Image: Borei Nefashot Rabot v'Ḥesronan by Rachel Katz (License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported)
Seder Birkat Hamazon (version 0.2.5, July 2013): ODT | TXT | PDF
Beginning in November 2010, I began a project to translate the Birkat Hamazon using Rabbi Simeon Singer’s English translation and the Nusaḥ ha-Ari as the basis for publishing a new birkon (plural, birkonim, or in Yiddish, benchers). The original work was sponsored by the Teva Learning Center and its executive director, Nili Simhai, to be used in birkonim specifically designed for use during weekdays during Teva’s Fall season. Fellow Teva educator, Marta Buechler helped edit my initial work checking to make sure I used age appropriate language. Late in the season, during a meeting with Nili and fellow Teva instructor and master artist Rachel Katz, I introduced the kirigami pamphlet layout taught me by Olivia Antsis and which I used for publishing the Open Siddur Project manifesto (presented at the Academy for Jewish Religion’s 2010 Spring Intensive).
One of the wonderful things about working with creative people is how they will immediately see invention at work and latch upon an opportunity. Nili immediately saw how a hidden surprise could be printed on the reverse of the birkonim, and Rachel Katz volunteered to illustrate the idea of “Ḥesronan” (lit. lacking) — the idea that all the living creatures in creation are formed lacking, or in other words, with needs. It is an essential concept in understanding how the One is expressed through the interconnectedness and interdependence of the many — in all the manifold multiplicities of living relationships between the creatures we share our Earth with. The Teva birkonim would thus emphasize the blessing, “borei nefashot” and highlight this important idea central to Judaism and basic ecology.
To make the birkonim, I copied the text of the birkat hamazon graciously transcribed and shared by Shmueli Gonzales and set it side by side with my translation. In order to position the text properly to make a pamphlet that opens right-to-left and with text always facing rightside-up, it’s necessary to position the text carefully, and in places, upside down. As the Open Siddur web application and its layout capabilities are not yet mature I had to use the proprietary (and expensive) Adobe Illustrator ME application to layout the text and images on an 11×17 tabloid template. See the images below for reference.
Teva Learning Center printed a limited edition print of 100 birkonim for use and review at the 2011 Teva Education Seminar at Surprise Lake Camp in Cold Spring, New York. These beautiful prints were made by Greg Barber Co Environmental Paper & Printing, a green printer in northern New Jersey, and for the most part all taken home by seminar attendees.
With some variations (and corrections), my parents sponsored a small run of another limited edition of the birkonim for my nephew Yair-Shalom’s bar-mitsvah. My mother contributed an original sketch of one of my nephew’s winning chess matches to grace the cover of the birkonim. I took some pictures to document the process. The materials for making your own birkonim, including my translation are available below, and there are many other resources shared on the Open Siddur Project site you may wish to include in your own birkonim.
If you’d like a print of your own birkon prepared by yours truly, please make a donation of at least $18 for the Open Siddur Project and support our efforts to revive the Jewish book arts tradition, and keep content free for Jewish crafters. If you’d like my help customizing the birkon you’ve always wanted with a different nusaḥ or an adapted translation, please let me know. (All contributions to the project are tax deductible by virtue of our fiscal sponsor, the Center for Jewish Culture and Creativity, a 501(3)c registered non-profit.) Alternately, support the Teva Learning Center and mention your love for the Open Siddur Project with your donation.
Note: These birkonim are adapted for weekday use only, and only include the liturgy of the birkat hamzon for weekdays, Rosh Ḥodesh, and Ḥanukkah. Rachel Katz is currently working on a slightly revised version of the image above with hand lettering of the Hebrew for the borei nefashot blessing. All of this work is shared with a Creative Commons Attribution/ShareAlike (CC-BY-SA) 3.0 Unported license, permitting you to adopt, adapt, and redistribute the work so long as it is correctly attributed and any derivative work also shared with the CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license.
See below for documentation of the folding and cutting of 11×17 sheets into an 8 (or 16) page pamphlet.
While it’s possible to fold and cut sheets entirely by hand, when birkonim are printed on cardstock (as these were), it’s very helpful to use the following tools to craft nicely folded pamphlets.
- 1 Bone Folder
- 1 Metal Ruler with non-slip backing (as a straight edge)
- 1 light exacto knife
- 1 Cutting Mat
Fiscal Sponsorship provided by the Center for Jewish Culture & Creativity
Image: Hidden in Plain Sight by Aharon Varady, an image of a page found in a box of shemot at Isabella Freedman Retreat Center, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported
A Chart Comparing the Open Source licensed Unicode 4.0+ Hebrew Fonts included in the Open Siddur Font Pack
A Chart Comparing the Open Source licensed Unicode 4.0+ Hebrew Fonts included in the Open Siddur Font Pack
Image: ALT-CTRL SHIFT (Level 4) Biblical Hebrew (Tiro) Keyboard Layout from the Biblical Hebrew (Tiro) Keyboard Manual v.1.5 by John Hudson (Copyright 2007)
Image: ALT-CTRL (Level 3) Biblical Hebrew (Tiro) Keyboard Layout from the Biblical Hebrew (Tiro) Keyboard Manual v.1.5 by John Hudson (Copyright 2007)
Image: NORMAL (Level 1) Biblical Hebrew (Tiro) Keyboard Layout from the Biblical Hebrew (Tiro) Keyboard Manual v.1.5 by John Hudson (Copyright 2007)
Image: SHIFT (Level 2) Biblical Hebrew (Tiro) Keyboard Layout from the Biblical Hebrew (Tiro) Keyboard Manual v.1.5 by John Hudson (Copyright 2007)
Five fonts from the Open Siddur Open Source and Unicode Hebrew Font pack: Miriam CLM, Hadasim CLM, Linux Libertine, Mekorot-Rashi, and Shlomo Semi Stam (credit: Aharon Varady, license CC-BY-SA)
Pesaḥ Seder Plate, Germany (1601-1700), from the Strauss Collection of the Magnes Museum
Az Yashir (Wolf Heidenheim, Siddur Sefat Emet 1845, Roedelheim)
Blue and white synagogue tile decorated with Moorish arch and floral motif and inscribed with the Hebrew word אתה “atah” (you), Morocco, 18th century. This tile is most likely from one of the four imperial cities: Fez, Meknes, Marrakesh, or Rabat. Original record notes that this tile came from a Moroccan synagogue. Possibly from the formula “barukh atah bevo’echa uvarukh ata btsetekha” (ברוך אתה בבואך וברוך אתה בצאתך), Deuteronomy 28:6; cf. tiled inscriptions in Lazama synagogue, Marrakech. (From the Magnes Museum collection, Tile [77-275].)
Naomi and Beverly Lerner-Socher from their wedding day (credit: Jacques-Jean Tiziou, license: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported)
Five fonts from the Open Siddur Open Source and Unicode Hebrew Font pack: Miriam CLM, Hadasim CLM, Linux Libertine, Mekorot-Rashi, and Shlomo Semi Stam (credit: Aharon Varady, license CC-BY-SA)
Logo of the Jewish Free Culture Society for Open-source Judaism
The Magpie on the Gallows (1568) by Pieter Brueghel the Elder
1902 gilded book cover of “Hanna” by Jacob Freund (1867)
“Impressió librorum”. Grabado de Phillipus Galle según dibujo de Johannes Stradanus (Théodor Galle, Nova Reperta, Amberes?, Phls Galle, entre 1590 y 1612?, núm. 4. Madrid. Biblioteca Nacional ER/1605).
Seder in the Streets, April 12, 2014 in front of the White House (credit: Seder in the Streets, license: CC-BY-SA)
“Green Tree Yellow Field (credit: Keith Evans, license: CC BY-SA)
Logo of the Open Siddur Project (credit: Aharon Varady 2009, license: CC BY-SA)
Torah study, Hadera, Palestine” Original name: “חדרה בראשיתה – מורה ותלמידים צעירים לומדים תורה מתוך ספר אחד” (between 1901 and 1911, Public Domain)
“Rabbi Löw mit dem Golem über Prag” (Karel Dvořák,1951)
Flying (credit: Aharon Varady, license: CC BY-SA 4.0 International)
Muster Judenhut escutcheon
áé÷åø øàù äîîùìä ìåé àùëåì áàøä”á. áöéìåí, éå”ø àøâåï áúé äëðñú áàøä”á àåøé îéìø îòðé÷ ìåç ùéù ìøä”î, áôâéùúí áîìåï ååìãåøó àñèåøéä áðéå éåø÷.
