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tag: Needing Vocalization Sorted Chronologically (old to new). Sort most recent first? אָבִינוּ יִתְקַדֵּשׁ | Avinu Yitqadesh, a rabbinic Hebrew translation of the Lord’s Prayer by Shem Tov ibn Shaprut (14th c.)A rabbinic Hebrew translation of the “Lord’s Prayer.” . . . Categories: Second Temple Period Tags: 1st century C.E., 38th century A.M., Classical Antiquity, התבודדות hitbodedut, Lord's Prayer, Needing Vocalization Contributor(s): Shem Tov ibn Shaprut (translation), Mattai ben Alphaeus haLevi and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) הרקיע השביעי | The Seventh Heavenly Dome, a description and hymn of divine praise from Sefer ha-RazimA hymn of praise found in the description of the 7th dome of heaven in Sefer ha-Razim . . . Tags: Late Antiquity, Needing Vocalization, פיוטים piyyuṭim, the higher the fewer, יוצר אור yotser ohr Contributor(s): Michael A. Morgan (translation/English), Unknown Author(s) and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) The following is the Midrash l’Ḥanukkah, one of a collection of three midrashim and two megillot containing the details of the story of Ḥanukkah in the Jewish rabbinic tradition. Those already familiar with these other works will quickly recognize portions or summaries of them here albeit with precious additional information added not found anywhere else. . . . This beautiful piyyut of unknown authorship is recited in most Sephardic, Mizrahi and Yemenite traditions on Tisha B’ab at Minḥah. In its stanzas, rich and replete with biblical references (as is particularly common in Sephardic Piyyut), God speaks to Jerusalem and promises to comfort her, and comfort and redeem her people. . . . Categories: Tishah b'Av כְּהַיּוֹם הַזֶּה בִּירוּשָׁלַיִם | k’Hayom HaZeh Birushalayim (This day in Jerusalem), a wedding prayer from the Seder Rav Amram Gaon (ca. 9th c.)A well-wishing prayer for couples on their wedding day found in the Seder Rav Amram Gaon. . . . Categories: Engagements & Weddings 💬 התפילות של מרדכי ואסתר | the Prayers of Mordekhai and Esther, from Divrei haYamim l’Yeraḥmiel (ca. 11-12th c.)The dream and prayer of Mordecai, and the prayer of Esther, as copied in the medieval pseudo-historical Chronicle of Yeraḥmiel. . . . אֱלֹהַי נְשָׁמָה (נוסח אנגליה) | Elohai Neshamah, the complete daily vidui as found in the Ets Ḥayyim of Jacob Jehudah Ḥazzan on London (1287)This is the remarkable and unique form of the prayer Elohai Neshamah as found in the Ets Ḥayyim, a compendium of law and tradition of the Jews of England completed in 1287 by Jacob Jehudah Ḥazzan of London (only three years before the expulsion of the Jews from England). . . . Categories: Elohai Neshamah תפילה להפך – מאבן בֹחן | Prayer for Transformation, from the poem “Even Boḥan” by Rabbi Ḳalonymus b. Ḳalonymus ben Meir (1322)A prayer by Kalonymus b. Kalonymus ben Meir that appears in his poem ספר אבן בוחן, יג Sefer Even Boḥan (§13), describing the author’s wish to have been born a Jewish woman. . . . Categories: 🌐 Transgender Day of Visibility (March 31st), 🌐 Transgender Day of Remembrance (November 20th) על אלה אני בוכיה | Ḳinah for the Chmielnicki Massacres of 1648–1649, by Yaaqov Ḳoppel ben Tsvi Margoliyot (1658)A kinah/elegy for those massacred in the Chmielnicki massacres of 1648–1649 composed by a possible eyewitness to the tragedy. . . . Categories: Khaf Sivan תפלה נוראה מרבי ישׁמעאל כהן הגדול | The Awesome Prayer of Rebbi Yishmael, the Kohen Gadol (Sefer Shem Tov Qatan 1706)A prayer for protection and blessing offered in the name of of Rebbi Yishmael from the Sefer Shem Tov Qatan. . . . תפלה למשה | Prayer of Gratitude at the Consecration of the Montefiore Synagogue at Ramsgate, by Sir Moses Montefiore (1833)This prayer by Sir Moses Montefiore appears in Order of Service at the Dedication of the Synagogue Founded by Moses Montefiore and Judith his Wife, in commemoration of the happy event of their visit to the holy city of Jerusalem, the inheritance