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Shiviti (scalable vector graphic) art, by Yaakov Love

Prayer for Release of the Hostages, Surcease from the Bombs — by Rabbi Victor Reinstein (2024)

A Prayer for the United States of America in the Aftermath of an Act of Violence (14 July 2024)

Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Levi Slonim on 25 July 2024

מי שברך לשלום המדינה | Mi sheBerakh for the Peace of the State of Israel, by the Masorti Movement in Israel

📖 סדר מעריב לתשעה באב | Seder Maariv l’Tishah b’Av, compiled by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

קינה על מאורעות חרבות ברזל | Qinah al Me’or’ot Ḥarvot Barzel, by Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon (World Mizrachi Movement)

אֵיכָה יָשְׁבָה בָּדָד | Eikhah Yashvah Badad (O How She Sat Alone), a qinah by Nurit Hirschfeld-Skupinsky

קִינָה לְאֶרֶץ אֲהוּבָה | Qinah l’Erets Ahuvah (Lamentation for a Beloved Land), by Liora Eilon

תחנה פֿאַר צוריקקערן זיך נאָך דורות צו המקום | A Tkhine for Returning to a Place After Generations, by Maia Brown

Listen up, y’all — an interpretive rendering of v’haya im shamoa by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat

אַהֲבָה תְּלַבְלֵב כְּמוֹ־פֶֽרַח | Ahava T’lavlev K’mo Peraḥ (Love blossoms like a flower) — a yotser for Tu b’Av by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

Invocation by Rabbi Sharon Brous at the Democratic National Convention (2024)

Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 23 August 2024

יהי רצון | An alternative closing meditation at the end of the Amidah on the restoration of the Temple, by Dr. Sam Fleischacker

A Prayer for Our Country Before Election Day, by David Abernethy (2024)

Prayer for the International Day of Democracy, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

A Blessing for the Bees, a New Year’s prayer for 5785 by Devorah Brous (FromSoil2Soul)

סְלִיחָה לְחֹדֶשׁ אֱלוּל בְּצֵל הַמִּלְחָמָה בְּעַזָּה | Seliḥah for Elul in the shadow of the war on Gaza, by Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Cohen (2024)

תוספת לסליחות לזיכרון המוסרים נפשם בחרבות ברזל | Supplement to the Seliḥot following “Aseh l’Maan Shemekha” in remembrance of the fallen in the Ḥarvot Barzel War, by Dr. Yael Levine

אֵלֶּה אֶזְכְּרָה | These I Remember, a seliḥah before the anniversary of October 7th by Ze’ev Kainan

Prayer for Voting, by Rachie Lewis (Keshet 2024)

Schedule for the Reading of Historical Writings corresponding to Festivals and Commemorative Days, according to Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

Yotsrot for Yom Simḥat Kohen/Yom Shem ha-El (11 Tishrei) in a Cairo Geniza weekday yotsrot style by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

לקטנים ברצועת עזה | [Prayer] for the Children in Gaza, by Avital Raff

אל מלא רחמים | El Malé Raḥamim for Activists, Journalists, Doctors, Teachers, and Aid Workers in Palestine — by Avi Garelick

אנא ה׳ מלך מלא רחמים | Memorial Prayer for Sacred Life Lost, by Netanel Zellis-Paley

יְהִי רָצוֹן מִלְּפָּנֶיךָ | Prayer for an End to Injustice on Earth, by Anonymous

הוֹשִׁיעָה נָא לשנת תשפ״ה | Hosha-na for Rebuilding, Sukkot 5785 — by Shoshana Michael Zucker

Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 22 October 2024

בִּשְּׁבִיל דֵמוֹקרָטִיָה וְצֶדֶק | For democracy and justice: additions to the Amidah to add from now through US election day (and afterward), by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid)

Prayer for Sukkot 5785, by Rabbi David Seidenberg

Prayer for Starting Testosterone Therapy (תפילה לתחילת טיפול בטסטוסטרון), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

Prayer for the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) | Gebet für den Internationaler Tag gegen Homo-, Bi-, Inter- und Transphobie, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

Prayer for the Transgender Day of Remembrance (Gebet zum Gedenktag für die Opfer von Transphobie), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

Prayer for the International Transgender Day of Visibility (Gebet für den Internationalen Transgendertag der Sichtbarkeit), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

Prayer for International Non-Binary People’s Day (Gebet zum Internationalen Tag der nicht-binären Menschen), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

Prayer for the World AIDS Day (Gebet für den Welt-AIDS-Tag), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

Prayer for Someone Who Undergoes Chemotherapy (Gebet für eine Person, die sich einer Chemotherapie unterzieht), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

Prayer for Deliverance from the Corona Plague (Gebet für die Befreiung von der Corona-Plage), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

Gebet für die Geflüchteten, die an der EU-Außengrenze ums Leben kamen | Prayer for the refugees who lost their lives at the EU’s external border, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

Prayer for United Nations Day, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

Prayer for Ukraine (Gebet für Ukraine), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

Prayer for Yom haShoah (תְּפִלָּה לַיּוֹם הַשּׁוֹאָה) | Gebet für Jom haSchoa, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

Prayer for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Gebet für den Internationalen Holocaustgedenktag), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

A Prayer for Healing and Unity since October 7 (Ein Gebet für Heilung und Einigkeit seit dem 7. Oktober), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

הוֹשַֽׁעְנָא ליום הבחירות | Hosha-na for Election Day, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

Prayer for Election Day, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

Prayer for Kristallnacht, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami

תפילה לשינוי השם והסימון המגדרי | Gebet für die Änderung des Vornamens und Geschlechtseintrags | Prayer for the Change of Name and Gender Marker, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami