This is Rabbi Moritz Mayer’s Hours of Devotion: A Book of Prayers & Meditations for the Use of the Daughters of Israel (1866), an anthology of teḥinot, paraliturgical prayers, and translations of prayers made in English for use by Jewish women.
As the title page declares that this anthology is a direct translation of Fanny Neuda’s collection of teḥinot in German, Stunden der Andacht (1855/1858) and lacks any other given attribution details for the included work, many are led to believe that Mayer’s anthology is very simply a translation of Stunden der Andacht, albeit a greatly abridged translation. But a closer look reveals Hours of Devotion to be a collection of teḥinot by multiple authors including Neuda, Marcus Heinrich Bresslau, and quite possibly Mayer’s own work.
Of the sixty-four included prayers, twenty-four are translations by Mayer derived from those by Fanny Neuda.[1] Most of the teḥinot left untranslated by Mayer were later translated for Julia Watts Belser in the 2007 edition edited by Dinah Berland. An additional ten prayers are largely reprinted from Marcus Heinrich Bresslau’s Tehinot Banot Yisrael (1852). There are thirty more teḥinot which may be of Mayer’s own composition but which may be translations from still unknown authors and sources.
The edition we used for our transcription was the 1889 reprint of Mayer’s 1866 translation of the 5th edition of Stunden Der Andacht by J. Rosenbaum. A scan of this edition was made from a volume held in the collection of the University of California libraries shared at the Internet Archive.[2] In preparing this edition, I transcribed the text and formatted it in STML (Sacred Text Markup Language), a format developed by J.B. Hare z”l, founder of the Sacred Texts Internet Archive. Hare used STML as an intermediary format for converting transcribed texts to HTML. Efraim Feinstein, lead developer of the Open Siddur Project, further developed STML as an intermediary format for converting transcribed texts to JLPTEI, the XML schema we use to markup Jewish liturgy and liturgy-related work for the Open Siddur’s database.

This work is in the Public Domain due to its having been published more than 95 years ago.
Moritz Mayer (or else, not by Neuda or Bresslau)
Morning Prayer for children (p. 12)
Evening Prayer for children (p. 13)
Prayer for the Sabbath Day (p. 22)
Prayer for when the law is taken out [of the ark] (a translation) (p. 23)
Prayer for the close of the Sabbath (p. 25)
Prayer for the Last Days of Passover (p. 30)
Prayer for the Anniversary of the Destruction of the Temple ((תשעה באב (p. 38)
Prayer for the Eve of New Year (p. 44)
Prayer for the Day of Atonement (p. 54)
Prayer for the Evening of Atonement ((נעילה (p. 61)
Prayer for the Departed ((הזכרת נשמות (p. 64)
Prayer for the First Day of Tabernacles (p. 65)
Prayer for the 8th Day of Tabernacles (שמיני עצרת) (p. 67)
Prayer for the Feast of Purim (p. 73)
Prayer for a young Maiden (p. 74)
Prayer for an Orphan (p. 76)
A Wife’s Prayer for Matrimonial Happiness (p. 77)
Prayer on the approach of Accouchement (p. 80)
Prayer after a safe delivery (p. 81)
A Wife’s Prayer whose Husband is on a Journey (p. 87)
A Widow’s Prayer (p. 87)
Prayer for a Sick Child (p. 90)
Prayer for Patience and Strength in Adversity (p. 90)
Thanksgiving for Deliverance (p. 91)
During a Storm at Sea (p. 93)
Prayer in Heavy Sickness (p. 97)
Prayer on the Anniversary of a Parents Death (Jahrzeit) (p. 98)
Prayer at a Mother’s Grave (p. 100)
Prayer at the Grave of a Child (p. 104)
Prayer at the Grave of a Brother or Sister (p. 105)Marcus Heinrich Bresslau from Tehinot Banot Yisrael (1852).
