזכרון | Torah and Haftarah Readings for Days Memorializing Fallen Military Personnel, compiled by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 קריאות ליום העצמאות האמריקאי | Torah and Haftarah Readings for United States Independence Day, compiled by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 קְרִיאוֹת לִימֵי הַוָּתִיקִים (לאומי או בינלאומי) | Torah and Haftarah Readings for Days Recognizing Military Veterans, compiled by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 קריאות לימי העבודה | Torah and Haftarah Readings for Days Recognizing Organized Labor and Labor Rights, compiled by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 קריאות לימי זכרון השואה ורצח עם | Torah and Haftarah Readings for Holocaust & Genocide Memorial Days
- 💬 קְרִיאוֹת לִימֵי ט״וּ בִּשְׁבָט | Torah and Haftarah Readings for the New Year’s Day for Trees, selected by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 קריאות לראש השנה לבהמה | Torah and Haftarah Readings for Rosh haShanah la-Behemot on Rosh Ḥodesh Elul
- 💬 שִׁיר הַשִּׁירִים | Shir haShirim :: the Song of Songs, chantable English translation with trōp by Len Fellman
- 💬 שִׁיר הַשִּׁירִים | Shir haShirim (The Song of Songs), English translation by Paltiel Birnbaum (1949)
- 📄 Megillat Esther, a synopsis by Dr. Bonna Devora Haberman
- 📄 Scaling the Walls of the Labyrinth: Psalms 67 and Ana b’Khoaḥ
- 📄 the past didn’t go anywhere: making resistance to antisemitism part of all of our movements, by April Rosenblum (2007)
- 📄 יום קשת מ״ב בעומר | The 42nd Day of the Omer is Rainbow Day
- 📄 עשרה בטבת | Asarah b’Tevet and the Tragic Side of Ḥanukkah, by Rabbi Shem Tov Gaguine (1934)
- 📄 שֶׁבַע מִצְוֺת בְּנֵי נֹחַ | the 7 Noaḥide Commands, or those prohibitions mandated upon all of humanity according to early Rabbinic sources
- 📖 נאַכטװערטער | מדרשי צלמוות | Nightwords: A Midrash on the Holocaust, by Dr. David G. Roskies (1970, 4th ed. CLAL: 2000)
- 📖 פֶּרֶק שִׁירָה | Pereq Shirah, critical text by Dr. Malachi Beit-Arié (1967)
- 📖 שִׁמּוּשׁ תְּהִלִּים | Shimush Tehillim (the Theurgical Use of Psalms), attributed to Hai ben Sherira Gaon
- 📖 תנ״ך | TaNaKh: the Holy Scriptures: A New Translation (JPS 1917)
- 📜 Torah Reading for Ḥol haMo’ed Sukkot (Exodus 33:12-34:26): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Aḥarei Mōt (Leviticus 16:1-18:30): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat b’Har (Leviticus 25:1-26:2): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat b’Ḥuqotai (Leviticus 26:3-27:34): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat b’Shalaḥ (Exodus 13:17-17:16): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Balaq (Numbers 22:2-25:9): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Bamidbar (Numbers 1:1-4:20): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Beha’alotekha (Numbers 8:1-12:16): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Bereshit (Genesis 1:1-6:8): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Bo (Exodus 10:1-13:16): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Devarim (Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Emor (Leviticus 21:1-24:23): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Éqev (Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Ha’Azinu (Deuteronomy 32:1-52): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Ḥayyei Sarah (Genesis 23:1–25:18): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Ḥuqat (Numbers 19:1-22:1): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Ki Tavo (Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Ki Tetsei (Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Ki Tissa (Exodus 30:11-34:35): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Lekh Lekha (Genesis 12:1-17:27): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Mas’ei (Numbers 33:1-36:13): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Matōt (Numbers 30:2-32:42): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Metsora (Leviticus 14:1-15:33): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Miqets (Genesis 41:1-44:17): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1-24:18): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Naso (Numbers 4:21-7:89): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Nitsavim (Deuteronomy 29:9-30:20): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Noaḥ (Genesis 6:9-11:32): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Ph’qudei (Exodus 38:21-40:38): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Pinḥas (Numbers 25:10-30:1): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Qedoshim (Leviticus 19:1-20:27): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Qoraḥ (Numbers 16:1-18:32): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat R’éh (Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Sh’mini (Leviticus 9:1-11:47): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Shemot (Exodus 1:1-6:1): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Shlaḥ (Numbers 13:1-15:41): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Shoftim (Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat T’tsavveh (Exodus 27:20-30:10): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Tazria (Leviticus 12:1-13:59): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Terumah (Exodus 25:1-27:19): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Toldōt (Genesis 25:19-28:9): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Tsav (Leviticus 6:1-8:36): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat v’Zōt haBrakhah (Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Va’era (Exodus 6:2-9:35): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat va’Etḥanan (Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Vayaqhel (Exodus 35:1-38:20): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Vayeḥi (Genesis 47:28-50:26): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Vayelekh (Deuteronomy 31:1-30): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Vayera (Genesis 18:1-22:24): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Vayeshev (Genesis 37:1-40:23): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Vayetsei (Genesis 28:10-32:3): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Vayigash (Genesis 44:18-47:27): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Vayiqra (Leviticus 1:1-5:26): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Vayishlaḥ (Genesis 32:4-36:43): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:22): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Simḥat Torah Morning (Genesis 1:1-2:3): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Reading for Yom Kippur morning (Leviticus 16:1-34): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 Torah Readings for the first day (Genesis 21:1-34) and second day (Genesis 22:1-24) of Rosh Hashanah: Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len Fellman
- 📜 דברים כ״ז | Blessings and Curses on the Mountains (Deuteronomy 27): the third reading for the Sigd festival
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת אַחֲרֵי מוֹת | Parashat Aḥarei Mōt (Leviticus 16:1-18:30), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת אֱמֹר | Parashat Emor (Leviticus 21:1-24:23), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת בֹּא | Parashat Bo (Exodus 10:1-13:16), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת בְּהַעֲלֹתְךָ | Parashat b’ha-Alotekha (Numbers 8:1-12:16), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת בְּהַר | Parashat b’Har (Leviticus 25:1-26:2), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת בְּחֻקֹּתַי | Parashat b’Ḥuqotai (Leviticus 26:3-27:34), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת בָּלָק | Parashat Balaq (Numbers 22:2-25:9), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת בְּמִדְבַּר | Parashat b’Midbar (Numbers 1:1-4:20), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת בְּרֵאשִׁית | Parashat Bereshit (Genesis 1:1-6:8), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת בְּשַׁלַּח | Parashat b’Shalaḥ (Exodus 13:17-17:16), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת דְבָרִים | Parashat Devarim (Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת הַאֲזִינוּ | Parashat Ha’Azinu (Deuteronomy 32:1-52), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת וָאֵרָא | Parashat Va’era (Exodus 6:2-9:35), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת וָאֶתְחַנַּן | Parashat va’Etḥanan (Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת וְזֹאת הַבְּרָכָה | Parashat v’Zōt haBrakhah (Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת וַיִּגַּשׁ | Parashat Vayigash (Genesis 44:18-47:27), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת וַיְחִי | Parashat Vayeḥi (Genesis 47:28-50:26), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת וַיֵּלֶךְ | Parashat Vayelekh (Deuteronomy 31:1-30), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת וַיֵּצֵא | Parashat Vayetsei (Genesis 28:10-32:3), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת וַיַּקְהֵל | Parashat Vayaqhel (Exodus 35:1-38:20), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת וַיִּקְרָא | Parashat Vayiqra (Leviticus 1:1-5:26), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת וַיֵּרָא | Parashat Vayera (Genesis 18:1-22:24), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת וַיֵּשֶׁב | Parashat Vayeshev (Genesis 37:1-40:23), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת וַיִּשְׁלַח | Parashat Vayishlaḥ (Genesis 32:4-36:43), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת חַיֵּי שָׂרָה | Parashat Ḥayyei Sarah (Genesis 23:1-25:18), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת חֻקַּת | Parashat Ḥuqat (Numbers 19:1-22:1), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת יִתְרוֹ | Parashat Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:22), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת כִּי תִשָּׂא | Parashat Ki Tissa (Exodus 30:11-34:35), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת כִּי־תָבוֹא | Parashat Ki Tavō (Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת כִּי־תֵצֵא | Parashat Ki Tetsei (Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת לֶךְ־לְךָ | Parashat Lekh Lekha (Genesis 12:1-17:27), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת מַטּוֹת | Parashat Matōt (Numbers 30:2-32:42), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת מַסְעֵי | Parashat Mas’ei (Numbers 33:1-36:13), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת מְצֹרָע | Parashat Metsora (Leviticus 14:1-15:33), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת מִקֵּץ | Parashat Miqets (Genesis 41:1-44:17), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת מִשְׁפָּטִים | Parashat Mishpatim (Exodus 21:1-24:18), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת נֹחַ | Parashat Noaḥ (Genesis 6:9-11:32), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת נִצָּבִים | Parashat Nitsavim (Deuteronomy 29:9-30:20), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת נָשֹׂא | Parashat Naso (Numbers 4:21-7:89), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת עֵקֶב | Parashat Éqev (Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת פִּינְחָס | Parashat Pinḥas (Numbers 25:10-30:1), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת פְקוּדֵי | Parashat Ph’qudei (Exodus 38:21-40:38), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת צַו | Parashat Tsav (Leviticus 6:1-8:36), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת קְדֹשִׁים | Parashat Qedoshim (Leviticus 19:1-20:26), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת קֹרַח | Parashat Qoraḥ (Numbers 16:1-18:32), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת רְאֵה | Parashat R’éh (Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת שְׁלַח | Parashat Shlaḥ (Numbers 13:1-15:41), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת שְׁמוֹת | Parashat Shemot (Exodus 1:1-6:1), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת שְׁמִינִי | Parashat Sh’mini (Leviticus 9:1-11:47), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת שֹׁפְטִים | Parashat Shōftim (Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת תּוֹלְדֹת | Parashat Toldōt (Genesis 25:19-28:9), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת תַזְרִיעַ | Parashat Tazria (Leviticus 12:1-13:59), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת תְּצַוֶּה | Parashat T’tsavveh (Exodus 27:20-30:10), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 פָּרָשַׁת תְּרוּמָה | Parashat Terumah (Exodus 25:1-27:19), color-coded according to its narrative layers
- 📜 שירת הים | Shirat haYam :: the Song of the Sea (Exodus 15:1-19)
- 📜 שמות י״ט-כ׳ | Revelation at Sinai (Exodus 19-20): the first reading for the Sigd festival
- 📜 תוספות לקריאות התורה לשבת כלה (אחרי החתונה) | Additions to the Torah Reading for Shabbat Kallah (after the wedding)
- 🗍 תיקון לערב יום הכיפורים | Tiqun for Erev Yom Kippur, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 🗐 The Martyrdom of Isaiah — additional sources for the Jewish core of the work compiled by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 🗐 מִדְרָשִׁים עַל אָדָם הָרִאשׁוֹן וּתְקוּפַת הֶחֹרֶף | Midrashim on the Origin of the Winter Solstice and Kalends Festivals by Primaeval Adam
- A Hebrew Reconstruction of Psalms 152 and 153, edited, vocalized, cantillated, and translated into English by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- A Neo-Ḳabbalistic Amulet Against Dog Allergies, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- Alternative Haftarot for Those who Do Not Recite the Haftarot of Rebuke and Consolation
- Am Versöhnungstag zu מנחה (über die Geschichte von Jona) | On reading the story of Yonah on Yom Kippur at Minḥah, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- An Ashkenazi-style Cantillation System For Ezra/Neḥemiah, Chronicles, and Daniel, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- An Ashkenazi-style Cantillation System for Job, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- An Ashkenazi-style Cantillation System for Proverbs, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- An Ashkenazi-style Cantillation System for Psalms, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- Complete List of Readings, &c. shared through the project so far
- Kavvanah before the reading of parashat Aḥarei Mōt and the pain caused by Leviticus 18:22, by Rabbi Victor Reinstein (2015)
- Learn the Kriyat Megillat Esther with Rabbi Hillel Yisraeli-Lavery
- On the Reconciliation of Yitsḥaq: a meditation on the Offering of the Two Goats on Yom Kippur, by Rabbi Arthur Waskow (the Shalom Center)
- Remarks on Yom Kippur, an essay by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel (August 1965)
- Schedule for Reading the Entire Book of Psalms in One Month, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1840)