of their forefathers and as an humble tribute to the Almighty for his great and manifold blessings (Ramsgate: 30th Sivan (16th June) 5593 [1833]. — Eve of Rosh Ḥodesh), pp 9-10. . . . Categories: Homes & Community Centers תפילת נחם על תשעה באב | Tefilat Naḥem on Tishah b’Av, by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (free translation by Gabbai Seth Fishman)During the time before there was a State of Israel, those ideals in our hearts which we tried to practice and which we wanted others to practice, seemed not achievable where we were because, we felt we had no influence over our world where we were. And so, the longing for our homeland was tied into the longing for our dreams and our vision. Now that the state of Israel is with us, our dreams and our visions still remain distant from our lives and therefore when we say the Tisha B’av prayers we need to remind ourselves of the distance between that which we would have in this world and that which we do have. . . . Categories: Tishah b'Av תפילה לה׳ בעד חיי׳ המלך אדוננו ובעד טובת | Prayer for Alexandru Ioan Ⅰ Cuza, Domnitor of Romania, by Rabbi Meir Leibush (1862)The life of Rabbi Meir Leibush ben Yeḥiel Michel (MALBIM, 1809-1879) as a wandering rabbi and brilliant intellect reflects the changing expectations of Jews and Jewish religious authorities during the period of emancipation in 19th century Eastern Europe. In his capacity as the chief rabbi of Bucharest, Romania, MALBIM composed a prayer for Prince Alexander Ioan I Cuza (1820-1873), Domnitor. The prince had united the Danube principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia in 1862 to form the Kingdom of Romania. During his reign, he managed to bring about a series of important land reforms benefiting the peasantry of Romania, and he did try to improve the situation for Jews under his rule. The emancipation of the Jews of Romania, announced with the Proclamation of Islaz during the Wallachian Revolution of 1848, had never actually gone into effect. In 1865, the prince announced a project which would lead to the “gradual emancipation of the people of Mosaic faith” but this effort was never realized due to Alexandru Ioan’s forced abdication and replacement by a Prussian King in 1866. . . . The proclamation and prayer of chief rabbi Yaakov Yosef, on the centennial of President George Washington’s Inauguration . . . Categories: 🇺🇸 Inauguration Day (January 20th), 🇺🇸 George Washington's Birthday (3rd Monday of February), 🇺🇸 United States of America Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., American Jewry of the United States, Benjamin Harrison, George Washington, inaugurations, Needing Vocalization, New York City, Prayers for leaders, Presidents Day, United States Contributor(s): Yaakov Yosef, Judah David Eisenstein (translation) and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) תפלה לבני ישראל בעד הצלחת יושבי ארצנו בּמלחמתם עם השׂפּנים | Prayer for the success of the United States in its war with Spain, by Rabbi Joshua Seigel (1898)A Prayer for American Victory in the Spanish-American War by Rabbi Joshua Seigel (1846-1910), New York: Eliakum Zunser, [1898]. . . . 💬 מגילת הנצחון של װאודראו װילסאן | Megillat Wilson — a Purim Sheni scroll for Armistice Day [after World War Ⅰ] by Rabbi Jacob Gerstein (1919)This is a letter written by Rev. Jacob Gerstein in the form of a megillah to honor President Woodrow Wilson for his military support of France, thereby defeating Kaiser Wilhelm, Emperor of Germany, and ending World War Ⅰ. Rev. Gerstein notes the Hebrew/Jewish calendar date for the end of hostilities as 7 Kislev 5679 (11 November 1918). The letter was sent some time while Wilson was engaged in peace talks in France after the war, between 14 December 1918 and 28 June 1919. The English translation presented here is the one offered by the author of the megillah. The transcription here was made from a copy of the letter published for Armistice Day (11 November) 1921, לזכרון עולם (L’zikaron Olam ≈ “Everlasting Memorial”), מגילת נצחון (megilat nitsaḥon ≈ “Victory Scroll”). . . . Categories: Extracanonical Megillot, Modern Miscellany, 🌐 Armistice Day Readings, Purim Sheni Readings This is a prayer for captives, written in November 1938 in Hamburg, following Kristallnacht (my translation following the Hebrew). “May each and every one of them return to their family…who are worrying about them.” . . . Categories: Kristallnacht (9-10 November, 16 Marḥeshvan) In September 1948, while editing Rabbi Yitshak haLevi Hertzog’s new Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel, S.Y. Agnon (1888-1970) drafted this adaptation. . . . Categories: 🇮🇱 Medinat Yisra'el (the State of Israel) This translation of Rabbi Yehuda Lev Ashlag’s Supplicatory blessings for the Amida was originally published by Adam Zagoria-Moffet at his website. Rav Ashlag’s blessings were transcribed and published from an undated manuscript transcribed by Ohr HaSulam: Mercaz Moreshet Bal HaSulam, here. . . . Categories: Weekday Amidah ברכות־הנפטרין על פי האמונה הבוקוניסטית | the Last Rites of Bokonon, by Kurt Vonnegut (1963, Hebrew translation by Amatsyah Porat 1978)This is an adaptation of the “Last Rites of Bokonon” from the 99th chapter of Kurt Vonnegut’s novel Cat’s Cradle (1963) translated by Amatsyah Porat for the 1978 Hebrew language edition of the novel. . . . Categories: Dying Contributor(s): Amatsyah Porat (translation), Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) A prayer composed by Rabbi Shai Held in the aftermath of the devastating 2004 Asian Tsunami. . . . This prayer was first published in an op-ed, “A Jew’s Prayer for the Children of Gaza,” in the newspaper, Ha’aretz, on 7 January 2009. . . . We are grateful to Rabbi Joshua Boettinger and Rabbis for Human Rights–North America (RHR-NA) for sharing the following petitionary prayer, A Misheberakh for Victims of Slavery. Originally published by RHR-NA on their website in 2009, the prayer attends to the desperate need to eradicate all forms of slavery that persist today, especially in advance of the holiday celebrating our Z’man Cheruteinu, the season of our freedom, every Spring, every Pesaḥ. . . . This prayer was first published at David Zvi Kalman’s blog, Hammer & Spark (2010-08-31). . . . May it be Your will, Lord our God, God of our fathers and mothers, that I leave this house as I entered it – at peace with myself and with others. May my actions benefit all residents of the State of Israel. May I work to improve the society that sent me to this chamber and cause a just peace to dwell among us and with our neighbors. May I always remember that I am a messenger of the public and that I must take care to keep my integrity and innocence intact. May I, and we, succeed in all our endeavors. . . . Categories: Opening Prayers for Legislative Bodies An al haNissim prayer for Yom ha-Atsma’ut. . . . Categories: 🇮🇱 Yom ha-Atsma'ut (5 Iyyar) תפילה (ישראלית) לפני הכניסה לקלפי (למאמין וללא מאמין) | Prayer before entering the voting booth in Israel (for believers and non-believers)May it be the will [before the Lord our God and the God of our ancestors] that this ticket which I am placing in my ballot will join thousands of other tickets that will promise reasoned leadership that will strengthen democratic values, aspire towards peace with our neighbors, separate religion and state, be concerned with the weak and protect the laborers, fight corruption and exercise leadership through personal role modeling. May it be the will [before the Lord our God and the God of our ancestors] that the nation sitting in Zion will merit years of freedom, quiet, productivity, education and good health and that our children may never fear at all. . . . תפילה לשלום המדינה בזמן מלחמה | Prayer for the Welfare of Israel in Wartime, by Rabbi Ron Aigen (2014)A prayer for the welfare of Israel composed during the 2014 Israel-Gaza Conflict. . . . Tags: 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., all inhabitants, Israeli–Palestinian