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You are here:   📚︎ Compiled Prayer Books (Siddurim, Haggadot, &c.)   —⟶   Anthologies of Prayers   —⟶   Interfaith & Ecumenical collections of prayers

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📖 Side Arms: Readings, Prayers and Meditations for Soldiers and Sailors, by Rabbi Morris S. Lazaron (1918)

📖 The Faith of America: Readings, Songs, and Prayers for the Celebration of American Holidays, compiled by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)

📖 An Offering of Prayer: Prayers and Meditations — Private and Public, compiled by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)

📖 Message of Hope Prayer Booklet from the Elijah Interfaith Institute and UNESCO (2012)