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🌐 Transgender Day of Remembrance (November 20th)

🌐 Transgender Day of Remembrance (November 20th)

This is an archive of prayers composed for or relevant to the International Transgender Day of Remembrance, an annual civic day on November 20th. Founded in 1999 to memorialize the murder of Rita Hester (1963-1998), a transgender woman in Allston, Massachusetts, the day has slowly evolved into an international day of activism in response to transphobia. By 2010, the Transgender Day of Remembrance was observed in over one hundred and eighty-five cities throughout more than twenty countries.

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תפילה להפך – מאבן בֹחן | Prayer for Transformation, from the poem “Even Boḥan” by Rabbi Ḳalonymus b. Ḳalonymus ben Meir (1322)