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🇺🇸 United States of America

🇺🇸 United States of America

This is an archive of prayers offered for the success of the democratically elected government of the United States of America and the well-being of its multicultural civil society.

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David Abernethy | Steven Abraham | Leon M. Adler | Jacob Agus | Sanford Akselrad | David Algaze | American Veterans (AMVETS) | Karl Applbaum | Martin Jay Applebaum | Haim Asa | Jeffrey Astrachan | Selig Sigmund Auerbach | Gershon Avtzon | Stephen Baars | Leo Baeck | Milton Balkany | Michael Beals | Manny Behar | Irving Berlin | Ḳ.Ḳ. Beit Shalome | Alan Belsky (translation) | Stephen Belsky | Arnold Mark Belzer | Nahum Moshe Ben-Natan | Peter S. Berg | Zackary Sholem Berger | Bernard Bergman | Laszlo Berkowits | Alvin K. Berkun | Lauren Berkun | Stuart L. Berman | Ari Berman | Morton Mayer Berman | Tim Bernard (translation) | Ellen Bernhardt | Philip S. Bernstein | Albert Siegfried Bettelheim | Morrison David Bial | Dov Bidnick | Barry Block | Irving J. Block | Herbert Bomzer | Moshe E. Bomzer | Mordecai L. Brill | Sharon Brous | Edward Benjamin Morris Browne | Arthur T. Buch | Amos Bunim | Shmuel Butman | Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) | Abraham Hyman Charlap | Gershon B. Chertoff | Abraham Chill | Alfred Cohen | Dovid M. Cohen | Romi Cohn | Edward Paul Cohn | Menachem Creditor | Joshua Davidson | Abraham de Sola | David de Sola Pool | Mendy Deitsch | Miriam del Banco | Julius Eckman | Yechiel Eckstein | Dov Berl Edelstein | David Einhorn | Judah David Eisenstein (translation) | Harry H. Epstein | Seymour L. Essrog | Moshe Faskowitz | Hyman B. Faskowitz | Dena Feingold | Abraham J. Feldman | Moshe Feller | Daniel Fellman | Meir Felman | Harry Emerson Fosdick | Leon Fram | Emmet Allen Frank | Leo M. Franklin | Simcha Freedman | Solomon Freilich | Ronne Friedman | Seth H. Frisch | Baruch Frydman-Kohl | Ester Fuchs | Norman Geller | Norman Gerstenfeld | Mark Getman | Doniel Ginsberg | Hersh M. Ginsberg | Louis Ginzberg | Israel O. Goldberg | Efrem Goldberg | Irwin Goldenberg | Albert A. Goldman | Alex J. Goldman | Israel Goldstein | Jacob Goldstein | Felipe Goodman | Shlomo Goren | Irving Greenberg | Yosef Greenberg | Mendy Greenberg | David Greene | Alan M. Greenspan | Eli B. Greenwald | Rafael G. Grossman | Joshua Gruenberg | James Koppel Gutheim | Sidney S. Guthman | Leslie Gutterman | Joshua Oscar Haberman | Martin S. Halpern | David Halpern | Eytan Hammerman | Jacob Handler | Sidney Harcsztark | Shea Harlig | Maurice Henry Harris | Barnett Hasden | Gustav N. Hausmann | Abraham Hecht | Shea Hecht | Leo Heim | Henry Abraham Henry | Nochum Dovid Herman | Morris M. Hershman | Shmuel Herzfeld | Joui Hessel | Evan Hoffman | Maynard C. Hyman | Peter E. Hyman | Walter Jacob | Cheryl Jacobs | Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America | Yaakov Yosef | Leo Jung | Isidor Kalisch | David Zvi Kalman | Gerald Kane | Morton Milford Kanter | Louis Kaplan | Nathan Kapner | Maurice Kaprow | Abe Katz (translation) | Jay Kaufman | Harry J. Kaufman | Haim Kemelman | Francis Scott Key | Irving Usher Kirshblum | David-Seth Kirshner | Gary Klein | Philip Klein | Dov Hillel Klein | Frederick L. Klein | Julius Klein | Simeon Kobrinetz | Claudio Kogan | Kaufmann Kohler | Ari Korenblit | Laurence A. Kotok | Henry E. Kraus | Harold Kravitz | Aaron Krupnick | Morris A. Landes | Leo Landman | Max M. Landman | Berl Lapin (translation) | Barton G. Lee | Meyer Heschl Leifer | Stephen Leon | Joel Levinson | Eugene Levy | Theodore S. Levy | Mordecai Levy | Isidore