- Schedule for the Reading of Historical Writings corresponding to Festivals and Commemorative Days, according to Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- Schedule for the Reading of Ketuvim Aḥerim corresponding to the Weekly Torah Portion, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- Schedule for the Reading of Psalms corresponding to Festival Days, according to the Western Ashkenazi Rite
- Schedule for the Reading of Psalms corresponding to Festivals and Commemorative Days, according to Nusaḥ Sefaradim Edot ha-Mizraḥ
- Schedule for the Reading of Psalms corresponding to Festivals and Commemorative Days, according to Nusæḥ Temoni-Bælædi
- Schedule for the Reading of Psalms corresponding to Festivals and Commemorative Days, according to the Vilna Gaon
- Schedule for the Reading of Psalms corresponding to Festivals and Commemorative Days, according to Tractate Soferim
- Schedule for the Reading of Psalms corresponding to Festivals and Commemorative Days, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- Schedule for the Reading of Psalms corresponding to the Weekly Parascià and on other special days, according to the Roman Rite
- Schedule for the Reading of Psalms corresponding to the Weekly Torah Portion, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- Selections from 1 & 2 Maccabees and Pesiqta Rabbati on the Desecration and Rededication of the Temple and the Rekindling of the Sacred Fire
- Soliloquy of Yehudis, by Morah Yehudis Fishman
- Tabula Smaragdina (The Emerald Tablet) in Arabic and Judeo-Arabic, with Hebrew and English translations
- The Earth is Our Temple, a d’var tefilah on making blessings over foods by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- the song at the sea of ending one story and beginning another, by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit (February 2023)
- The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-14) in Ladino translation from the Constantinople Codex (1547)
- The twelve hued rainbow above the Sea of Reeds during the miracle of its division into twelve channels of liberation
- Translating the TaNaKh — a new Jewish translation based on the World English Bible
- Trōpifying English and other Latin Script Language Readings with Masoretic Hebrew cantillation marks (t’amim, trōp)
- Wise Counsel: Selected verses from the Book of ben Sira for a Seliḥot Service by Paltiel Birnbaum
- Βαροὺχ | Sefer Barukh (3:9-5:8), a poem of wisdom in exile and its ultimate liberation
- Υγρομαντεια | The Hygromancy of Solomon (ca. 5th c. CE)
- Ὑμνεῖν με δεῖ τὸν θεόν | “I Must Praise God,” excerpted from the Discourses of Epictetus by Rabbi Morrison David Bial
- אָבִינוּ יִתְקַדֵּשׁ | Avinu Yitqadesh, a rabbinic Hebrew translation of the Lord’s Prayer by Shem Tov ibn Shaprut (14th c.)
- אַדִּיר לֹא יָנוּם | Adir Lo Yanum — a Sefaradi piyyut for weddings and Torah-reading days
- אוֹדֶה אֵל שַדַּי | Odeh El Shaddai, a pizmon for Shabbat Shirah
- אוֹדְךָ כִּי אָנַֽפְתָּ בִּי | Odekha Ki Anafta Bi, a Yotser (Hymn) for Ḥanukkah by Yosef bar Shlomo of Carcassone (ca. 11th cent.)
- אַזְכִּיר מַעֲשֵׂה ה׳ | Azkir Ma’aseh Hashem — a Purim Sheni piyyut of Tripoli for the Shabbat preceding the 29 of Tevet, by Avraham Khalfon
- אײן אנשפראכע געגען עין הרע | An Incantation against the Ayin haRa (1896)
- אִמְרוֹת הָאֵל טְהוֹרוֹת | Imrot ha-El Ṭ’horot — a meorah piyyut for days on which the Decalogue is recited, by Yehuda ben Shmuel haLevi
- אסו ית ארסינואי | Two healing prayers for Arsinoë’s recovery (Amulets 80.AM.55.1 & 80.AM.55.2, J. Paul Getty Museum)
- אֶשָׂא עֵנַי | An adaptation of Esa Eynai (Psalms 121:1-2), by Ed Towbin-Issur haLevi
- אַשְׁרֵי | Ashrei (Psalms 145), arranged by Aharon N. Varady
- אַשְׁרֵי יוֹשְׁבֵי בֵיתֶךָ | Ashrei Yoshvei Veitekha :: Sitting in your home is happiness (Psalms 145), translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- אַשְׁרֵי יוֹשְׁבֵי בֵיתֶךָ | Ashrei Yoshvei Veitekha (Psalms 145), an Alphabetical English Translation by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- אַשְׁרֵי יוֹשְׁבֵי בֵיתֶךָ | Ashrei Yoshvei Veitekha (Psalms 145), an Alphabetical English translation by Rabbi Sam Seicol
- אֵשֶׁת חַיִל | Éshet Ḥayil (Proverbs 31:10-31) For an Accomplished Woman, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- אֵשֶׁת חַיִל | Eshet Ḥayil (Proverbs 31:10-31), German translation by Franz Rosenzweig (1921)
- בְּאַרְבָּעָה בְּחֹדֶשׁ אִיָּר | On the 4th of Iyyar — the fourth psalm of the “Additional Psalms” from the Cairo Geniza, MS RNL Antonin 798
- בְּחֹדֶשׁ אִיָּר בִּשְׁנַיִם | On the 2nd of Iyyar — the second psalm of the “Additional Psalms” from the Cairo Geniza, MS RNL Antonin 798
- ברייתא דרבי ישמעאל | The Baraita of Rebbi Yishma’el: thirteen principles of halakhic exegesis (translated by Rabbi Ben-Zion Bokser)
- בִּרְכָּת הָבָּיִת | Birkat haBayit (Blessing for the Home)
- בִּשְׁלֹשָׁה בְּחֹדֶשׁ אִיָּר | On the 3rd of Iyyar — the third psalm of the “Additional Psalms” from the Cairo Geniza, MS RNL Antonin 798
- גבריאל מימינהון | “Gavriel is on the right,” an apotropaic invocation of angelic protection in the amulet bowl SD12 (ca. mid-first millennium C.E.)
