— for those crafting their own prayerbooks and sharing the content of their practice
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📚︎ Compiled Prayer Books (Siddurim, Haggadot, &c.) —⟶ Anthologies of Prayers —⟶ Hymn-Books & Religious poetry 📁 Interfaith & Ecumenical collections of prayers :: (Next Category) 🡆 Sorted Chronologically (old to new). Sort most recent first? 📖 Allgemeines Israelitisches Gesangbuch eingeführt in dem Neuen Israelitschen Tempel zu Hamburg (1833)This is the Hamburg Temple Hymnal in its original 1833 edition, alternately titled, Allgemeines Israelitisches Gesangbüch fur Gotteshaüser und Schulen, compiled by Maimon Fraenkel, Gotthold Salomon, and Immanuel Wohlwill. . . . Categories: Hymn-Books & Religious poetry 📖 Hymns Written for the Service of the Hebrew Congregation Beth Elohim, Charleston, South Carolina (Penina Moïse et al., 1842)The first prayerbook largely composed by a Jewish woman and the first prayerbook compiled by a Jewish woman in the United States. . . . Categories: Hymn-Books & Religious poetry 📖 Hymns Written for the Use of Hebrew Congregations (Penina Moïse et al., Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim, Charleston, South Carolina 1856)The first prayerbook largely composed by a Jewish woman and the first prayerbook compiled by a Jewish woman in the United States. . . . Categories: Hymn-Books & Religious poetry 📖 תפלות בני ישורון (רפורמי) | Hymns, Psalms & Prayers in English and German, by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, et al (Minhag America, 1868)A collection of hymns, psalms, and paraliturgical prayers for festivals and other events in German and English compiled by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise for Liberal/Reform congregations establishing a Minhag Ameriḳa. . . . Categories: Hymn-Books & Religious poetry, Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers, Pulpit & Ceremonial collections of prayers A collection of hymns used by Temple Emanu-El in New York City. The hymn book mainly contains hymns in German with English translation by Rabbi James Koppel Gutheim (1817-1886) with another handful in English including one by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1821-1867), and the rest by a young Felix Adler (before his founding of Ethical Culture). . . . Categories: Hymn-Books & Religious poetry 📖 Songs and Prayers and Meditations for Divine Services of Israelites, arranged by Rabbi Benjamin Szold and translated by Rabbi Marcus Jastrow (1873)A hymnal prepared by Rabbi Benjamin Szold and translated from German into English by Rabbi Marcus Jastrow. . . . Categories: Hymn-Books & Religious poetry A hymn-book containing not only traditional Jewish hymns, but also others of Christian origin (“adapted for Jewish worship”). Upon it was based the Union Hymnal, which was subsequently adopted by Reform congregations in the United States. . . . Categories: Hymn-Books & Religious poetry The first edition of the Union Hymnal by the Central Conference of American Rabbis. . . . Categories: Hymn-Books & Religious poetry 📖 בזמרות נריע לו | Die häuslichen Sabbathgesänge für Freitag⸗Abend, Sabbath⸗Tag und Sabbath⸗Ausgang, by Dr. Leo Jehudah Hirschfeld (1898)Birkonim (bentschers) with table songs sung on the Sabbath with accompanying translations are now commonplace, but they not always were. The first major collection with accompanying translations was Dr. Leo Hirschfeld’s בזמרות נריע לו Die häuslichen Sabbathgesänge für Freitag⸗Abend, Sabbath⸗Tag und Sabbath⸗Ausgang (1898), an anthology of Sabbath table songs organized according to their traditional feast (Sabbath night, day, and Sabbath afternoon) in the Ashkenazi tradition. . . . Contributor(s): Leo Jehudah Hirschfeld and Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation) A hymnal compiled by one of the Reform rabbis who first prepared the Union Prayerbook. . . . Categories: Hymn-Books & Religious poetry The second edition of the Union Hymnal for Jewish Worship by the Central Conference of American Rabbis. . . . Categories: Hymn-Books & Religious poetry A small work of Jewish prayer intended for Jewish women published by the sisterhood of Temple Miẓpah in Chicago. . . . Contributor(s): Angie Irma Cohon, Women of Miẓpah and Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation) 📖 Hymns of Praise and Prayer, compiled by Rabbi Max D. Klein for Congregation Adath Jeshurun, Philadelphia (1926)A hymnal prepared in 1926 by Rabbi Max D. Klein for his congregation, Adath Jeshurun in Philadelphia. . . . Categories: Hymn-Books & Religious poetry Mediæval Hebrew Minstrelsy: Songs for the Bride Queen’s Feast (1926), an anthology of Sabbath table songs with rhymed English translations by the compiler, Herbert Loewe as well as others identified in his “Introduction.” The sixteen zemirot included have commentaries based on those provided by Dr. Leo Hirschfeld in his בזמרות נריע לו Die häuslichen Sabbathgesänge für Freitag⸗Abend, Sabbath⸗Tag und Sabbath⸗Ausgang (1898). Musical notation for the zemirot melodies were prepared, and a chapter on the music was written, by Rose L. Henriques. There are also delightful illustrations throughout by Beatrice Hirschfeld. Chief Rabbi Joseph H. Hertz provided the foreword. . . . 📖 כתר מלכות | Kether Malkhuth (Côroa Real) by Sholomo ibn Gabirol (Portuguese translation by A.C. de Barros Basto, 1927)A Portuguese translation of Solomon ibn Gabirol’s piyyut, Keter Malkhut, prepared by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto in 1927. . . . Categories: Hymn-Books & Religious poetry A songster compiled by Harry Coopersmith. . . .
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The Open Siddur Project is a volunteer-driven, non-profit, non-commercial, non-denominational, non-prescriptive, gratis & libre Open Access archive of contemplative praxes, liturgical readings, and Jewish prayer literature (historic and contemporary, familiar and obscure) composed in every era, region, and language Jews have ever prayed. Our goal is to provide a platform for sharing open-source resources, tools, and content for individuals and communities crafting their own prayerbook (siddur). Through this we hope to empower personal autonomy, preserve customs, and foster creativity in religious culture.
ויהי נעם אדני אלהינו עלינו ומעשה ידינו כוננה עלינו ומעשה ידינו כוננהו "May the pleasantness of אדֹני our elo’ah be upon us; may our handiwork be established for us — our handiwork, may it be established." –Psalms 90:17
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