Prière Pour la Fête de Hanouka | Prayer for the Festival of Ḥanukkah, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1848)
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❧This is the “Prière Pour la Fête de Hanouka” as found in אמרי לב Prières D’un Cœur Israélite, a collection of paraliturgical prayers and teḥinot in French by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (Consistoire central israélite de France 1848/53). In the 1848 edition, the prayer can be found on pages 158-160. In the 1852 edition, on pages 401-403. . . .
📖 אמרי לב (Imrei Lev) Prières D’un Cœur Israélite, a collection of paraliturgical prayers and teḥinot in French by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1848/53)
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❧A collection of paraliturgical prayers and teḥinot, edited by the chief rabbi of Strasbourg and translated into French by Jonas Ennery, as a supplement to the Jewish liturgy of the synagogue. . . .
ברכה לקסר ומלך | Prière pour Sa Majesté Impériale et Royale | Prayer for the Emperor and King, Napoleon Ⅰ (ca. 1810)
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❧A prayer composed for honoring Napoleon Ⅰ by the emancipated Jews of France. . . .
Discours Prononcé dans le Temple de la rue Sainte-Avoye | Speech on the Anniversary of the coronation of Napoleon Ⅰ, by Rabbi Abraham de Cologna (3 December 1809)
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❧A speech given in honor of Napoleon concluding with a prayer by Abraham de Cologna, chief rabbi of the Central Consistory of Israelites, in 1809 on the anniversary of the emperor’s coronation. . . .