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קמע לשמירת המגפה | Amulet for Protection from the Plague, attributed to Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum (ca. 19th c.)

בִּרְכָּת הָבָּיִת | Birkat haBayit (Blessing for the Home)

Yom Kippur prayer during the Yellow Fever epidemic in New York, by Abraham Mears Isaacks (1803)

A Supplication Before the Divine Throne During an Outbreak of Asiatic Cholera in Montreal by Rabbi Abraham de Sola (1849)

Prayer offered in response to the Great Chicago Fire, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (1 December 1871)

תפלה על המגפה שתעצר | Prayer for Cessation of the Disease Now Raging, by Rabbi Dr. Moses Gaster (1892)

תְּחִינָה װען עס ברעכט אױס אַ מַגֵפָה | A Tkhine When an Epidemic Breaks Out (1916)

מענטשן־פרעסער | Mentshn-Fresser (“People Devourer”), a Pandemic Ballad by Shlomo Shmulevitsh (1916)

תפילה בתגובה למגפה | A Prayer in Response to the Coronavirus, by Rav Shmuly Yanklowitz (Valley Beit Midrash 2020)

Viddui for Coronavirus, by Rabbi Ora Nitkin-Kaner (2020)

תפילה בתגובה למגפה | Prayer in response to the Coronavirus Outbreak in Italy (Assemblea Dei Rabbini D’Italia 2020)

מי שברך לחולים במגפה | Mi sheBerakh for those ill from the COVID-19 Coronavirus, by Nurit Novis (2020)

מי שברך לשלום החולים במגפת נגיף הקורונה | Mi sheBerakh for the Welfare of those Ill from the Coronavirus Epidemic (Schechter Rabbinical Seminary 2020)

תחינה לימי נגיף הקורונה | Supplication for the Days of the Coronavirus (Masorti Movement in Israel 2020)