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Well-being, health, and caregiving

Well-being, health, and caregiving

This is an archive of prayers composed for, or relevant to, the health and well-being of others by or for caregivers.

If you have composed a prayer for overcoming illness, for well-being, or for the success of caregivers, healers, and physicians, please share it here.

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Grace Aguilar | Refael Antebi Tabbush | Trisha Arlin | Arnaud Aron | Lior Bar-Ami | Isabel Bard (translation) | Aryeh Baruch | Stephen Belsky | Abayyé ben Kaylil | Yeruḥam ben Meshullam | Yehudah ben Shmuel haLevi | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | the Ben Yehuda Project (transcription) | Aryeh Bernstein | Morrison David Bial | the Blue Dove Foundation | Marcus Heinrich Bresslau | Menachem Creditor | Chana Deutsch (Magyar translation) | Jonas Ennery | Isaac Abraham Eüchel (Hebrew translation) | Shir Yaakov Feinstein-Feit | Refoyl Finkl (translation) | Elli Fischer | Harry Friedenwald (English translation) | Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman | Leah Garfinkle (Yiddish translation) | Esteban Gottfried | Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques | Markus Herz | Me'irah Iliinsky | Zac Kamenetz | Mordecai Kaplan | Chaya Kaplan-Lester | Emily Aviva Kapor-Mater | Hannah Katsman | Arnold Kiss | Knesset haRabanim b'Yisrael | Roy Kotansky (translation) | Elliot Kukla | Cantor Hinda Labovitz | Joy Ladin | Gilah Langner | Sara Lapidot (translation) | Meïr haLevi Letteris | Annie Josephine Levi | Clifton Harby Levy | the Masorti Movement in Israel | Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (transcription & naqdanut) | Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (translation) | Moritz Mayer | Moritz Mayer (translation) | Dafna Meir | Shim'on Menachem | Netanel Miles-Yépez | Yehoshua Heshil Miro | Lilian Helen Montagu | Penina Moïse | National Council of Jewish Women | Sandra Razieli | Moshe Razieli | Tsvi Hirsch Robinson | Brant Rosen | Eitan Meshullam Chai Runyan | Bertrand Russell | Andreas Rusterholz (transcription) | Danya Ruttenberg | Nina Davis Salaman (translation) | Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (translation) | Fanny Schmiedl-Neuda | Mel Scult | Avraham Samuel Soltes | Oren Steinitz | Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit | Baruch Jean Thaler (translation) | Baruch Jean Thaler | Congregation Tzedek Chicago | Unknown Author(s) | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) | Aharon N. Varady | Aharon N. Varady (translation) | Shmuly Yanklowitz | Shoshana Michael Zucker (translation) | Ḳahal Ḳadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, South Carolina)
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ABAB rhyming scheme | Abortion in the United States | acrostic | Acrostic signature | activism | אדם קדמון Adam Ḳadmon | ageing | all bodies | American Jewry of the United States | Amits Koaḥ | Amoraic prayers | Ancestors | angelology | Angels | Angels of Healing | anxiety | apotropaic prayers of protection | Aramaic | Artists | אשר יצר Asher Yatsar | Asiyah | ayin hara | Bathroom etiquette | Bathroom Prayer | ביקור חולים biḳur ḥolim | ברכת הגומל birkat hagomel | birthday prayers | blessings | blessings prior to the shema | blood | Body as Cosmos | Body as Earth | Body as Society | Body as Temple | ברכות brakhot | British Jewry | Btselem Elohim | Cancer | Care | cemetery prayers | Chicago | childhood illness | children's prayers | Cholera | Colorado | commencement | coronavirus | danger | death | dedications and consecrations | depression | desperate pleas | devotional interpretation | disabled bodies | Distress | dreams | Early Reconstructionist | ecstatic | ecumenical prayers | אליהו הנביא Eliyahu haNavi | English poetry | English Translation | English vernacular prayer | the Enlightenment | entering magical territory | entheogenic and psychedelic use | Ethical Humanism | עין הרע predatory gaze (ill will/evil eye) | excretion | exhortation | false piety | first person | four worlds | French Jewry | French vernacular prayer | gender expression | gender identity | gender transition | geonic period | Geonic prayers | German Jewry | German translation | German vernacular prayer | giving blood | Gratitude | Grief | ההיכלות ויורדי המרכבה haHeikhalot v'Yordei haMerkavah | Healing | health | Hebrew translation | historiola | Humanist | Hungarian Jewry | hymns | hymns of creation | incantation | infants | inner peace | inspiration | integrity | internal plumbing | interpretive translation | Jewish Renewal | Jewish Science movement | Jewish Women's Prayers | judgement | קמעות ḳame'ot | כוונות kavvanot | lashon hara | Late Antiquity | LGBTQIA+ | Liberal Movement for Progressive Judaism in Britain | liberation from mitsrayim | life giving | loneliness | lonely man of faith | Magyar translation | Magyar vernacular prayer | Masaru Emoto | matanat dam | medical treatment | Medicine | Mental Health | מי שברך mi sheberakh | מזמור Mizmor | מודים Modim | mortality | משיח Moshiaḥ | naming ceremonies | Needing Attribution | Needing Translation (into Hebrew) | Needing Source Images | Needing Vocalization | North Amercia | North America | Nursing | pain | paraliturgical amidah | paraliturgical asher yatsar | paraliturgical priestly blessing | paraliturgical teḥinot | paraliturgical yotser ohr | personal blessings | פיוטים piyyuṭim | plumbing as metaphor | Prayers as poems | prayers concerning children | prayers for caregivers | Prayers on behalf of children | prayers on behalf of parents | prayers for the ill | Prayers in the Babylonian Talmud | prayers in the name of ancestors | prayers of health care workers | Prayers of Primary Caregivers | Prayers of Pumbedita | predatory gaze | Problematic prayers | professional intention | protection | תהלים Psalms | reciprocity | refuah | resurrection | self-care | self-reflection | self-sacrifice | פרשת ויגש parashat Vayigash | shamanic praxis | shame resilience | shehakol | שמירת הגוף shmirat haguf | sleep | social anxiety | social justice | South Carolina | still small voice | stress | suicidal ideation | suicide | suicide prevention | synagogue consecration | technology | תפילת הדרך tefilat haderekh | תחינות teḥinot | Teḥinot in German | thankfulness | thanksgiving | תחינות tkhines | transgender prayer | transhumanism | צדק צדק תרדוף tsedeq tsedeq tirdof | United States | חיסון vaccination | וידוי vidui | wards against spiritual narcissism | water | West Central Girls' Club | מי או מה who or what | wisdom | wrestling | יצר הרע yetser hara | Yiddish translation | Yiddish vernacular prayer | ישראל Yisrael | Y'mei Bein haMitsrim | teḥinot in English | teḥinot in Magyar | Psalms 4 | COVID-19 coronavirus | Psalms 23 | 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak | 2020 coronavirus outbreak in Israel | 2020 coronavirus outbreak in the United States | 2020 coronavirus pandemic | United States v. Texas (2021) | 3rd century C.E. | 12th century C.E. | 18th century C.E. | 19th century C.E. | 20th century C.E. | 21st century C.E. | 41st century A.M. | 49th century A.M. | 56th century A.M. | 57th century A.M. | 58th century A.M.
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Prière d’un enfant pour un malade | A child’s prayer for a sick person, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)

Supplique dans un malheur ou dans un chagrin | Supplication in misfortune or in grief, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)

Actions de graces après un événement heu-reux | Thanksgiving after a joyful reprieve, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)