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תחינות teḥinot —⟶ tag: תחינות teḥinot Sorted Chronologically (old to new). Sort most recent first? “Sabbath Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 19-20. . . . Categories: Saturday “Sunday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 10-11. . . . Categories: Sunday “Monday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 10-11. . . . Categories: Monday “Tuesday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 12-13. . . . Categories: Tuesday “Wednesday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 13-14. . . . Categories: Wednesday “Thursday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 14-15. . . . Categories: Thursday “Friday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 15-16. . . . Categories: Friday This prayer by Rabbi Arnold Kiss for the well-being of a husband by their wife, “A nő imája férjéért,” was first published in his anthology of prayers for Jewish women, Mirjam (1897) on p.246-248. It doesn’t appear to me to have been translated in the subsequent German edition (1907). I’ve set my English translation side-by-side with the Magyar. –Aharon Varady . . . Categories: Marriage This prayer by Rabbi Arnold Kiss for the kingdom of Hungary in a time of national crisis, “Országos bánat, közös baj idején,” was first published in his anthology of prayers for Jewish women, Mirjam (1897) on p.289-291. . . . Gyermekek üdvéért | Gebet für das Heil des Kindes | Prayer for the well-being of children, by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)This prayer for the well-being of children by Rabbi Arnold Kiss, “Gyermekek üdvéért” (Magyar, 1897) and “Gebet für das Heil des Kindes” (German, 1907), was first published in his anthology of prayers for Jewish women, Mirjam on p.291-293 of the original Magyar edition and p. 546-549 of the subsequent German edition. I’ve set separate English translations side-by-side with the Magyar and German in order to highlight the subtle differences between the two. As I am not a native speaker of German or Magyar, please correct and improve upon my effort. –Aharon Varady . . . Categories: Child care This prayer by Rabbi Arnold Kiss for when one is confronted by grave difficulties, “Bajban,” was first published in his anthology of prayers for Jewish women, Mirjam (1897) on p.285-286 . . . Categories: Well-being, health, and caregiving Hálaima a bajból való menekülésért | Thanksgiving for deliverance from trouble, by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)This prayer of thanksgiving by Rabbi Arnold Kiss for deliverance from danger, “Hálaima a bajból való menekülésért,” was first published in his anthology of prayers for Jewish women, Mirjam (1897) on p.286-288. . . . Categories: Well-being, health, and caregiving Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Gustav Hausmann on 28 February 1899The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. House of Representatives on 28 February 1899. . . . 📖 Meditation of the Heart: A Book of Private Devotion for Young and Old, arranged and written by Annie Josephine Levi (1900)Meditation of the Heart: A Book of Private Devotion for Young and Old (1900) is a collection of teḥinot in English, selected, arranged, and written by Annie Josephine Levi. The introduction was written by the Rabbi Gustav Gottheil. We know very little else about Levi save that she contributed short stories, poems, and essays to periodicals and was active from 1895-1905. (If you know more about her, please contact us.) . . . Categories: Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers Contributor(s): Annie Josephine Levi and Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation) This untitled “evening mediation,” a bedtime prayer, was written by Dinah Julia Levi née Emanuel and included by her daughter, Annie Josephine Levi, in her anthology of teḥinot in English, Meditations of the Heart (1900), pp. 74-75. . . . Categories: Bedtime Shema This untitled “Evening Meditation for the Young,” a bedtime prayer, was written by Annie Josephine Levi and published in her anthology of teḥinot in English, Meditations of the Heart (1900), page 137. . . . Categories: Bedtime Shema This untitled “morning mediation,” a waking prayer, was written by Dinah Julia Levi née Emanuel and included by her daughter, Annie Josephine Levi, in her anthology of teḥinot in English, Meditations of the Heart (1900), pp. 56-57. . . . Categories: Attaining consciousness “On the loss of a beloved one (in the morning)” was written by Annie Josephine Levi and published in her anthology of teḥinot in English, Meditations of the Heart (1900), pp. 148-149. . . . Categories: Mourning “On the loss of a beloved one (in the evening)” was written by Annie Josephine Levi and published in her anthology of teḥinot in English, Meditations of