🆕 תשלום לברכו ליחיד (סדר רב עמרם) | Replacement for Barkhu for an individual praying alone or without a minyan, from Seder Rav ȝAmram
Contributed on: 04 Feb 2025 by
❧In Jewish liturgy, some passages are dəvarim she-bi-qdushah, passages that require public communal prayer. Most famous among these are the Qaddish, Barkhu, and Qədushah. But people are not always able to pray in a community! In liturgical history both ancient and modern many different tashlumim (replacements) for these texts when praying individually have been suggested. The following is the Barkhu for an individual from Seder Rav ȝAmram, the oldest known full siddur. Much of the content is from the hekhalot literature or the Gemara, often demonstrating girsaot not otherwise known. . . .
🆕 תשלום לחצי קדיש לפני ברכו ליחיד (סדר רב עמרם) | Replacement for the Ḥatsi Qaddish before Barkhu for an individual praying alone or without a minyan, from Seder Rav ȝAmram
Contributed on: 04 Feb 2025 by
❧In Jewish liturgy, some passages are dəvarim she-bi-qdushah, passages that require public communal prayer. Most famous among these are the Qaddish, Barkhu, and Qədushah. But people are not always able to pray in a community! In liturgical history both ancient and modern many different tashlumim (replacements) for these texts when praying individually have been suggested. The following is the Half Qaddish before Barkhu for an individual from Seder Rav ȝAmram, the oldest known full siddur. Much of the content is from the hekhalot literature or the Gemara, often demonstrating girsaot not otherwise known. . . .