Lewinthal | Theodore Lewis | Rachmiel Liberman | Max Lilienthal | John Linder | Chaim Uri Lipschitz | Michael Lotker | Thomas A. Louchheim | Jacob Luski | Bruce Lustig | Hershel Lutch | Lyons Collection Committee (translation) | Akiva Males | Herbert J. Mandl | Toby Manewith | Richard Marcovitz | Jay Marcus | Morris Margolies | Julius Mark | Jacob A. Max | Harry H. Mayer | Aaron Melman | Henry Pereira Mendes | Solomon H. Metz | Carole L. Meyers | Maximilian Joseph Michelbacher | Rachel Mikva | Lester M. Miller | Sabato Morais | Linda Motzkin | Israel Mowshowitz | Penina Moïse | Mara Nathan | National Council of Jewish Women | Harry Nelson | David A. Nelson | Neohasid·org | Isaac Neuman | Louis Israel Newman | David Nunes Carvalho | Office of the Chief Rabbi of the UHC of the UK & the Commonwealth | Herbert A. Opalek | Jehiel Orenstein | Jonathan A. Panitz | David Hirsh Panitz | Gordon Papert | Daniel P. Parker | Avraham Pattashnick | David Philipson | Ely Emanuel Pilchik | Stephen Pinsky | Leib Pinter | Albert Plotkin | Israel Poleyeff | Alex Pollack | Tzvi Porath | Israel Porath | Abraham Prince | Joachim Prinz | Richard Boruch Rabinowitz | Stanley Rabinowitz | Amy Rader | Max Raisin | Morris Jacob Raphall | Reformed Society of Israelites | Steven I. Rein | Victor Reinstein | Arnold E. Resnicoff | Milton Richman | J. Harold Romirowsky | Barry Rosen | Brant Rosen | Bernhard H. Rosenberg | Seymour Rosenbloom | Leopold Rosenstraus | Jack M. Rosoff | Stephen Roth | Chaim Rozwaski | Charles M. Rubel | Jacob Sable | Jonathan Sacks | Samuel Sale | Norman Salit | David Saltzman | Edward T. Sandrow | David Saperstein | Henry Sapoznik (translation/Yiddish) | Jonathan Sarna (translation) | Bentzion Schaffran | Solomon Schechter | Solomon Schiff | Mark Schiftan | Arthur Schneier | Julie Schonfeld | Israel Schorr | Samuel Schulman | Joe Schwartz | Samuel Scolnic | Shlomo Segal | Kenneth Ian Segel | David Seidenberg | Joshua Seigel | Gershom Mendes Seixas | Lawrence R. Sernovitz | Max A. Shapiro | Solomon B. Shapiro | David Shapiro | Morris M. Shapiro | Morris Shmidman | Abraham Shusterman | Michael Siegel | Paul Silton | Joseph Silverman | Morris Silverman | Robert Silvers | Abram Simon | Howard A. Simon | Levi Slonim | Robert Slosberg | Harold P. Smith | Herman E. Snyder | Alan Sokobin | Avraham Samuel Soltes | Efry Spectre | Irving Spielman | William Spigelman | Hannah Spiro | Elie Spitz | State of Georgia House of Representatives | Samuel Stauber | Gil Steinlauf | Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit | Barry Tabachnikoff | Sidney Tedesche | the Congressional Record of the United States of America | Samuel Thurman | Louis M. Tuchman | Congregation Tzedek Chicago | Miriam Udel | Unknown Author(s) | Hendla Jochanan van Oettingen | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) | Aharon N. Varady | Stanley M. Wagner | Max B. Wall | Hershel Waxman | Steven Weil | Dudley Weinberg | Joseph P. Weinberg | Bernard Weinberger | Stuart Weinblatt | Martin Weiner | Jay Weinstein | Robert S. Widom | Jeremy Wiederhorn | Isaac Mayer Wise | Saul Israel Wisemon | Jeffrey Wohlberg | Ellen Wolintz-Fields | David J. Wolpe | Shmuly Yanklowitz | Norman Zdanowitz | Israel Zoberman | Gary P. Zola | Nathan Zolondek | Ḳahal Ḳadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, South Carolina)
