This is an archive of prayers in the event of an earthquake causing the collapse of buildings and infrastructure near fault lines, or a tsunami causing sudden devastating inundation flooding, endangering life along coasts, estuaries, and outflowing rivers. Click here to contribute a prayer you have written, or a transcription and/or translation of a relevant historic prayer, in the event of an earthquake or tsunami. Filter resources by Collaborator Name Filter resources by Tag Filter resources by Category Filter resources by Language Filter resources by Date Range
A prayer of repentance and thanksgiving recited at the Shaare Shalom synagogue in Kingston, Jamaica in response to the massive Guadeloupe earthquake of 1843. . . .
“On the Los Angeles Earthquake” by Rabbi Norman Michael Goldburg, was offered before the California state legislature on 12 March 1933, and published in California Legislature 50th Session 1933: Prayers Offered at the Daily Sessions of the Assembly, pp. 44-45. The earthquake, now known as the 1933 Long Beach earthquake, registered 6.4 on the Richter scale. . . .
A prayer composed by Rabbi Shai Held in the aftermath of the devastating 2004 Asian Tsunami. . . .
A Mi Sheberakh prayer for those affected by natural disasters. This prayer uses many standard liturgical phrases in a new context to stress that God, while full of great power, is not a God of destruction but one of peace and life. Quoting the famous vision of Elijah at Ḥorev, this prayer is for those who seek comfort and tranquility from their God. . . .