the Heart (1900), pp. 156-157. . . . Categories: Mourning “In Time of Trouble” was written by Annie Josephine Levi and published in her anthology of teḥinot in English, Meditations of the Heart (1900), page 146. . . . “In Sickness” was written by Annie Josephine Levi and published in her anthology of teḥinot in English, Meditations of the Heart (1900), page 147. . . . This untitled “Evening Meditation” was written by Annie Josephine Levi and published in her anthology of teḥinot in English, Meditations of the Heart (1900), pp. 108-109. . . . Categories: Bedtime Shema The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. Senate on 2 February 1904, the first prayer of a rabbinic guest chaplain recorded in the Congressional Record . . . The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. Senate on 16 January 1905. . . . Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Abram Simon on 16 February 1905The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. House of Representatives on 16 February 1905. . . . 📖 Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen, by Rabbi Dr. Max Grunwald (1907)An anthology of prayers (teḥinot) for Jewish women written in vernacular German by Rabbi Dr. Max Grunwald and thirty-one other authors including women. . . . Categories: Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers This “Birthday Prayer” is found in Julia M. Cohen’s The children’s Psalm-book, a selection of Psalms with explanatory comments, together with a prayer-book for home use in Jewish families (1907), pp. 304-305. . . . Categories: Bnei (Bar/Bat) Mitsvah & Other Birthday Prayers “Schlußgebet” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), page 23. . . . Categories: Bedtime Shema “Abendlied” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), page 29. . . . Categories: Bedtime Shema “Nachtgebet eines Kindes” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), page 30. . . . Categories: Bedtime Shema “Gebet eines Waisenkindes” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), page 530. . . . Categories: Mourning Gebet einer Mutter am Hochzeitstage ihrer Tochter | Prayer of a mother on the wedding day of her daughter, by Lise Tarlau (1907)“Gebet einer Mutter am Hochzeitstage ihrer Tochter” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 441-444. . . . Categories: Engagements & Weddings “Zum Offenbarungsfeste” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 340-341. . . . Categories: Shavuot Gebet eines jungen Mädchens am Neujahrsfeste | Prayer of a young girl on Rosh haShanah, by Lise Tarlau (1907)“Gebet eines jungen Mädchens am Neujahrsfeste” by Lise Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 126-128. . . . Categories: Rosh haShanah (l’Maaseh Bereshit) Gebet während des Priestersegens (Ribbaunau schel aulom) | Prayer during the priestly blessing, by Lise Tarlau (1907)This paraliturgical prayer-poem, “Gebet während des Priestersegens (Ribbaunau schel aulom)” by Lise Tarlau, can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 318-319. . . . Categories: Birkat Kohanim This untitled prayer by Lise Tarlau for concluding the vidui prayers on Yom Kippur (“Sündenbekenntnis. (Widduj.)”) can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 217-218. . . . Categories: Yom Kippur “Am Tage der Beschneidung” by Anna Lachmann can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 404-405. . . . Categories: Brit Milah & Simḥat Bat “Am Grabe der Eltern” by Anna Lachmann can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 538-540. . . . Categories: Mourning “Am Grabe der Mutter” by Lisa Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 540-541. . . . “Am Grabe des Gatten” by Lisa Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 544-545. . . . Categories: Mourning Am Grabe eines jungen Bruders | At the grave of one’s younger brother, a teḥinah by Lise Tarlau (1907)“Am Grabe eines jungen Bruders” by Lisa Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 546-547. . . . Categories: Mourning Am Grabe einer jungen Schwester | At the grave of one’s younger sister, a teḥinah by Lise Tarlau (1907)“Am Grabe einer jungen Schwester” by Lisa Tarlau can be found in Rabbi Max Grunwald’s anthology of Jewish women’s prayer, Beruria: Gebet- und Andachtsbuch für jüdische Frauen und Mädchen (1907), pages 547-549. . . . Categories: Mourning 📖 מענה לשון: סדר תחינות על בית עלמין | Ma’aneh Lashon: Seder Teḥinot al Bet Almin, translated with additions by Goetzel Selikovitsch (1910)Based upon the Seder Teḥinot al Bet Almin, by Rabbi Yaaqov Sinna (ca. 1615), a collection of teḥinot for when visiting the graves of loved ones, as well as additional prayers for sick relatives and for women approaching childbirth. . . . Categories: Memorial, Funeral, and Cemetery Prayer Guides א תחנה פאר א מוטער װאס פירט איהר קינד דעם ערשׁטען מאל אין חדר | Tkhine