DOWNLOAD: ODT (Transcription, Hebrew only) Thanks Isaac!

This work is in the Public Domain due to its having been published before January 1st, 1978 without a proper copyright notice.
This work was scanned and shared online as a PDF after which the PDF was contributed to the Open Siddur Project. Aharon Varady corrected the scan using ScanTailor software. (Thank you!) This work is cross-posted to the Internet Archive, as a repository for our transcription efforts.
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Source (Hebrew) | Translation (English) |
תפלות ליום תודה |
Prayers for Thanksgiving Day |
בָּרוּךְ הַבָּא (תהלים קיח:כו-כט) |
Barukh Haba (Psalms 118:26-29) |
תהלים קמה:כא |
Psalms 145:21 |
תהלים קטו:יח |
Psalms 115:18 |
תהלים קיז |
Psalms 117 |
מִן־הַמֵּצַר (תהלים קיח:א-כד) |
Min haMetsar (Psalms 118:1-24) |
תהלים צח |
Psalms 98 |
תהלים ק |
Psalms 100 |
דרשה |
Sermon |
תהלים קנ |
Psalms 150 |
תְּקֻבַּל בְּרַחֲמִים וּבְרָצוֹן תְּפִלָּתֵֽנוּ׃ |
May our prayer be accepted with loving favor! |

“📖 מנחת תודה | Minḥat Todah :: Service for Thanksgiving Day, arranged by Rabbi David de Sola Pool (1945)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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