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Tishah b'Av

Tishah b’Av

This is an archive of prayers written for, or relevant to, the Fast of תִּשְׁעָה בְּאָב (Tishah b’Av, the 9th of the month of Av) in the Jewish calendar, commemorating the destruction of the first and second Temple in Jerusalem, among other catastrophes.

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Felix Adler | Anonymous Author(s) | Aryeh Baruch | Yosef ben Asher (of Chartres) | Meir ben Barukh of Rothenburg | Elazar ben Killir | Barukh ben Shmuel of Mainz | Hillel ben Yaaqov of Bonn | Eleazar ben Yehudah ben Ḳalonymus of Worms | Yirmiyah ben Ḥilkiyah haKohen | David Bigman | Marcus Heinrich Bresslau | Hillary Chorny | Daniel Chorny | Aryeh Cohen | Menachem Creditor | Abraham Cronbach | Liora Eilon | Gabbai Seth Fishman (translation) | Benjamin Goldberg | Joel Goldstein (translation) | Todd Greenberg | Yanai haPayetan | Heinrich Heine | Nurit Hirschfeld-Skupinsky | Avraham ibn Ezra | Shlomo ibn Gabirol | Richard Kaplan | Mordecai Kaplan | Gabriel Kretzmer Seed (translation) | Isaac Leeser (translation) | Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (transcription & naqdanut) | Isaac Gantwerk Mayer | Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (translation) | Moritz Mayer | Andrew Meit | Yehoshua Heshil Miro | Yehudah Mirsky (translation) | A Mitzvah to Eat | Penina Moïse | Abraham Moïse | Neohasid·org | Daniel Olson | Sarah Osborne | Jonah Rank (translation) | Reformed Society of Israelites | Brant Rosen | Andreas Rusterholz (transcription) | Rosa Emma Salaman | Nina Davis Salaman (translation) | Rachel Salston (translation) | Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | Fanny Schmiedl-Neuda | Gershom Scholem (translation) | Paula Schwebel (translation) | David Seidenberg | Anat Sharbat (translation) | Isaac Bashevis Singer | Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit | David Stromberg (translation) | the Masoretic Text | Yiḥya Tsalaḥ | Unknown Author(s) | Aharon N. Varady (translation) | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) | Susan Weingarten (translation) | Ḳahal Ḳadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, South Carolina)
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2014 Israel–Gaza conflict | 2020 coronavirus outbreak in the United States | 2020 coronavirus pandemic | 2023-2024 Israel–Hamas war | 2023 Israeli judicial reform protests | ABAB rhyming scheme | acrostic | Acrostic signature | phonetic alphabetic acrostic translation | Ahavat Hashem | על נהרות בבל Al naharot Bavel | Al Quds | Alphabetic Acrostic | alphabetic mesostic | עמידה amidah | Anglo Jewry | Ashkenaz | ברכת המזון birkat hamazon | Blois Incident of 1171 | Bohemian Jewry | Break Fasts | British Jewry | Cairo Geniza | calendar announcements | communal shame | corruption | cosmology | COVID-19 coronavirus | difference disagreement and deviance | Disputation of Paris | eco-conscious | ecoḥasid | אלי ציון Eli Tsiyon | English poetry | English Translation | English vernacular prayer | ארץ ישראל Erets Yisrael | Ethical Humanism | false piety | fasting | First Crusade | first person | First Shabbat of Admonition | Four Questions | Frankfurt am Main | free translation | German Jewry | German vernacular prayer | Gratitude | הר הבית Har haBayit | חלול ה׳ Ḥillul Hashem | Ḥonen HaDa'at | חורבן Ḥurban | hymns | Immigration policy of Donald Trump | improper use of the crown | inclusion and exclusion | עינוי Innui (self-affliction) | Israeli–Palestinian conflict | ירושלם Jerusalem | Jewish Women's Prayers | קרובות ḳerovot | King Richard I | labor exploitation | Ladino Translation | lamentation | אהבת ישראל loving Yisrael | לוח lu'aḥ | מעוז צור Maoz Tsur | מדינת ישראל Medinat Yisrael | Minḥah | mortality | משיח Moshiaḥ | Mourning this Broken World | Municipality of Jerusalem | Needing Translation (into Arabic) | Needing Translation (into Hebrew) | Needing Proofreading | Needing Vocalization | night | nine days | Nusaḥ Ashkenaz | nusaḥ baladi | ofanim | Opening Prayers | אוי oy | فلسطين Filasṭīn Palestine | Palestinian Diapsora | Palestinian refugees | Paraliturgical Mourner's Kaddish | paraliturgical ribon haOlamim | Paris Commune | Peace in Jerusalem | People's Crusade | פיקוח נפש piqoaḥ nefesh | פיוטים piyyuṭim | פזמונים pizmonim | Prayers after acts of terrible violence | Prayers as poems | prayers following pogroms | Problematic prayers | prophetic revelation | Psalms 5 | Psalms for Fast Days | Public Amidah | קינות Ḳinōt | Refugee Crisis | religious hypocrisy | repatriation | Rhineland Massacres | rhyming translation | סליחות səliḥot | סעודה המפסקת seudah hamafseket | שבת חזון Shabbat Ḥazon | שבת נחמו Shabbat Naḥamu | Shabbatot of Admonition | Siege of Jerusalem (597 BCE) | Siege of Jerusalem (70 CE) | Siege of Paris (1870–1871) | South Carolina | Spanish-Portuguese | תחינות teḥinot | Teḥinot in German | תשובה teshuvah | tetrapuncta | Thirty-seventh government of Israel | Three Weeks of Mourning | to love the divine | tolerance and intolerance | Trump administration family separation policy | ציון Tsiyon | ultraviolence | United States | United States Immigration Policy | Universal Peace | universalist | we are the music makers | welcome the immigrant | Western Sepharadim | Yemenite Jewry | יציאת מצרים Yetsiat Mitsrayim | ישראל Yisrael | York Massacre of 1190 | יוצרות yotsrot | 6th century B.C.E. | 6th century C.E. | 7th century C.E. | 11th century C.E. | 12th century C.E. | 13th century C.E. | 16th century C.E. | 19th century C.E. | 20th century C.E. | 21st century C.E. | 33rd century A.M. | 43rd century A.M. | 44th century A.M. | 45th century A.M. | 49th century A.M. | 50th century A.M. | 51st century A.M. | 54th century A.M. | 56th century A.M. | 57th century A.M. | 58th century A.M.
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אֱלִי צִיּוֹן וְעָרֶיהָ | Eli Tsiyon v’Arehah — Coronavirus, by Daniel Olson & Rabbi Benjamin Goldberg (2020)