Morning Prayer [I] (p. 8)
Prayer for Sunday (p. 14)
Prayer for Monday (p. 15)
Prayer for Tuesday (p. 16)
Prayer for Wednesday (p. 16)
Prayer for Thursday (p. 17)
Meditation on the Holy Sabbath (p. 24)
Prayer on the Sabbath previous to the New Moon (p. 26)
Prayer for the Feast of Chanuccah (p. 71)
Prayer for a Sick Husband (lightly adapted by Moritz Mayer) (p. 89)
Below are the twenty-four translations of Fanny Neuda’s prayers made by Mayer with their corresponding page numbers and titles in Stunden Der Andacht and Hours of Devotion.
Page No. in SdA | Fanny Neuda’s Teḥinnot in Stunden der Andacht (1858) | Moritz Mayer’s Translations of Hours of Devotion (1866) | Page No. in HoD |
13 | Gebet beim Eintritt in das Gotteshaus | Prayers on entering the Synagogue | 7 |
17 | Abendgebet I | Night Prayer [I] | 9 |
20 | Der Schlaf | Prayer before retiring to bed | 11 |
26 | Am Freitag | Prayer for Friday | 18 |
27 | Beim Eingange des Sabbath nach dem Lichtzünden | Prayer on the Eve of the Sabbath | 20 |
35 | Am Neumonde | Prayer for for the Day of New Moon | 27 |
36 | An den ersten Tagen des Pessach-Festes | Prayer for the First Days of Passover | 28 |
41 | Am Wochenfeste. | Prayer for the Feast of Weeks.—(Pentecost) | 31 |
48 | Gebet im Monate Elul | Prayer for the month of Ellul | 43 |
52 | Beim Schofarblasen | Prayer for the New Year’s Day | 47 |
54 | Betrachtung am Neujahrs- und Versöhnungstage | Meditation for the New Year’s Day and the Day of Atonement | 49 |
73 | Am Thora-Freudenfest | Prayer for the Day of Rejoicing of the Law (שמחת תורה) | 70 |
78 | Gebet einer Braut am Hochzeitstage | Prayer for a Bride on her Nuptial Day | 76 |
81 | Gebet einer Mutter am Hochzeitstage ihrer Tochter | A Mother’s Prayer on the Wedding Day of her Daughter | 78 |
82 | Gebet einer Mutter am Hochzeitstage ihres Sohnes | A Mother’s Prayer on the Wedding Day of her Son (amended) | 79 |
89 | Gebet einer Wöchnerin, die zum erstenmal wieder das Gotteshaus besucht | Prayer for a Mother on visiting the Synagogue after Confinement | 82 |
90 | In kinderloser Ehe | Prayer for a Childless Wife | 83 |
92 | Gebet einer Mutter bei der Confirmation ihrer Kinder | A Mother’s Prayer at the Confirmation of her Children | 84 |
93 | Gebet einer Mutter, deren Kind in der Fremde ist | A Mother’s Prayer whose child is abroad | 86 |
102 | Gebet für Eltern | Prayer for Sick Parents | 88 |
122 | Gebet auf der Reise | Prayer during a Voyage | 92 |
127 | Nach zurückgelegter Seereise | Prayer at the End of a Voyage | 94 |
130 | Am Grabe des Vaters | Prayer at a Father’s Grave | 99 |
132 | Am Grabe des Gatten | Prayer at a Husband’s Grave | 102 |
1 | Most of the teḥinot left untranslated by Mayer were later translated for Julia Watts Belser in the 2007 edition edited by Dinah Berland. |
2 | In preparing this edition, I transcribed the text and formatted it in STML (Sacred Text Markup Language), a format developed by J.B. Hare z”l, founder of the Sacred Texts Internet Archive. Hare used STML as an intermediary format for converting transcribed texts to HTML. Efraim Feinstein, lead developer of the Open Siddur Project, further developed STML as an intermediary format for converting transcribed texts to JLPTEI, the XML schema we use to markup Jewish liturgy and liturgy-related work for the Open Siddur’s database. |

“📖 Hours of Devotion: A Book of Prayers & Meditations for the Use of the Daughters of Israel, an anthology of teḥinot compiled by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
[…] Dort erschien es 1867 in einer Übersetzung von Rabbi Moritz Mayer als Hours of Devotion. Das Open Siddur Project hat sich der englischen Übersetzung angenommen und sie digitalisiert (siehe […]