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המן ממזר איל מאלו | Haman Mamzer el Malo (Haman the Evil Bastard) — a Haketía (Western Judeo-Spanish) song for Purim

הַאגְּדָה עוֹוָאִידְנָא | هاگدة عوّدنا | Agda ŋowaidna (Such is our custom), a Moroccan Jewish song for the conclusion of Ḥanukkah

וַאחְדְ אזְדִיוַא | وحد الجديوة | חַד גַּדְיָא (Waaḥₔd ₔZdiwa) — a Judeo-Moroccan Arabic (Darija) adaptation of Ḥad Gadya

כָּאנְדְרִי נְדְרִיהוּם | אֶחָד מִי יוֹדֵעַ | Kaanₔdri Nₔdrihom — a Judeo-Moroccan Arabic (Darija) adaptation of Eḥad Mi Yodeaȝ

💬 מְגִלַּת סֶבַּאצְטִיָין | Megillat Sebastiano — a Purim Sheni scroll for the 1st of Elul commemorating the deliverance of Maghrebi Jewry from King Sebastian of Portugal in 1578

Kuando el rey Nimrod (When Nimrod was King), a song relating the story of Avraham & the Furnace (ca. 1890)

💬 מְגִילַּת הִיטְלֶיר | Megillat Hitler — a Purim Sheni scroll for French Armistice Day [after World War Ⅱ] by Asher P. Ḥassine (Casablanca, 1943)