Elijah began saying: Lord of the worlds You Who are One and not just a number You are the highest of the highest most hidden of the undisclosed no thought scheme grasps You at all. . . .
Tags: 15th century C.E., 53rd century A.M., devotional interpretation, interpretive translation, Opening Prayers, פתח אליהו Pataḥ Eliyahu, petiḥah, Openers, תפילות קודם התפילה Prayers before Praying, prayers of ḳabbalists, תפלין tefillin
A traditional prayer before studying classic texts of ḳabbalah, by a celebrated ḳabbalist of the 16th century, in pointed Hebrew with an English translation. . . .
The mystical piyyut of Avraham Maimin, a student of Moshe Cordovero, translated by Reb Zalman. . . .
The mystical piyyut of Avraham Maimin, a student of Moshe Cordovero, translated by Len Fellman. . . .