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Rosh Ḥodesh

Rosh Ḥodesh

This is an archive of prayers written for Rosh Ḥodesh, the New Moon festival celebrating the moon’s renewal, commencing every month in the Jewish calendar. 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑

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תהלים ק״ד | Psalms 104, a hymn of creation (translated by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan)

תהלים ק״ד | Psalms 104, a hymn of creation (translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)

תהלים ק״ד | Psalms 104, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

קידוש לראש חודש, לפי מסכת סופרים | A Sanctification of the New Month, reconstructed from Masekhet Soferim by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

Beim Einsegnen des Neumondes (ver. 2) | At the Blessing of the New Moon (ver. 2), by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)

Beim Einsegnen des Neumondes (ver. 1) | At the Blessing of the New Moon (ver. 1), by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)

Meditation on the Works of God, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)

Au Renouvellement Du Mois: Sur la Brièveté de la Vie | At the New Moon: On the Brevity of Life, by Rabbi Arnaud Aron & Jonas Ennery (1848)

Prayer on the New Moon, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)

[Gebet] Am Neumonde | Prayer for the Day of New Moon, by Fanny Schmiedl-Neuda (1855)

אלהים חיי הטבע | Elohim the Life of Nature, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan (1945)

סדר חצוצרות לראש חודש | Seder Ḥatsotsrot l’Rosh Ḥodesh (the Rite of Trumpets for the New Moon)