conflict, מדינת ישראל Medinat Yisrael, Needing Vocalization Contributor(s): Ron Aigen, T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) תפילה לשלום ופיוס לישראלים ולפלסטינים ולכל העם | A Prayer for Peace and Reconciliation for Israelis, Palestinians, and all People by Rabbi Samuel Feinsmith (2014)Master of compassion and forgiveness, Cosmic Majesty Who is peace— Teach us Your ways, Show us the path that preserves life. Take note, Lord, for we are suffering deeply. Our guts are wrenched, Our hearts are turning within us. Violence has devoured outside, and inside it feels deathly. When enemies rose up against us to kill our babes, Courageous, precious boys, full of the light of life, shining like the radiance of the sky, Our hearts became angry, our vision lost its strength, and our spirits sunk. And still we turn to you— . . . Categories: Conflicts over Sovereignty and Dispossession, Social Justice, Peace, and Liberty, 🇮🇱 Medinat Yisra'el (the State of Israel) הרחמן הוא ישבור עול כיבוש | Prayer to the Compassionate One for the Peace of Two States for Two Peoples (for Inclusion in the Birkat Hamazon) by Ira Tick (2014)A prayer for the peaceful resolution of Israel’s conflicts with her neighbors and a mutually agreeable end to her dominion over the Palestinians, in Hebrew and in English, appropriate for inserting in the Birkat HaMazon especially on Shabbat and Festivals, or for reciting at any time. . . . Categories: Conflicts over Sovereignty and Dispossession, Blessings After Eating, 🇮🇱 Medinat Yisra'el (the State of Israel) A Jewish prayer for Nakba Day, as commemorated on May 15th in the civil calendar of the Dawlat Filasṭīn. . . . תפילה להצלתם של הבחורים החטופים | Prayer for the rescue of the kidnapped youths, by Rabbi Shlomo Mosheh Amar (16 June 2014)This prayer for the safe return of captives was offered by the (former) Sephardi chief rabbi of Jerusalem, Shlomo Moshe Amar, as published on the website, Srugim on 16 June 2014, amidst the crisis that summer sparked by the abduction and murder of three Yeshivah boys by HAMAS operatives in the West Bank. . . . Categories: Slavery & Captivity כוונה ליום הבחירות יכולה להיאמר בכל שלב של יום הבחירות עצמו. בעיניי היא מתאימה בעיקר כחלק מתפילת שחרית של אותו היום או רגע לפני הכניסה אל מאחורי הפרגוד. נכתב על ידי נועה מזור, סטודנטית לרבנות, והרבה המלווה של נוער תל״ם. . . . ההכרזה על יום הבחירות בנויה על נוסח ברכת החודש, ומיועדת להיאמר בשחרית של שבת לפני הבחירות. קהילות שאינן נוהגות להתפלל בשחרית מוזמנות להשתמש בתפילה בתפילת קבלת שבת של אותה השבת. נכתב על ידי הרב עודד מזור. . . . הקול קטן של אליהו הנביא | A reflection on despair and suicide awareness to be read upon opening the door for Elijah at the Passover sederAlthough God often speaks to humanity in the rumble of earthquakes, the roaring of wind and the thunder of storms, God spoke to Elijah, instead, in a still small voice. And, it was the nurturing power of the still small voice that slowly gave Elijah the courage and strength to be able to peek out of his deep abyss. On this night when we welcome Elijah to join our celebration, we acknowledge those who are so pained that they cannot fully celebrate, for joy eludes them. Although we may witness their physical wound with our eyes, we must also find ways to become attuned to their spiritual hurt and their emotional despair. The blood from the wound in their heart may not be visible and the cry in the depth of their throat may not be audible unless we train ourselves to attend to them. But, they are there. Our challenge is see and hear the pain of those whose depression affects their lives. Our response does not have to be bold in order to make a difference. A still small voice can transform a frown into a smile. A caring whisper that says, “I care” can raise a stooped head. A tender embrace can provide salve to a soul racked with pain. . . . Categories: Barekh This prayer was originally published April 13th, 2013 on Dafna Meir’s blog, Derekh Nashim (Women’s Ways), here, writing “את התפילה זכיתי לחבר תוך כדי למידה למבחן תרופות במחלקה הנוירוכירורגית בסורוקה, בה אני עובדת.” (The prayer I composed for a friend while studying for a test at the Neurosurgery department at Soroka Hospital, which I work.) English translation by Moshe F. via Israellycool. More about Dafna Meir, here and here. . . . Categories: Well-being, health, and caregiving This Simḥat Brit was prepared by David Zvi Kalman and circulated via a public post on Facebook on 9 July 2018. . . . Categories: Brit Milah & Simḥat Bat An Al Hanissim supplement for Sheva Asar b’Tamuz that acknowledges the fast day in light of the apparent achievements of the State of Israel, post-1948. . . . Categories: Shiv'ah Asar b'Tamuz This is an undated prayer written attributed to Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz (1937-2020) and shared via the Facebook page of Merkaz Steinsaltz (the Steinsaltz Center). The English translation (possibly also made by Rabbi Steinsaltz) was shared by the Center in a separate document. . . . תעודת זהות מאושרת בישראל | Certificate of Affirmation of Jewish Identity for an Adult, by Rabbi Jonah RankA gender-neutral certificate of affirmation of Jewish identity for an adult, in Hebrew and English. . . . A gender-neutral Hebrew-English conversion certificate template for adults. . . . תעודת זהות מאושרת בישראל (קדם־גיל־מצות) | Certificate of Affirmation of Jewish Identity for a Minor, by Rabbi Jonah RankA gender-neutral certificate of affirmation of Jewish identity for a minor, in Hebrew and English. . . . A gender-neutral certificate of conversion for a minor, in Hebrew and English. . . . תפילה בתגובה למגפה | A Prayer in Response to the Coronavirus, by Rav Shmuly Yanklowitz (Valley Beit Midrash 2020)A prayer offered in response to the COVID-19 coronavirus, by Rav Shmuly Yanklowitz (Valley Beit Midrash) . . . Categories: Epidemics & Pandemics A short prayer of gratitude in the midst of a global pandemic and civil unrest. . . . Categories: Well-being, health, and caregiving מי שברך לחולים במגפה | Mi sheBerakh for those ill from the COVID-19 Coronavirus, by Nurit Novis (2020)A prayer in response to the suffering of the coronavirus and the danger posed by its global spread. . . . Categories: Epidemics & Pandemics Tags: 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak, 2019–20 Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, 2020 coronavirus outbreak in Israel, 21st century C.E., 58th century A.M., COVID-19 coronavirus, Epidemic, Masorti Movement, מי שברך mi sheberakh, Needing Vocalization, Pandemic, ישראל Yisrael Contributor(s): Nurit Novis, Aharon N. Varady (transcription) and Shoshana Michael Zucker (translation) מי שברך לשלום החולים במגפת נגיף הקורונה | Mi sheBerakh for the Welfare of those Ill from the Coronavirus Epidemic (Schechter Rabbinical Seminary 2020)A Mi Sheberakh prayer offered on behalf of those battling, suffering from, and imperiled by the 2019-2020 Coronavirus Outbreak and pandemic. . . . Categories: Epidemics & Pandemics הושענא להושענא רבא תשפ״א | Save Us! A Hosha-na Prayer, by Rabbi Shlomo Zuckier for Hoshana Rabba 2020A Hoshana prayer supplement for Hoshana Rabbah during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic in 2020. . . . אדמה ושמים | Adamah v’Shamayim (Earth & Heaven), a prayer-poem by Rabbi Louis Polisson after the song by Shimon Lev-Tahor (Suissa)This poem was composed at the end of August 2020 / Elul 5780 as part of Rabbi Katy Allen’s Earth Etudes for Elul 5780. . . . Categories: Yom Kippur תפילה למי שצריך לאכול בימי צום | Prayer for those who need to eat on fast days (A Mitzvah to Eat, 2022)This prayer for those who must eat on Jewish fast days, was shared by Sarah Osborne for A Mitzvah to Eat on Facebook. The Hebrew translation of the prayer was offered by Rabba Dr. Anat Sharbat. . . . Categories: Fasting, Khaf Sivan, Shiv'ah Asar b'Tamuz, Tishah b'Av, Tsom Gedalyah, Asarah b'Tevet, Shiv'ah b'Adar, Ta'anit Esther | ||
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