על אלה אנו בוכים | Al eleh anu bokhim (For these we weep), a lamentation for humanity’s destruction of habitat and species, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)

ברכת המזון לסעודה מפסקת ערב תשעה בעב | Birkat haMazon for the Seudah Mafseqet (Pre-Fast Meal) of Tishah b’Av, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

תפילה למי שצריך לאכול בימי צום | Prayer for those who need to eat on fast days (A Mitzvah to Eat, 2022)

מָעוֹז צָרוֹת | Ma’oz Tsarot (A Fortress of Troubles), a qinah for Tishah b’Av by Aryeh Baruch

תפילה לתשעה באב | Prayer for the Wellbeing of the State of Israel on Tishah b’Av 5783, by Rabbi David Bigman

Comfort in Ruin: Tishah b’Av, a prayer-poem by Rabbi Menachem Creditor

אֵל קוֹל דְּמָמָה | El Qol D’mama — a piyyut for the end of Tishah b’Av by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

Tishah b’Av from Within, a prayer-poem by Todd Greenberg

אֵיכָה יָשְׁבָה בָּדָד | Eikhah Yashvah Badad (O How She Sat Alone), a qinah by Nurit Hirschfeld-Skupinsky

קִינָה לְאֶרֶץ אֲהוּבָה | Qinah l’Erets Ahuvah (Lamentation for a Beloved Land), by Liora Eilon

🆕 הקפות קינה לשביעי באוקטובר | Haqafōt of Lamentation for the seventh of October, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer