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the Hierophant

A hierophant is a person who invites participants in a sacred exercise into the presence of that which is deemed holy. The title, hierophant, originated in Ancient Greece and combines the words φαίνω (phainein, "to show") and ‏τα ειρα (ta hiera, "the holy"); hierophants served as interpreters of sacred mysteries and arcane principles. For the Open Siddur Project, the Hierophant welcomes new contributors and explains our mission: ensuring creatively inspired work intended for communal use is shared freely for creative reuse and redistribution.

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Complete List of Readings, &c. shared through the project so far

Contributed by the Hierophant |

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Complete List of Prayers, &c. shared through the project so far

Contributed by the Hierophant |

This is a generated list of all the prayers, piyyutim, pizmonim, etc., shared through the Open Siddur Project, sorted alphabetically. . . .

Complete List of Siddurim, &c. shared through the project so far

Contributed by the Hierophant |

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Complete List of Miscellaneous Items shared through the project so far

Contributed by the Hierophant |

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An Introduction to the Open Siddur Project at the National Museum of American Jewish History (8 December 2019)

Contributed by the Hierophant |

An event featuring a presentation by founding director Aharon Varady introducing the Open Siddur Project to attendees of the first annual Jewish New Media Festival. . . .

📰 “מאַכט אײַער אייגענעם סידור!‏” (Yoel Matveyev, Yiddish Daily Forverts 2019)

Contributed by the Hierophant |

An article in the Yiddish Daily Forverts (Forward) on the activities of the Open Siddur Project and its founder, Aharon Varady. . . .

📰 “The Open Siddur: A next generation communal Jewish educational resource,” by Dr. Efraim Feinstein and Dr. Devorah Preiss (Jewish Educational Leadership, Lookstein Center 2010 )

Contributed by the Hierophant | Efraim Feinstein |

In this article, the authors introduce the concept of sharing in a free culture context as a model for the future of online Jewish educational resources, presenting a new resource-sharing/creating project that they hope will revolutionize the study of the siddur.

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📰 “Ten Commandments of Jewish Social Networking” (Jonah Lowenfeld, Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles 2010)

Contributed by the Hierophant |

An interview with Jonah Lowenfeld of the Jewish Journal on the values of sharing Torah learning as practiced by the Open Siddur Project. . . .

📰 “Taking Prayer Into Their Own Hands” (Steve Lipman, New York Jewish Week 2010)

Contributed by the Hierophant |

In January 2010, the Jewish Week published a piece about the Open Siddur Project by Steve Lipman, entitled, “Taking Prayer Into Their Own Hands.” The article is no longer available online at the Jewish Week website or in any online cache. We have archived it here for posterity. . . .

STOP ACTA & TPP from Undermining Free Speech on the Internet

Contributed by the Hierophant |

Keep the Internet as open as Avraham and Sarah’s tent. Help us oppose ACTA & TPP: — free trade legislation with specific language that will undermine free speech on the Internet. . . .

Culmus Project’s Ancient Semitic Scripts Fonts Now Licensed GPL with “font exception”

Contributed by the Hierophant |

An important licensing update made to a collection of digital fonts maintained by the open-source Hebrew type foundry, the Culmus Project, . . .

Public policy, technology, and copyright in Halakha: a sourcesheet

Contributed by the Hierophant |

Last Sukkot 5771 (2011), Efraim Feinstein shared the sourcesheet for his late night shiur (lesson) on copyright in Rabbinic Halakhah (Jewish law). Efraim’s research adds a great deal of important perspective to our work here on the Open Siddur Project. It provides relevant historical context for our work advocating the adoption of free culture principles and free-culture licenses to facilitate sharing (tachlis) within the Jewish world. . . .

Development Status (2010-08-15)

Contributed by the Hierophant |


Hello . . .

Development Status (2010-02-15)

Contributed by the Hierophant |


Open . . .

Testing Our Transliteration Engine with help from James Strong’s Biblical Hebrew Dictionary

Contributed by the Hierophant |


The . . .

Development Status (2009-11-11)

Contributed by the Hierophant |


Open . . .

Development Status (2009-09-22)

Contributed by the Hierophant |


Open . . .

Development Status (2009-08-23)

Contributed by the Hierophant |


Open . . .

📰 “Prayer Unbound” (Hadara Graubart, Tablet Magazine 2009)

Contributed by the Hierophant |

We’re honored to have our project the focus of an article in Tablet. . . .

📰 “Prayer a la Carte” (Raphael Ahren, Haaretz 2009)

Contributed by the Hierophant |

From the summer of 2009, the first article ever written about our project, the Open Siddur, in the pages of Ha’aretz. By Raphael Ahren. . . .

📰 “Color-Coded Prayerbook Devised by Rabbi” (Martin Lauer, Springfield Republican 1972)

Contributed by the Hierophant |

An article on Rabbi Jacob Freedman’s planned Polychrome Historical Haggadah from his local newspaper in Springfield, Massachusetts. . . .

List of Miscellanies

Contributed by the Hierophant |

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📖 תנ״ך | TaNaKh: the Holy Scriptures: A New Translation (JPS 1917)

Contributed by the Hierophant |

A digitial edition of the JPS 1917 English translation of the TaNaKh. . . .

📖 סדר תפלת כל פה (מנהג הספרדים)‏ | Seder Tefilat Kol Peh, a bilingual Hebrew-Ladino prayerbook (1891)

Contributed by the Hierophant |

A bilingual Hebrew-Ladino Sefaradi siddur from the Ottoman Empire. . . .

List of Compilations

Contributed by the Hierophant |

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תורה, נביאים וכתובים: תּרגום ייִדיש פֿון יהואש | The Yiddish Translation of the TaNaKh by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten

Contributed by Yehoyesh Shloyme Blumgarten (translation) | The Yehoyesh Project (transcription) | the Hierophant |

The masterful Yiddish translation of the Tanakh by “Yehoyesh” (Yehoash) Shloyme Blumgarten (1870-1927) as published in Torah, Neviʼim, u-Khetuvim (New York: Yehoʼash Farlag Gezelshaft, 1941) as transcribed by Leonard Prager’s Yehoyesh Project. . . .