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ABAB rhyming scheme | Abraham Lincoln | acrostic | Alabama | Alabama Claims | Slaveholders' Rebellion (1861-1865) | American Jewry of the United States | American Red Cross | American Reform Movement | American War of Independence | Americanism | עמידה amidah | anti-communist | anti-corruption | anti-fascist | assassination | Assassination of Abraham Lincoln | Assassination of James A. Garfield | athletics | Attempted assassination of Donald Trump | Barack Hussein Obama | Battle of Baltimore | Battle of Gettysburg | Benediction | Benjamin Harrison | Bill Cosby | Birkat Kohanim | Broomall | Btselem Elohim | Camp David Accords | Canada | capital punishment | Chester A. Arthur | children's prayers | Cincinnati | civic prayers | civic responsibility | civil rights | Classical Reform | Commonwealth of Virginia | Concentration camps | Confederate States of America | Conservative | Containment | Cuban War of Independence | D-Day | Decoration Day | dedications and consecrations | democracy | Democratic National Conventions | democratic process | disagreement | dissent | Dissolution of the Soviet Union | doikayt | Donald Trump | Dwight D. Eisenhower | economic distress | ecumenical prayers | Education & Sharing Day USA | Egypt–Israel peace treaty | Egypt–Israel relations | El Paso | elegies | embrace the stranger | English poetry | English vernacular prayer | Fascism in North America | flags banners and escutcheons | Florida | food insecurity | Franklin Delano Roosevelt | furloughed workers | George H.W. 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Shearith Israel | lamentation | Landing Day | Lord's Prayer | lost income | mass murder inside a synagogue | Memorial Day | Miami | Multinational Force in Lebanon | national anthems | Needing Translation (into Hebrew) | Needing Vocalization | New York | New York City | New York State Assembly | New York State Senate | North American Jewry | North Korea–United States relations | Nuremberg Trials | Nursing | Nusaḥ Masorti | Nusaḥ Sefaradi | NYPD | Ohio | Operation Margarethe | Page of the United States House of Representatives | paraliturgical hanoten teshuah | Patriotic hymns | peace | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania | Philadelphia | Philippine–American War | pluralism | Poway synagogue shooting | Prayers after acts of terrible violence | Prayers after an attempted assassination | prayers after peace treaties | Prayers as poems | prayers for astronauts | Prayers for first responders | Prayers for leaders | prayers for municipalities | Prayers of Guest Chaplains | prayers of military chaplains | pre-Purim | Presidents Day | Priestly Blessing | Private Amidah | Problematic prayers | productive confrontation | protect the refugee | Ḳ.Ḳ. Miḳveh Israel (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) | Queen Esther | Religious Zionism | Republican National Conventions | Resist | resistance | U.S. Senate | Sepharadi Diaspora | שבע מצות בני נח Seven Noaḥide Commandments | שתדלנות shtadlanut | Sinking of the RMS Lusitania | Six Day War | South Carolina | Soviet Jewry | space science | space travel | Spanish–American War | Spanish-Portuguese | SS Dorchester | Stabbing Intifada | State of Georgia | Strange Fruit | תחינות teḥinot | Tennessee General Assembly | thanksgiving | thanksgivukkah | the Holocaust | השואה the Shoah | תחינות tkhines | Trump administration family separation policy | צדק צדק תרדוף tsedeq tsedeq tirdof | Unite the Right rally | United States | United States bicentennial | United States Immigration Policy | United States in the Korean War | vexillology | Vietnam Veterans Memorial | voting | weekday amidah | welcome the immigrant | welcoming | Western Sepharadim | William Frederick Havemeyer | William Howard Taft | William McKinley | Wisconsin Senate | Words | World War Ⅰ | World War Ⅱ | Yiddish songs | Yiddish translation | Yiddish vernacular prayer | זמירות zemirot | hakhnasat orḥim | United