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tag: Spanish Translation Sorted Chronologically (old to new). Sort most recent first? Este Psalmo, es el segundo en numero, por haverlo David en el principio de su Reyno, quando por oir las naciones circunvezinas, que lo havian ungido por Rey sobre Israël, vinieron todos juntos al desafio contra el, en compañia de los Philisteos sus capitales enemigos, y por esso comiença el Psalmo: Paraque se juntan las gentesy, etc. De suerte que assi como el Psalmo precedente, fue el primero por la donacion del Reyno, que Dios le hizo, assi este segundo fue adjunto a el, por la possession del Reyno que entonces tomava, suyetando con la divina assistencia las naciones, pues le embiava de los Cielos, su favor por medio de los Angeles sus ministros, como consta de Semuel Segundo, 5:24. . . . Categories: Tehilim Book 1 (Psalms 1–41) Tags: 17th century C.E., 55th century A.M., Needing Proofreading, תהלים Psalms, Psalms 2, Spanish Translation, the Netherlands Contributor(s): Rabbi Jacob Jehudah Leão (translation), Unknown Author(s) and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) Autor ninguno se halla, que declare el tiempo en que David compuso este Psalmo; ni la causa de haverlo introduzido por primero: mas amiver, es, que conociendo David que la razon de haver Dios rebotado de su gracia a Saul, y haverlo elegido ael en su lugar, havia sido por transgredir su mandado en la guerra de Ha-malek, por las persuasiones, y confejos de los inicos de su pueblo; como el mismo confessó al Propheta Semuel: por esso, quiso David dar’principio àfu Libro, con un loor que sirviesse de dotrina, y de advertimiento dela felicidad que alcançan los fieles siervos de Dios, que andan con toda integridad en fus carreras de virtud, y las adversdades, y castigo que estáparalos infieles, y los inicos aparejado, por los justos juyzios de Dios, del modo que sucedió a Saul, que fue desposseido de su Reyno, el, y sus hijos, y todos sus defendientes parasiempre, por los consejos de que el, se dexó persuadir, donde Dios le declaró su castigo. . . . Categories: Tehilim Book 1 (Psalms 1–41) Tags: 17th century C.E., 55th century A.M., Needing Proofreading, Netherlands, תהלים Psalms, Psalms 1, Spanish Translation Contributor(s): Rabbi Jacob Jehudah Leão (translation), Unknown Author(s) and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) 💬 Haftarot from Jeremiah for the First Two of the Three Weeks of Mourning with their Spanish translations from a compilation by Rabbi Isaac Lopez (Jamaica, ca. 1843)In the 18th and 19th centuries, the common practice among Western Sephardim was to read some or all of the aftarót recited in the three weeks before the fast of Aḇ with a verse-by-verse “Ladino” (in this case meaning standard Early Modern Spanish, not Judezmo) translation. According to Joseph Jesurun Pinto (ḥazzan of Shearith Israel in New York from 1759 to 1766), it was customary in Amsterdam for only the final of the three aftarót, the aftará of Shabbat Ḥazon, to be recited with this Spanish targum, while in London it was customary for all three to be recited. This practice fell out of common usage in the past few centuries, although the Western Sephardic community of Bayonne preserved it up until the Shoah. But to this day a unique cantillation system is used in most Western Sephardic communities for the three aftarót before the fast. . . . Categories: Tishah b'Av Readings Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., Haftarah supplement, Jamaica, nine days, Shabbatot of Admonition, Spanish-Portuguese, Spanish Translation, Three Weeks of Mourning, Western Sepharadim, Y'mei Bein haMitsrim Contributor(s): Isaac Lopez, Yeshayahu ben Amōts and Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (transcription & naqdanut) Ḥakham Ishak Nieto’s translation of Adon Olam was first printed on page 197 of Orden de las Oraciones de Ros-ashanah y Kipur (1740), his maḥzor in Spanish translation for Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur. The Hebrew text of the piyyut set side-by-side with the