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tag: German translation


📖 (אשכנז) Wir Singen Wir Bleiben Zusammen: Gebete zum Morgengottesdienst am Shabbat (Richard Collis 2022)

صلاة يهودية لشهر رمضان | תפילה יהודית לחודש הרמדאן | A Jewish Prayer for the Month of Ramadan, by Rabbi Ḥanan Schlesinger

הַמַּפִּיל | A Parent’s Prayer for the Safe Sleep of their Newborn Child by Aurora Mendelsohn

ברכות לנרות חנוכה | Die Segenssprüche beim Anzünden der Ḥanukkah-Lichter (German trans. by Chajm Guski)

📖 סדר זמירות ישראל | Seder Zemirot Yisrael: Gesänge für Sabbat und Festtage, compiled by Rabbi Dr. Moses Loeb Bamberger (1922)

הַמַּבְדִּיל בֵּין קֹדֶשׁ לְחֹל | Hamavdil Ben Ḳodesh l’Ḥol, a piyyut attributed to Yitsḥaq ben Yehudah ibn Ghayyat (German translation by Franz Rosenzweig 1921)

אֵשֶׁת חַיִל | Eshet Ḥayil (Proverbs 31:10-31), German translation by Franz Rosenzweig (1921)

שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם | Shalom Aleikhem, the piyyut for Friday evenings in German translation by Franz Rosenzweig (1921)

קדיש דרבנן | Das Lernkaddisch, a translation of the Ḳaddish d’Rabanan in German by Franz Rosenzweig (1921)

על אהבתך אשתה גביעי | Al Ahavatekha Eshteh Gəvi’i, a piyyut of Yehudah haLevi (German translation by Franz Rosenzweig 1921)

📖 ברכת המזון (אשכנז) | Der Tischdank, a translation of the Birkat haMazon in German by Franz Rosenzweig (1920)

📖 בזמרות נריע לו | Die häuslichen Sabbathgesänge für Freitag⸗Abend, Sabbath⸗Tag und Sabbath⸗Ausgang, by Dr. Leo Jehudah Hirschfeld (1898)

📖 תפלות בני ישורון (רפורמי) | Tefilot Bnei Yeshurun – Gebetbuch für den Öffentlichen Gottesbienft und die Privat-Andacht, by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise (Minhag America, 1861)

מַעֲרִיב עֲרָבִים | Ma’ariv Aravim, translated from Rabbi David Einhorn’s Olat Tamid (1858) by Joshua Giorgio-Rubin (2020)

מַה־טֹּבֽוּ | Mah Tovu, translated from Rabbi David Einhorn’s Olat Tamid (1858) by Joshua Giorgio-Rubin (2020)

סֵדֶר תַּשְׁלִיךְ | Seder Tashlikh, as translated by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1833)

בְּרִיךְ שְׁמֵהּ דְּמָרֵא עָלְמָא | B’rikh Shmeih d’Marei Alma | Wenn man die Gesetzrolle aus der heiligen Lade nimmt (paraliturgical adaptation by Yehoshua Heshil Miro, 1829)

יִגְדַּל (אשכנז)‏ | Yigdal, by Daniel ben Yehudah (German translation by Chajm Guski)

אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (אשכנז)‏ | Adōn Olam, translated from Rabbi David Einhorn’s Olat Tamid (1858)

מגילת אנטיוכס | Megillat Antiochus, translated into German by Chajm Guski

תהלים קכ״ו | Psalms 126 (Shir haMaalot), a German translation by Franz Rosenzweig (1921)