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This is an archive of prayers, prayer-poems, and songs for the festival of חֲנֻכָּה (Ḥanukkah), commemorating the crucial victory of the Jewish people in retaining its culture, lifeways, and Temple vis-à-vis the oppressive hegemony of the Seleucid Greek kingdom around 164 BCE.

Click here to contribute a prayer you have written, or a transcription and/or translation of a historic Ḥanukkah prayer or song in any language, familiar or obscure.

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Applied Jewish Spirituality | Arnaud Aron | Ḳalonymus b. Ḳalonymus ben Meir | Aryeh Baruch | Yeshayahu ben Amōts | Shlomoh ben Eliyahu Sharvit haZahav | Elazar ben Killir | David ben Yishai (traditional attribution) | Mordecai ben Yitsḥok ha-Levi | Peter S. Berg | Marcus Heinrich Bresslau | Josh Calvo | Yuval Cherlow | comYakowenko (translation) | Consistoire central israélite de France | Menachem Creditor | Abraham Cronbach | Solomon da Silva Solis-Cohen (translation) | Frederick de Sola Mendes | Miriam del Banco | Lieba B. Ruth | Jonas Ennery | Berthold Feiwel (translation) | Yehudis Fishman | Helena Frank (translation) | Girls in Trouble | Hirsh Glik | Chajm Guski (German translation) | Woody Guthrie | Bonna Devora Haberman | Rabbi Jill Hammer, Ph.D. | Joseph Herman Hertz | Shlomo ibn Gabirol | John Keble | Minna Cohen Kleeberg | Emma Lazarus | Tom Lehrer | Noam Lerman (translation) | Meïr haLevi Letteris | Sara Levi-Tanai | Isaac Gantwerk Mayer | Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (transcription & naqdanut) | Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (translation) | Moritz Mayer | Yehoshua Heshil Miro | Lilian Helen Montagu | Sabato Morais | Penina Moïse | Cordelia Moïse Cohen | Yisrael Najara | Neohasid·org | Yosef ben Shlomo of Carcassonne | Jonah Rank (translation) | Dr. Sara Reguer (translation) | Mordkhe Rivesman | Morris Rosenfeld | Eitan Meshullam Chai Runyan | Andreas Rusterholz (transcription) | Jessie Ethel Sampter | Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (translation) | Jason Schapera (translation) | Fanny Schmiedl-Neuda | David Seidenberg | Daniel Raphael Silverstein | Leopold Stein | Menaḥem Mendel Stern | Rose Pastor Stokes (translation) | Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit | the Congressional Record of the United States of America | the Masoretic Text | Unknown Author(s) | Unknown Translator(s) | Aharon N. Varady (translation) | Aharon N. Varady | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) | Shaul Vardi (translation) | Levi Weiman-Kelman (translation) | Susan Weingarten (translation) | Isaac Mayer Wise | צבי אלימלך שפירא | Ḳahal Ḳadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, South Carolina)
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Kavvanah and prayer for Zōt Ḥanukkah, the last night and day of Ḥanukkah 5784, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)