translation was transcribed from Rabbi David de Sola Pool’s Tefilot l’Rosh haShanah (1937). . . . An early printing of the 42 divine name letter acrostic piyyut, Ana b’Khoaḥ. . . . In the 18th century, the common practice among Western Sephardim was to read some or all of the aftarót recited in the three weeks before the fast of Aḇ with a verse-by-verse “Ladino” (in this case meaning standard Early Modern Spanish, not Judezmo) translation. According to Joseph Jesurun Pinto (ḥazzan of Shearith Israel in New York from 1759 to 1766), it was customary in Amsterdam for only the final of the three aftarót, the aftará of Shabbat Ḥazon, to be recited with this Spanish targum, while in London it was customary for all three to be recited. This practice fell out of common usage in the past few centuries, although the Western Sephardic community of Bayonne preserved it up until the Shoah. But to this day a unique cantillation system is used in most Western Sephardic communities for the three aftarót before the fast. Attached is a transcript of a Spanish verse-by-verse targum of the aftará for the Shabbat before 9 Aḇ, based on one found in a publication from Amsterdam in 1766. Each verse is included in Hebrew, as well as the original Spanish text, and a slightly modernized Spanish text underneath to clarify archaic forms or words that have fallen out of use. . . . Categories: Tishah b'Av Readings Tags: 18th century C.E., 55th century A.M., Haftarah supplement, nine days, שבת חזון Shabbat Ḥazon, Shabbatot of Admonition, Spanish-Portuguese, Spanish Translation, Three Weeks of Mourning, Western Sepharadim, Y'mei Bein haMitsrim Contributor(s): Unknown Translator(s), Yeshayahu ben Amōts and Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (transcription & naqdanut) A common practice among Sephardim both eastern and western is to read the aftará for the morning of the fast of Aḇ with a verse-by-verse midrashic translation. Western Sephardim use an Early Modern Spanish text, while Eastern Sephardim use a Judezmo (or Judeo-Spanish proper) text. Attached is a transcript of a Western Sephardic verse-by-verse targum of the aftará for the Shabbat before 9 Aḇ, based on the text found in Isaac Leeser’s Siddur Siftei Tsadiqim, volume 6: Seder haTefilot laTaaniyot (1838), pp. 174-184. Each verse is included in Hebrew, as well as the original Spanish text, and a slightly modernized Spanish text underneath to clarify archaic forms or words that have fallen out of use. Also included are from-scratch English translations. . . . Categories: Tishah b'Av Readings Tags: 19th century C.E., 56th century A.M., Haftarah supplement, Jeremiah, lamentation, Spanish-Portuguese, Spanish Translation, Western Sepharadim Contributor(s): Unknown Translator(s), Yeshayahu ben Amōts and Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (transcription & naqdanut) 📖 (אשכנז) Cantamos y Permanecemos Juntos: Plegarias del Servicio Matutino del Shabbat (Richard Collis 2022)In 2019, Richard Collis released an album providing recordings of the prayers for the Shabbat Morning Services, from Nishmat til the end of Musaf, We Sing We Stay Together: Shabbat Morning Service Prayers. Accompanying liner notes included the romanized Hebrew text for each recorded prayer track, with an original translation in English below each sung phrase. Describing it he wrote, “The 64 track music CD album set We Sing We Stay Together of the Shabbat Morning Service Prayers, and a companion Sing-Along Prayer Book of the same name (to make it beyond easy to learn) is designed to help everyone access the beauty of their Judaic heritage, no prior knowledge required. These prayers belong to all of us.” In 2022, Collis released a follow-up edition with translations in Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, and Russian. This is Richard Collis’s sing-a-long prayerbook for Shabbat morning in Spanish. . . . Categories: Shabbat Siddurim The ritual of Tashlikh in Hebrew with English and Spanish translations. . . . Categories: Tashlikh | ||
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