Herald of the Shamesh of the Open Siddur Project
Rabbi Claudio Kogan of Temple Emmanuel contemplates during a multi-denominational gathering to pray for immigrant families at the Basilica of Our Lady San Juan del Valle-National Shrine September 30, 2014 in San Juan. photo by joel martinez/
Rabino gay
This is a 1967 photo of J.R.R. Tolkien. Tolkien is the author of “The Lord of the Rings” and an Oxford University Professor. (AP Photo)
National Poverty Hearing 2006 at Westminster.
A one-day National Poverty Hearing in Central Hall Westminster, held on Wednesday 6 December 2006, for up to 500 senior politicians, high-profile/influential policy makers and opinion formers in the media and public life and national and grassroots anti-poverty/civil society groups from across the United Kingdom.
Ellen Bernstein (1953-2024)
“Shamiana” by Robert Kirschbaum (“textile panel inspired by sacred space”). See Traversing Traditions and “Squaring the Circle: Exploring Indian and Jewish Concepts of Sacred Space.” Speaker, as part of the Panel, The Inspiration of India in Current American Art: Contemporary Responses and Hybrid Forms, College Art Association of America, 93rd Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 2005.
Detail of transtropilized translation of a portion of the Haftarah for the second day of Sukkot.
Prayers offered for Sigd on the Armon haNatziv Promenade, Jerusalem
Sholomo ben Levy
Flag of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast superimposed between the constellations of the Pleiades and Orion (Aharon Varady CC BY-SA 2014)
detail of Fanny Neuda’s prayer “Gebet einer Mutter am Hochzeitstage ihrer Tochter”
rahamana (Aharon Varady CC BY-SA) – cropped
King Solomon, King of Hearts by Arthur Szyk Heroes of Ancient Israel Playing Card Art
Plate with the Battle of David and Goliath (629 CE) (PD)
Paper bag containing Tu biShvat treats on Tu biShvat for Ḥag haNətiōt (1920)
The Chateau de Blois & St Nicholas Cathedral, Blois from the River Loire (John Lewis Petit)
Israelis walk in Jerusalem without masks after the coronavirus restrictions were eased Sunday (Photo: AFP)
Artwork from the poster, “The [Ojibwe] Legend of Turtle Island” (credit:, please contact us if you know the name of the artist)
Judith (1921) by Arthur Szyk
Prayer for a fast day (Miriam Wertheimer 1852) – cropped
“The Abtenauer Perchtenlauf 2017- 13” (Holger Uwe Schmitt CC BY-SA)
Rothschild Miscellany shows a Jewish custom at the time, mid-15th century, that of mixed dancing. The mixed dancing is that of couples, husband and wives dancing with each other, and not that of unmarried men and women dancing In Italy, where this manuscript was composed, mixed dancing was apparently common during this period.
expl1567 (NOAA Photo Library, Submarine 2006 NOAA Vents Program, PD)
ôåøèøè ùì äîùåøø àáøäí ùìåðñ÷é.
*Rabbi Bamberger
Major Michael Adler
Date: 1874
Seal of the IDF
Seymour Rosenbloom
Flag of Europe
The official flag of the Federal Republic of Germany
Flag of Hungary
Flag of the United Kingdom
יום זכויות האדם הבין לאומי 2019
Bastille Day spells prison for sixteen suffragettes who picketed the White House. Miss Julia Hurlbut of Morristown, New Jersey, leading the sixteen members of the National Womans Party who participated in the picketing demonstration in front of the White House, Washington, District of Columbia, July 14,1917, which led to their arrest. These sixteen women were sent to the workhouse at Occoquan, on July 17, 1917, upon their refusal to pay fines of $25 each, but were pardoned on July 19, 1917.
Michelangelo Sistine Chapel ceiling – Brass serpent (detail) – cropped
Mazal for Shevat – D’li, (a/k/a Aquarius)
from Sefer Evronot (Halberstadt 1716)
by Pinchas ben Avraham Halevi (SeGaL)
Pharaoh obdurate by Yossi Rosenstein
Tu Bishvat by Yossi Rosenstein
sunset over earth (NASA)
International Code of Signals (ICS) signal: “Uniform,” signifying “You are running into danger.”