- דָּנִיֵּאל וְהַתַּנִּין | Daniel vs. the Dragon, according to the Aramaic text of Divrei Yeraḥmiel (ca. 12th c.)
- הארבה כוסות ואת הארבה חופשות | The Four Cups of Wine and the Four Freedoms, by Dr. Aurora Mendelsohn and President Franklin R. Roosevelt
- הֵיאַךְ יַרְגִּיל הָאָדָם עַצְמוֹ בְּמִדַּת הַחָכְמָה | How a person should conduct themself with Wisdom — chapter three from Tomer Devorah by Rabbi Moshe Cordovero (ca. 16th c.)
- היסטוריולה של סממית וסידרוס | Historiola of Smamit and Sideros, a reconstruction based on Amulet 15 & Amulet Bowl 12a
- הספר ששמשו בו הכשדים | Theurgy of the Kasdim, an astral-magic treatise on the seven angels of the week
- הרקיע השביעי | The Seventh Heavenly Dome, a description and hymn of divine praise from Sefer ha-Razim
- הַתִּקּוּן הַכְּלָלִי שֶׁל רֶבִּי נַחְמָן | The Tiqqun haKlali (General Remedy) of Rebbe Naḥman of Bratslav
- וַיְבָרֶךְ דָּוִיד | Vayivarekh David (And David blessed, 1 Chronicles 29:10-13), translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- חרוז על שחוק האישקקי | Rhymed Poem on Chess (short), by Avraham ibn Ezra (HS. Vatican 171 f.2, oben S. 180)
- חֲרוּזִים עַל שְּׂחוֹק שָׁ״הּ־מָ״תּ | Rhymed Poem on Chess (long), by Avraham ibn Ezra (ca. 12th c.)
- טעמי המקרא | Cantillation Tables for Torah Readings
- טראָפּ | Ta’amei Hamiqra (cantillation) for Megillat Esther
- י״ט של ק״ק קארפינטראס לט״ו בחדש כסליו | Poetic Additions for 15 Kislev, for when a heavily armed group of gentiles didn’t commit mass slaughter in Carpentras (1512)
- יהי רצון אחרי שיר השירים | Yehi Ratzon after Shir haShirim, cantillated and translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- יוֺם פּײַ | On the Rabbinical Approximation of π, by Boaz Tsaban and David Garber (1998)
- כְּגַוְנָא | k’Gavna (Just As) from the Zohar parashat Terumah §163-166, a paraliturgical interpretive translation by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat
- מגילת אנטיוכס | Megillat Antiochus, translated into German by Chajm Guski
- מדרש הגדול על פרשת תרומה | Why the Mishkan Resembles the World and the Human Body: a translation of Midrash haGadol on Parashat Terumah, by Shir Yaakov Feit (in memory of Laurie Feit, z”l)
- מה אלו | “Who are these?” — the Origin of the Angels of Healing: Sanoi, Sansanoi, and Semanglof, as told in the Alphabet of ben Sira (ca. late first millennium)
- מזמור לציון | Apostrophe to Zion, according to the Nusaḥ of the Judean Desert Scrolls
- מימיני מיכאל | “Mikhael is on my right,” an apotropaic invocation of angelic protection in the Bedtime Shema from the Maḥzor Vitry (ca. 11th c.)
- מקרא על פי המסורה | Miqra `al pi ha-Mesorah: A New Experimental Edition of the Tanakh Online
- מִרְיָם הַנְּבִיאָה | Miryam haNevi’ah, by rabbis Leila Gal Berner & Arthur Waskow (ca. 1994)
- מִרְיָם קִבְּלָה תּוֹרָה מִסִּינַי | Miriam received the Torah from Sinai, by Rabbah Rinat Safania
- סֵפֶר חֲנוֹךְ | The Animal Apocalypse (1 Enoch 83-90), with Aramaic Fragments and translations in Ge’ez and English
- סֵפֶר יְצִירָה | Sefer Yetsirah, a derivation of A. Peter Hayman’s experimental “earliest recoverable text” — vocalized and translated by Aharon Varady
- עוּרִי עוּרִי – שִׁירַת מִרְיָם וּדְבוֹרָה | Uri Uri – Song of Miriam and Devorah, a piyyut for Shabbat Shirah by the Diwan Ashira Project
- על השואה ועל התפלתה | Prayer in the Shoah, an essay and a prayer by Rabbi Dr. David Weiss Halivni (2000)
- עַל־הַנִּסִּים בְּ-כ״ח שְׁבָט | Al ha-Nissim for 28 Shəvat, for the fortunate rescue of a wanderer in the area of the synagogue in Avignon (1766)
- עלי לשבח | Alai l’Shabe’aḥ (It is incumbent upon me), a prayer of praise from the Ma’aseh Merkavah
- פָּתַח אֵלִיָּֽהוּ | Pataḥ Eliyahu (Tiqqunei Zohar 17a), translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- קמע לשמירה מפני לילית | Apotropaic ward for the protection of pregnant women and infants against Lilith & her minions (CUL MS General 194, Montgomery 1913 Amulet No. 42)
- קמע לשמירת המגפה | Amulet for Protection from the Plague, attributed to Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum (ca. 19th c.)
- שיר חדש אשיר | Shir Ḥadash Ashir (“Song Anew”) — a traditional piyyuṭ before the Song of the Sea
- שיר של מרים הנביאה | The Song of Miriam, a petiḥah by Rabbi Ruth H. Sohn (1981)
- שִׁמְעוּ אֹֽמֶר בֵּאוּר מִשְׂגַּבְכֶם | Shim’u Omer Be’ur Misgavkhem, an ofan for Shabbat Matot-Mas’ei by Rav Shmu’el haShlishi (ca. 10th c.)
- שֵׁשׁ אִמָּהוֹת | Shesh Imahot (Six Matriarchs) — Sarah, Rivqah, Raḥel, Leah, Bilhah, and Zilpah, as found in rabbinic sources
- תהלים א׳ | Psalms 1, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים א׳ בלשון ײִדיש | Psalms 1 in Yiddish (translated by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten ca. 1920s)
- תהלים א׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 1 in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים א׳ בלשון ספרדית | Psalms 1 in Spanish (trans. Rabbi Yahakob Yehuda, Leon Hebréo 1671)
- תהלים ב׳ | Psalms 2, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים ב׳ בלשון ײִדיש | Psalms 2 in Yiddish (translated by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten ca. 1920s)
- תהלים ב׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 2 in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים ב׳ בלשון ספרדית | Psalms 2 in Spanish (trans. Rabbi Yahakob Yehuda, Leon Hebréo 1671)
- תהלים ג׳ | Psalms 3, a mizmor of David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים ג׳ בלשון ײִדיש | Psalms 3 in Yiddish (translated by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten ca. 1920s)
- תהלים ג׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 3 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים ד׳ | Psalms 4, a mizmor of David (translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer)
- תהלים ד׳ | Psalms 4, a mizmor of David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים ד׳ בלשון ײִדיש | Psalms 4 in Yiddish (translated by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten ca. 1920s)
- תהלים ד׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 4 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים ה׳ | Psalms 5, a mizmor of David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים ה׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 5 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים ו׳ | Psalms 6, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים ו׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 6 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים ז׳ | Psalms 7, a shigayon of David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים ז׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 7 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים ח׳ | Psalms 8, a mizmor of David (translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer)
- תהלים ח׳ | Psalms 8, a mizmor of David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים ח׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 8 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים ט׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 9 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים ט״ו | Psalms 15, abridged translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman and Efrat Rotem
- תהלים ט״ו | Psalms 15, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- תהלים ט״ו בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 15 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים ט״ז | Psalms 16, a mikhtam by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים ט״ז בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 16 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים י׳ | Psalms 10, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים י׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 10 in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים י״א | Psalms 11, by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים י״א בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 11 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים י״ב | Psalms 12, a mizmor by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים י״ב בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 12 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים י״ג | Psalms 13, a mizmor by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים י״ג בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 13 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים י״ד | Psalms 14, by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים י״ד בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 14 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים י״ז | Psalms 17, a tefilah by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים י״ז בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 17 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים י״ח | Psalms 18, a shir by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים י״ח בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 18 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים י״ט | Psalms 19, a mizmor by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים י״ט בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 19 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים כ׳ | Psalms 20 by David, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים כ׳ | Psalms 20, a mizmor by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים כ׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 20 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים כ״א בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 21 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים כ״ב | Psalms 22, a mizmor by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים כ״ב בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 22 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים כ״ג | Psalms 23, a mizmor by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים כ״ג | Psalms 23, translation by Shim’on Menachem, melody by Shir Yaakov
- תהלים כ״ד | Psalms 24, the Psalm for Sunday (translation by Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תהלים כ״ה | Psalms 25, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- תהלים כ״ו | Psalms 26, by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים כ״ז | Psalms 27 (interpretive translation by Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תהלים כ״ז | Psalms 27 (translation by Yosef Razin)
- תהלים כ״ז | Psalms 27, abridged translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman and Efrat Rotem
- תהלים כ״ז | Psalms 27, an interpretive translation by Zackary Sholem Berger
- תהלים כ״ז | Psalms 27, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים כ״ח | Psalms 28, by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים כ״ט | Psalms 29, a mizmor by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים כ״ט | Psalms 29, an interpretive translation by Avi Dolgin
- תהלים ל׳ | Psalms 30 by David (interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תְּהִלִּים ל״ו | Psalms 36 by David (trans. Aharon Varady after JPS 1917)
- תהלים מ״ז | (Psalms 47) Dieser Psalm wird siebenmal vor dem Schofer blasen wiederholt (translation by Yehoshua Heshil Miro, 1829)
- תהלים מ״ח | Psalms 48, the psalm for Monday (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תהלים ס׳ | Psalms 60 for the Fast of the Tenth of Tevet, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תְּהִלִּים ס״ה | Psalms 65, a mizmor by David (trans. Aharon Varady after JPS 1917)
- תהלים ס״ז | Psalms 67 (interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תהלים ע״ט | Psalms 79, a new translation for 17 Tamuz by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים ע״ט | Psalms 79, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים פ״א | Psalms 81, the psalm for Thursday (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תהלים פ״ב | Psalms 82, the Psalm for Tuesday (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תהלים פ״ד | Psalms 84 for the children of Qoraḥ, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים פ״ה | Psalms 85 for Yom Simḥat Kohen — with translations into Marathi, Arabic, and English
- תהלים פ״ט | Psalms 89, a maskil of Eitan ha-Ezraḥi (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תהלים צ׳ | Psalms 90, a tefilah by Mosheh translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים צ״א | Psalms 91, a song against evil spirits translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים צ״ב | Psalms 92, abridged translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman and Efrat Rotem
- תהלים צ״ב | Psalms 92, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים צ״ג | Psalms 93, abridged translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman and Efrat Rotem
- תהלים צ״ג | Psalms 93, the psalm for Friday (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תהלים צ״ד | Psalms 94, the psalm for Wednesday (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תהלים צ״ה | Psalms 95, translated by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman and Efrat Rotem
- תהלים צ״ו | Psalms 96, translated by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman and Efrat Rotem
- תהלים צ״ז | Psalms 97, abridged translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman and Efrat Rotem
- תהלים צ״ח | Psalms 98, abridged translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman and Efrat Rotem
- תהלים צ״ט | Psalms 99, translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman and Efrat Rotem
- תהלים ק׳ | Psalms 100, interpretive translation and adaptation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- תהלים ק״ד | Psalms 104, a hymn of creation (translated by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan)
- תהלים ק״ד | Psalms 104, a hymn of creation (translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תהלים ק״ד | Psalms 104, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים ק״ז | Psalms 107, arranged by Aharon Varady
- תהלים ק״כ | Psalms 120 for the Fast of Gedalyah, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים ק״מ | Psalms 140, a mizmor by David
- תהלים ק״נ | Psalms 150, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים ק״נ | Psalms 150, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- תהלים ק״נ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 150 in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים קט״ו | Psalms 115, translated and cantillated for Hallel by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קט״ז | Psalms 116, translated and cantillated for Hallel by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קי״א | Psalms 111, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קי״ב | Psalms 112 (Ashrei Ish)