for a Mother Who Leads their Child for the First Time to Religious School (1910)“Tkine for a Mother Who Leads Her Child to Kheyder” by an unknown author is a faithful transcription of the tkhine published in Rokhl m’vakoh al boneho (Raḥel Weeps for her Children), Vilna, 1910. I have transcribed it without any changes from The Merit of Our Mothers בזכות אמהות A Bilingual Anthology of Jewish Women’s Prayers, compiled by Rabbi Tracy Guren Klirs, Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1992. shgiyot mi yavin, ministarot nakeni. Please offer a translation of this tkhine in the comments. . . . Tags: 20th century C.E., 57th century A.M., Areinfirenish, children, first experiences, Jewish Women's Prayers, kheyder, Needing Attribution, Needing Source Images, Prayers of Primary Caregivers, religious school, school, תחינות teḥinot, תחינות tkhines, Yiddish vernacular prayer Contributor(s): Tracy Guren Klirs (translation), Unknown Author(s) and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) תחנה פאר אמוטער װאס פירט אקינד אין חדר | Tkhine for a Mother Leading their Child to Religious School (1910)“Tkine for a Mother Who Leads Her Child to Kheyder” by an unknown author is a faithful transcription of the tkhine published in Rokhl m’vakoh al boneho (Raḥel Weeps for her Children), Vilna, 1910. I have transcribed it without any changes from The Merit of Our Mothers בזכות אמהות A Bilingual Anthology of Jewish Women’s Prayers, compiled by Rabbi Tracy Guren Klirs, Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1992. shgiyot mi yavin, ministarot nakeni. Please offer a translation of this tkhine in the comments. . . . Tags: 20th century C.E., 57th century A.M., children, Jewish Women's Prayers, kheyder, Needing Attribution, Needing Source Images, religious school, school, תחינות teḥinot, תחינות tkhines, Yiddish vernacular prayer Contributor(s): Tracy Guren Klirs (translation), Unknown Author(s) and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) א תחנה פאר א אשה מעוברת אז זיא גײט צו קינד | Tkhine for a Pregnant Woman when She is about to Give Birth (1910)A prayer for a pregnant woman approaching her childbirth. . . . Categories: Conception, Pregnancy, and Childbirth Tags: 20th century C.E., 57th century A.M., Jewish Women's Prayers, prayers for pregnant women, pregnancy, תחינות teḥinot, תחינות tkhines, Yiddish vernacular prayer Contributor(s): Tracy Guren Klirs (translation), Unknown Author(s) and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) תחנה פאר אײן אִשָׁה װאָס דארף האָבּין אײַן קינד | Tkhine for a Woman who is about to Have a Child (1910)A prayer for a pregnant woman whose childbirth is immanent. . . . Categories: Conception, Pregnancy, and Childbirth Tags: 20th century C.E., 57th century A.M., Jewish Women's Prayers, prayers for pregnant women, pregnancy, תחינות teḥinot, תחינות tkhines, Yiddish vernacular prayer Contributor(s): Tracy Guren Klirs (translation), Unknown Author(s) and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) תחנה פון אײן שװאנגער אשה זאל ניט מפיל זיין | Tkhine for a Pregnant Woman that She Not Miscarry (1910)A prayer for a pregnant woman that she not suffer a miscarriage. . . . Categories: Conception, Pregnancy, and Childbirth Tags: 20th century C.E., 57th century A.M., Jewish Women's Prayers, prayers for pregnant women, pregnancy, Problematic prayers, תחינות teḥinot, תחינות tkhines, Yiddish vernacular prayer Contributor(s): Tracy Guren Klirs (translation), Unknown Author(s) and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) דיא װײבּער װאס האבּין אײן שׁװערין מזל צו קינדר זאלין דיא תחנה זאגין | Women who Have Bad Luck with Children Should Recite this Tkhine (1910)“Women who Have Bad Luck with Children Should Recite this Tkhine” by an unknown author is a faithful transcription of the tkhine published in Rokhl m’vakoh al boneho (Rokhel Weeps for her Children), Vilna, 1910. I have transcribed it without any changes from The Merit of Our Mothers בזכות אמהות A Bilingual Anthology of Jewish Women’s Prayers, compiled by Rabbi Tracy Guren Klirs, Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1992. shgiyot mi yavin, ministarot nakeni. If you can translate Yiddish, please help to translate it and share your translation with an Open Content license through this project. . . . Categories: Child care Tags: 20th century C.E., 57th century A.M., child mortality, childhood illness, prayers concerning children, prayers for mothers, Prayers of Primary Caregivers, תחינות teḥinot, תחינות tkhines, Yiddish vernacular prayer Contributor(s): Baruch Jean Thaler (translation), Unknown Author(s) and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Dr. Isidore Lewinthal on 1 July 1912The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. House of Representatives on 1 July 1912. . . . | ||
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