States entry into World War Ⅰ | USS Pueblo (AGER-2) | September 11 attacks | STS-26 | 36th Congress | 41st Congress | 42nd Congress | 45th President of the United States | 47th President of the United States | 50th Congress | 56th Congress | 58th Congress | 62nd Congress | 64th Congress | 65th Congress | 68th Congress | 71st Congress | 74th Congress | 77th Congress | 78th Congress | 79th Congress | 80th Congress | 81st Congress | 82nd Congress | 83rd Congress | 84th Congress | 85th Congress | 86th Congress | 87th Congress | 88th Congress | 89th Congress | 90th Congress | 91st Congress | 92nd Congress | 93rd Congress | 94th Congress | 95th Congress | 96th Congress | 97th Congress | 98th Congress | 99th Congress | 100th Congress | 101st Congress | 102nd Congress | 103rd Congress | 104th Congress | 105th Congress | 106th Congress | 107th Congress | 108th Congress | 109th Congress | 110th Congress | 111th Congress | 112th Congress | 113th Congress | 114th Congress | 115th Congress | 116th Congress | 117th Congress | 118th Congress | War of 1812 | Panic of 1873 | Panic of 1896 | Republican National Convention 1896 | Democratic National Convention 1900 | Cold War (1947–1953) | Cold War (1953–1962) | Geneva Summit (1955) | Cold War (1962–1979) | Closure of the Suez Canal (1967–1975) | 1983 Beirut barracks bombings | Democratic National Convention 1984 | United States General Election 1984 | Cold War (1985–1991) | Geneva Summit (1985) | Democratic National Convention 1988 | United States General Election 1988 | Revolutions of 1989 | Democratic National Convention 1992 | United States General Election 1992 | Don't ask don't tell (1993-2011) | Democratic National Convention 1996 | United States General Election 1996 | Democratic National Convention 2000 | United States General Election 2000 | 2003 invasion of Iraq | Democratic National Convention 2004 | United States General Election 2004 | Democratic National Convention 2008 | United States General Election 2008 | Don't Ask Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010 | 2011 Joplin tornado | Democratic National Convention 2012 | United States General Election 2012 | 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing | 2013 Moore tornado | 2015-2016 wave of violence in Israeli-Palestinian conflict | 2016 Brussels bombings | Democratic National Convention 2016 | United States General Election 2016 | 2017 Charlottesville attack | 2017 Congressional baseball shooting | 2018–19 United States federal government shutdown | 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting | 2019–20 Persian Gulf crisis | 2019 Monsey Hanukkah stabbing | 2020 coronavirus outbreak in the United States | 2020 coronavirus pandemic | Democratic National Convention 2020 | United States General Election 2020 | 2021 storming of the United States Capitol | 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine | 2023-2024 Israel–Hamas war | Democratic National Convention 2024 | United States General Election 2024 | 18th century C.E. | 19th century C.E. | 20th century C.E. | 21st century C.E. | 56th century A.M. | 57th century A.M. | 58th century A.M.
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Resources filtered by COLLABORATOR: “Chaim Uri Lipschitz” (clear filter)
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Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Chaim U. Lipschitz on 16 June 1958

Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Chaim U. Lipschitz on 9 June 1960

Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Chaim U. Lipschitz on 28 March 1962

Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Chaim U. Lipschitz on 28 April 1977