- תהלים קי״ג | Psalms 113, translated and cantillated for Hallel by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קי״ד | Psalms 114, translated and cantillated for Hallel by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קי״ז | Psalms 117, translated and cantillated for Hallel by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קי״ט | Psalms 118, translated and cantillated for Hallel by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קכ | Psalms 120, an “up song” (shir la-ma’alot) translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים קכ״א | Psalms 121, an “up song” (shir la-ma’alot) translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים קכ״א בלשון לאדינו | Salmo 121 | סאלמו קכא | Psalms 121 in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים קכ״ב | Psalm of Gathering in Jerusalem (Psalms 122): the fourth reading for the Sigd festival
- תהלים קכ״ו | Psalms 126 (Shir haMaalot), a German translation by Franz Rosenzweig (1921)
- תהלים קל״ג | Psalms 133, a song of ascents by David (translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer)
- תהלים קל״ה | Psalms 135, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קל״ו | Psalms 136, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קל״ז | Psalms 137 (Al Naharot Bavel :: By the Rivers of Babylon), translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קל״ט | Psalms 139, a mizmor by David with verses attributed to Adam haRishon for the Winter Solstice
- תהלים קל״ט | Psalms 139, interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- תהלים קמ״א | Psalms 141 by David, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קמ״ב | Psalms 142 by David, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קמ״ב | Psalms 142, a maskil with translations in English and Arabic
- תהלים קמ״ג | Psalms 143 by David, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קמ״ד | Psalms 144 by David, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קמ״ה | Psalms 145 by David, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קמ״ו | Psalms 146, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- תהלים קמ״ז | Psalms 147, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- תהלים קמ״ח | Psalms 148, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- תהלים קמ״ח | Psalms 148: Hallelu-YAH! (translation by Rabbi Arthur Waskow)
- תהלים קמ״ט | Psalms 149, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קמ״ט | Psalms 149, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- תהלים קנ״א | Psalms 151, as found in the Septuagint (LXX)
- תהלים קנ״א | Psalms 151a, according to the Nusaḥ of the Judean Desert Scrolls, Edited, Vocalized, Cantillated, and Translated into English by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קנ״ד | Psalms 154, according to the Nusaḥ of the Judean Desert Scrolls, Edited, Vocalized, Cantillated, and Translated into English by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קנ״ה | Psalms 155, according to the Nusaḥ of the Judean Desert Scrolls, Edited, Vocalized, Cantillated, and Translated into English by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תורה, נביאים וכתובים: תּרגום ייִדיש פֿון יהואש | The Yiddish Translation of the TaNaKh by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten
- תפילה קודם קריאת פרשת אחרי מות | Prayer to be Recited Before the Reading of Parashat Aḥarei Mōt, by Rabbi Steven Greenberg
- תפילת עזריה חנניה ומישאל בתוך הכבשן | The Prayer of Azaryah, Ḥananyah, and Mishael from within the Furnace, according to the Aramaic text of Divrei Yeraḥmiel (ca. 12th c.)
- תפלה נוראה מרבי ישׁמעאל כהן הגדול | The Awesome Prayer of Rebbi Yishmael, the Kohen Gadol (Sefer Shem Tov Qatan 1706)
- গীতাঞ্জলি | גִּיטַאנְיַ׳אלִי (קרבן־זמרה) | Gitanjali (Song-offerings), by Rabindranath Tagore (1912); translated into Hebrew by David Frischmann (1922)
- 💬 Mäṣḥäf Ḳədus 6:15-22 | ספר היובלים ו:טו-כב (Sefer haYovelim 6:15-22) — A Reading from Jubilees for Shavuot
- 💬 Purim 2021: From Darkness to Light, by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat & Rabbi David Evan Markus (Bayit, 2021)
- 💬 Təʾəzazä Sänbät, a work from the Greater Betä Ǝsraʾel Canon, translated and cantillated in Masoretic Hebrew
- 💬 The Martyrdom of Isaiah — the Jewish core of the work, translated into Hebrew with cantillation by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 The Story of Gedalyah, as told by Titus Flavius Josephus in Antiquities of the Jews
- 💬 Βηλ Και Δρακων | בֵּל וְהַתַּנִּין | Bel & the Dragon, according to Theodotion translated and cantillated in Masoretic Hebrew by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 Σουσαννα | שׁוֹשַׁנָּה וְהַזְּקֵנִים | Shoshanah & the Elders, according to Theodotion translated and cantillated in Masoretic Hebrew by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 הפטרה לחג השבועות ביום השני | Haftarah reading for the Second Day of Shavuot (Ḥabaquq 2:20-3:19) with its Targum and the piyyut Yetsiv Pitgam by Rabbeinu Tam (ca. 12th c.)
- 💬 התפילות של מרדכי ואסתר | the Prayers of Mordekhai and Esther, from Divrei haYamim l’Yeraḥmiel (ca. 11-12th c.)
- 💬 מגילת יונה | Megillat Yonah with its Yevanic (Judeo-Greek) Targum ca. 14th c.
- 💬 מגילת ניקנור | Megillat Niqanor (Ⅱ Maccabees, chapters 13-15), a reading for the Day of the Elephantarch
- 💬 סדר מגילת אסתר עם פסוקים שנאמרו על אסתר ומרדכי | Seder Megillat Esther (with verses to be said for Esther and Mordekhai)
- 💬 ספר ברוך | Sefer Barukh (1:1-3:8), from the Reconstructed Hebrew Vorlage by Prof. Emmanuel Tov, vocalized and cantillated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 ספר היובלים | መጽሐፈ ኩፋሌ | Sefer haYovelim (the book of Jubilees, in Ge’ez)
- 💬 סֵפֶר פְּטִירָת מֹשֶׁה | ሞተ ፡ ሙሴ | Motä Musē (the Book of the Passing of Mosheh), in Ge’ez with Hebrew and English translation

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