דיזי שיני נייאי תפילה | Dize sheyne naye tfile (This Beautiful New Prayer), by the typesetter Gele bat Moshe v'Freyde (1710)

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Date: 2017-07-15

Last Updated: 2025-02-18

Categories: Labor, Fulfillment, and Parnasah

Tags: 18th century C.E., 55th century A.M., Brandenburg-Prussia, children's prayers, colophon, Halle, Yiddish vernacular prayer, געולה ge'ulah (redemption), תחינות tkhines

Excerpt: This is a faithful transcription of the prayer of Gele (Gella), daughter of the printer Moshe, as found at the end of Tefillah l'Mosheh (2nd ed., Halle, Germany, 1710), a prayerbook Gele typeset when she was only 11-years-old. This prayerbook is rare owing to the destruction of the press following the incarceration of Gele's father for publishing a prayerbook containing the prayer "Aleinu," which had been forbidden by royal decree. The translation provided here was made by Dr. Kathryn Hellerstein as found in A Question of Tradition: Women Poets in Yiddish, 1586-1987 (2014, Stanford University Press), p. 63-4. The layout of Gele's prayer follows that of Ezra Korman from his anthology of Jewish women's poetry, Yiddishe Dikhterins, also the source of the page image provided. If you know the location of a copy or digital scan of this siddur, please contact us. . . .

Source (Yiddish) Translation (English)
דיזי שיני נייאי תפילה פום אן פאנג ביז צום ענד:
האב איך גיזעצט אלי אותיות מיט מייני אייגני הענד:
געלה בת הר״ר משה המדפיס
ואמי מרת פריידה בת הר״ר ישראל כ״ץ ז״ל
This beautiful new prayer from the beginning to the end:
I have set all the letters with my own hand:
Gele, daughter of the Rov Reb Moshe the Printer
And my mother Meres (Ms.) Freyde daughter of the Rov Reb Yisroel Kats, of blessed memory.
די הוט מיך צווישן צעהן קינדר שי׳ גיבארן
איך בין איין בתולה נאך עטוואש אונטר צוועלף יארן:
She bore me among ten children, may they live,
I am a maiden, not quite twelve:
נעמט אייך קיין (חידוש) דז איך מוז ארבייטן.
(הרכה והענוכה בת ישראל) זיצט אין גלות לנגי צייטן:
Do not be surprised that I must labor.
The gentle and dainty daughter of Israel has sat in Exile forever:
איין יאר גיט דא הין אונ׳ דאש אנדרי יאר מוט קומן.
אונ׳ מיר האבן פון קיינר (גאולה) נאך נייקש פר נומן:
One year departs and another commences.
And we have not yet been granted Redemption:
מיר שרייאן אונ׳ מיר בעטן צו גאט אלי יאר.
ווער וואלט רז אונזרי תפילות בייא השם יתברך זעלטן קומן פאר:
We shout and we pray to God every year.
If only our prayers should before the Blessed Name appear.
וויא וואול איך מוז שוווייגן שטיל.
איך אונ׳ מיין פאטרש הויז טארן ניט רידן פיל:
How nicely I must keep quiet and still.
I and my father’s house must hardly speak at all:
וויא עש כל ישראל ווערט דר גין.
אזו זאל אונש אויך גישעהן.
However all of Israel shall come to its end.
So to us it shall also happen:
דען דער פסוק טוט זאגן.
עש ווערן זיך פרייאן אלי לייט דיא אויף דאש (חורבן) פון (ירושלים) האבן טון קלאגן.
Then as the verse does mention.
All people shall rejoice who mourned Jerusalem’s Destruction.
אונ׳ דיא אויף דאש (גלות) האבן פר טריבן גרוש לייד.
דיא ווערן מיט דער (גאולה) ווידר האבן גרושי פרייד.
And those who in the Exile suffered such great sadness.
They will again with the Redemption have great gladness.
אמן וכן יהי רצון.
Amen, and may it be His will.
(אהובי רבותי) קויפט דיא תפילה פאר איין גרינג געלט.
דען מיר האבן זונשטן קיין אנדרי (מחיה) אין דער וועלט.
ווייל עש השם יתברך אזוא וואול גיפעלט.
Dear readers, buy this Prayer for one small coin.
Otherwise we’ll have no other income in this world.
Because it pleases well the Blessed Name.

וזה חלקינו מכל עמרינו׃
ויי אלהי ישראל ירחוב ארת גבולינו׃
ויתן לנו לחם ושמלה בפי צרכינו׃
להחיות עם־רב ואתו עוללינו וטפינו׃
וישם לנו שלום עם כל ישראל אחינו׃
אמן וכן יהי רצון׃
And this is our share from all our labors.
May the Lord, God of Israel widen our borders.
And, according to our needs, may He give us bread and clothing.
To make a great nation live,[1] end of Genesis 50:20, (thank you Emily Fishman)  and with it, our children and offspring.
And may He grant us peace with all our brethren in Israel.
Amen, may it be His will.

This is a faithful transcription of the prayer of Gele (Gella), daughter of the printer Moshe, as found at the end of Tefillah l’Mosheh (2nd ed., Halle, Germany, 1710), a prayerbook Gele typeset when she was only 11-years-old. This prayerbook is rare owing to the destruction of the press following the incarceration of Gele’s father for publishing a prayerbook containing the prayer “Aleinu,” which had been forbidden by royal decree.[2] Kathryn Hellerstein in in A Question of Tradition: Women Poets in Yiddish, 1586-1987 (2014, Stanford University Press).  A photocopy of the prayer, along with a typeset transcription, is found in Ezra Korman’s anthology of Jewish women’s poetry, Yiddishe Dikhterins (1928). The transcription there is found on pages 18-19 and the photocopy of the mashkit type found in the original page image of the siddur is found about 20 pages earlier (just before the numbered page section begins). If you know the location of a copy or digital scan of this siddur, please contact us.

The translation provided here was made by Dr. Kathryn Hellerstein as found in A Question of Tradition: Women Poets in Yiddish, 1586-1987 (2014, Stanford University Press), p. 63-4.





1 end of Genesis 50:20, (thank you Emily Fishman)
2 Kathryn Hellerstein in in A Question of Tradition: Women Poets in Yiddish, 1586-1987 (2014, Stanford University Press).

Contributor: Kathryn Hellerstein (translation)


Featured Image:
Gele’s Prayer colophon (Tefilah L’Moshe, 2nd ed., Halle, 1710)
Title: Gele’s Prayer colophon (Tefilah L’Moshe, 2nd ed., Halle, 1710)
Caption: colophon from Tfile LeMoshe (2nd ed., Halle, Germany, 1710)