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אֱמוּנִים עִרְכוּ שֶֽׁבַח | Emunim ʿIrkhu Shevaḥ — a Poetic Addition to Rabban Gamliel’s List

תרומה הבדילנו | T’rumah Hivdilanu (A Gift Distinguished Us) — A Poetic Ḳiddush for the Pesaḥ Seder, according to two of its nusḥaot (ca. 9th c.)

אתה גאלת | Atah Ga’alta (You Redeemed Our Ancestors), a Poetic Rendition of the Blessing of Redemption in the Pesaḥ Seder (ca. 9th c.)

אֲשֶׁר בָּרָא יֵין עָסִיס | Asher Bara Yayin ‘Asis — a Poetic Extension of the Blessing over Wine for the Passover Seder (ca. 9th c.)

לְשׁוֹנִי כּוֹנַנְתָּ | Leshoni Konanta (My tongue you have fashioned), a reshut attributed to Shlomo ibn Gabirol (ca. 11th c.) translated by Sara Lapidot

שַׁחַר אֲבַקֶּשְׁךָ | Shaḥar Avaqeshkha (At dawn I seek you), a reshut by Shlomo ibn Gabirol (ca. 11th c.) translated by Sara Lapidot

שַׁחַר אֲבַקֶּשְׁךָ | Shaḥar Avaqeshkha (At dawn I seek you), a reshut by Shlomo ibn Gabirol (ca. 11th c.) translated by Nina Salaman (1901)

קדיש יתום ליחיד | Mourner’s Ḳaddish for an Individual Without a Minyan (Sefer Ḥasidim, ca. 12-13th c.)

בָּרוּךְ אֵל עֶלְיוֹן | Barukh El Elyon, a piyyut by Barukh bar Shmuel of Mayence (ca. 12th c.)

בַּר־יוֹחַאי | Bar Yoḥai, a pizmon by Shimon ibn Lavi (ca. 16th c.)

A Prayer for a Pregnant Woman to Say when She Wishes for an Easy Labor (ca. early 17th c.)

A Delightful Tkhine for a Pregnant Woman to Say (ca. early 17th c.)

A Prayer for a Woman before giving birth, from a Seder Tkhines (ca. 1640-1720)

Ya Komimos (We have eaten), a piyyut for the Birkat haMazon in Ladino

בּױגעזאנג | Baugesang (Building Song): an alphabetical Yiddish adaptation of the piyyut Adir Hu (1769)

גאָט פון אַבְרָהָם | Tkhine before Havdalah and Bakashe for the End of Shabbat (Got fin Avrum)

תשלומי קדיש יתום כשאין מניין | Replacement for the Orphans’ Ḳaddish when praying alone or when there is no minyan (1900)

אײן אנשפראכע געגען עין הרע | An Incantation against the Ayin haRa (1896)

אָשִׁיר לָאֵל אֲשֶׁר שָׁבַת | Ashir la-El Asher Shavat, a piyyut by Rabbi Mosheh ha-Levi (ca. 19th c.)

חׇנֵּנוּ יָהּ חׇנֵּנוּ | Ḥonenu Yah Ḥonenu (Forgive Us Yah in the Merit of Moshe Rabbenu), by the Ben Ish Ḥai (ca. 19th c.)

א תחנה פאר א כלה קודם החופה | A Tkhine for a Bride [to say] before the Khupe [wedding canopy ceremony]

אֲשׁוֹרֵר שִׁירָה | Ashorer Shirah, a piyyut in honor of the Torah by Ḥakham Raphael Baruch Toledano (ca. 20th c.)

תחנה אײדער אפרויא גײט אין טבילת מצוה | Tkhine for when a Woman Goes to Immerse in the Mikve (1910)

א תחנה פאר א מוטער װאס פירט איהר קינד דעם ערשׁטען מאל אין חדר | Tkhine for a Mother Who Leads their Child for the First Time to Religious School (1910)

תחנה פאר אמוטער װאס פירט אקינד אין חדר | Tkhine for a Mother Leading their Child to Religious School (1910)

תחנה פון ליכט בענטשין | Tkhine for Lighting Candles [for Shabbes]

שיר האמונה | Song of Faith, by Rabbi Avraham Yitsḥaq haKohen Ḳooḳ (ca. 1919)

צער בעלי־חיים | Tsaar Baalei Ḥayyim [It is forbidden to cause] suffering to a living creature, a song in Yiddish

Alternative Supplicatory Blessings for the Weekday Amidah by Rav Yehuda Lev Ashlag

בִּרְכַּת הָאִילָנוֹת | The Blessing of Flowering Fruit Trees in the Spring Season in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

Israelite Samaritan Ḳiddush for the Shabbat Evening Meal, translated by Benyamim Sedaka

📄 Israelite Samaritan Devotional Prayers for Weekdays and Shabbat, translated by Benyamim Sedaka

Israelite Samaritan Prayers for the Shabbat Torah Reading, translated by Benyamim Sedaka

כַּפָּרוֹת | Kaparōt (using money dedicated for charity), the ritual for the expiation of offenses before Yom Kippur