Morning Song, a hymn by Felix Adler (1897)
Contributed on: 28 Jul 2022 by
❧“Morning Song [splendor of the morning sunlight]” is a hymn by Felix Adler, published in The Sabbath School Hymnal, a collection of songs, services and responses for Jewish Sabbath schools, and homes (4th rev. ed., 1897), hymn no. 23. . . .
Task of the Ages, a hymn by Felix Adler (1888)
Contributed on: 28 Jul 2022 by
❧“Task of the Ages” is a short hymn by Felix Adler, first published in The Ethical Record vol. 1, no. 1. (April 1888), sheet music pages 2-3. . . .
Charity, a hymn by Felix Adler (1888)
Contributed on: 28 Jul 2022 by
❧“Charity” is a hymn by Felix Adler, first published in The Ethical Record vol. 1, no. 1. (April 1888), sheet music page 4. For an account of this hymn being sung, find The Journal of Industrial Education, “Autumn Festival of the Workingman’s School. Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 1889.” vol. 4, no. 9 (May 1890). . . .
The Children’s Song, a hymn by Felix Adler (1888)
Contributed on: 28 Jul 2022 by
❧“The Children’s Song” is a hymn by Felix Adler, first published in The Ethical Record vol. 1, no. 1. (April 1888), sheet music page 5. . . .
The City of Light, a poem by Felix Adler (1882)
Contributed on: 26 Jun 2022 by
❧“The City of Light” is a poem written by Felix Adler. The earliest publication I could find for it dates to 1882, in Unity: Freedom, Fellowship and Character in Religion vol. 8, no. 12 (16 Feb. 1882), p. 477. . . .