Prayer on Kneading and Baking Ḥallot for Shabbat, by Perle Derbaremdiger Peretz (fl. 18th c.)

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Date: 2018-11-15

Last Updated: 2025-03-23

Categories: Erev Shabbat

Tags: 18th century C.E., 56th century A.M., baking ḥallah, eros, German vernacular prayer, taking dough, חלה challah ḥallah, תחינות teḥinot

Excerpt: A prayer upon preparing ḥallot for Shabbat. . . .

Source (German) Translation (English)
Von Perle, der Frau des Berditschewers, ist ein Gebet überliefert.
Wenn sie die Sabbatbrote knetete und buk, pflegte sie zu beten:

A prayer has come down to us from Perle, the rebbe of Berditchev’s wife.
Whenever she kneaded and baked the loaves for Shabbat, she prayed:
Herr der Welt,
ich bitte dich, hilf mir,
dass mein Levi Jizchak,
wenn er am Sabbat über diese Brote den Segen spricht,
dasselbe im Sinn habe
wie ich
in dieser Stunde, da ich sie knete und backe!
Lord of the world,
I beg you to help me,
that when my husband Levi Yitsḥak
says the blessing upon these loaves on Shabbat,
he may have in his mind
what I have in my mind
this very hour that I knead them and bake them.

This prayer of Perle Derbaremdiger (Peretz), wife of the rebbe Levi Yitsḥak of Berditchev, is attested in Martin Buber’s Die Erzählungen Der Chassidim (Tales of the Ḥasidim), Manesse Bibliothek der Weltliteratur, Conzett und Huber, Zurich, first published in 1924, under the heading “Nas Gebet der Frau” (His Wife’s Prayer). The transcription here was made from page 343 of the 1949 edition. We lack an earlier source for this prayer, or the story of this prayer, which may have appeared in Yiddish. Our gratitude to Open Siddur Project contributor Andrew Meit for his help tracking down the original text of this prayer in Buber’s original German, for his translation, and for the source image of the text shared below.


“Nas Gebet der Frau” (His Wife’s Prayer) from Die Erzählungen Der Chassidim.

Contributor: Aharon N. Varady (transcription)


Featured Image:
Title: Challah_Braiding
Caption: Photo of 6-braid whole-wheat challah in the process of being shaped for baking. (credit: Yoninah, license: CC BY-SA)