תפלת ישירים קריאי העדה אנשי שם סנהדרין | Prière des Membres du Sanhédrin | Prayer for Convening the Grand Sanhedrin in Paris on 1 Adar 5567 (9 February 1807)
Contributed on: 27 Mar 2022 by
❧A prayer composed for convening the Grand Sanhedrin established under the court of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1807. . . .
Prière d’ouverture du le chef du Sanhédrin | Opening prayer of the head of the Grand Sanhedrin, by Rabbi David Sinẓheim (9 February 1807)
Contributed on: 07 Apr 2022 by
❧A prayer offered at the inaugural session of the Grand Sanhedrin (9 February 1807) by Rabbi David Sinzheim, as found in Italian in Raccolta degli atti dell’assemblea degli Israeliti di Francia e del regno d’Italia (1807), p. 21-23, and in French in Collection des Proces-verbaux er decisions du Grand Sanhedrin (1807), p. 23-25. . . .