“Jews captured by the SS during the suppression of the Warsaw ghetto uprising march past the St. Zofia hospital down Nowolipie Street towards the Umschlagplatz for deportation.” (Leszek Grzywaczewski, 1943 – USHMM pa13707
Our inheritance can’t afford your indifference (Eli Valley, NYC Climate March 12 Nov 2016) – crop
Cahill Concialdi Projection map (2015)
Red Script Palestine Flag. Flag used for about ten years-from about 1945 to about 1955-in special circumstances. White with the name “Palestine” in red Arabic characters. In a 1945 Egyptian philatelic issue celebrating the founding of the Arab League it is depicted along with the flags of other member states. It also appears printed on League documents and was used at the 1955 Damascus International Fair. It was recommended by the Arab League: the distinctiveness of the design was supposed to help draw attention to the Palestinian problem. (Thespoondragon 2019, CC0)
Torah reading by women (credit: Yochi Rappeport, license: CC BY-SA)
Ukrainians unearth hiding places of Jews in city sewers during Nazi Holocaust (Gleb Garanich Reuters)
Fading Away (Meriç Tuna)
The Crossing of the Red Sea by Nicolas Poussin, 1634
NPG 2178; Sir Moses Haim Montefiore, 1st Bt
Flag of the United States with star sizes relative to population (OmarZlada 2021)
Nathan Marcus Adler
White Folder Icon #332226
Folder icon, gray (credit: Kos, license: PD)
Liberal Jewish Synagogue, St John’s Wood Road, 2018 (credit: No Swan So Fine, license CC BY-SA)
Liberal Jewish Synagogue, St John’s Wood Road, 2018 (credit: No Swan So Fine, license CC BY-SA)
Colorized postcard derived from a photo found in the Matson (G. Eric and Edith) Photograph Collection, Library of Congress.
reprinted in ETROG: From Foreign Import to Jewish Symbol by David Z. Moster (2018).
Earth Day 1970 pin (credit: Busy Beaver Button Museum). Sunset Horizon Earth Day by David Powell.
La bendición de los sacerdotes judíos tal como se descifra en un texto del siglo XVII llamado Sefer Shefa’ tal — Rabbi Shabtai Sheftel ben Akiva Horowitz (1565-1619).
A twenty foot shipping container
“Januarius” – Sefer Evronot – p. 144 (Pinchas ben Avraham Halevi 1716)
Four Chaplains… Interfaith in Action – US Postage Stamp (1948)
stained glass window art honoring the four chaplains at the East Rutherford Memorial Library building (1951)
The Foot (Terry Gilliam for Monty Python’s Flying Circus)
The Queen of the Moon – The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988)
earth dreidel top globe
Temple of Janus Quadrifrons (Matthew Dubourg 1820)
Henrietta Szold
Catan (credit: Wyjdzie w Graniu, license: CC BY-NC)
Fool’s World Map: ‘Stultorum Infinitus est Nemerus’ G201:1/43
10-1984, SEP 2 1989, APR 13 1991; Wagner, Stanley M. – Rabbi; (Photo By Ed Maker/The Denver Post via Getty Images)
Compressed by jpeg-recompress
Version 1.0.0
CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 90
Version 1.0.0
Shlomo Dov Shapiro
Israel Porath, ca. 1910
1980-2-14-bill-cheryl-wedding 8
Benjamin Franklin Portrait
Julius Eckman
PikiWiki Israel 81843 torah scroll case (credit: Israel Preker, license: CC BY) – cropped
Siddurim at rest in the Women’s Section at the Western Wall (credit: Ruby1619, license: CC BY-SA)
LEAD Technologies Inc. V1.01
The Flag of the Republic of Ireland in an unofficial 3:2 version of for when a 3:2 version looks better (e.g. beside a group of other 3:2 flags)
Bronze Age Balance (Dan Diffendale, CC BY-NC-SA). Bronze balance pans and lead weights, Vapheio tholos tomb, Laconia. Late Helladic (LH) II (15th c. BCE)
Techno Viking – Kneecam (2000)
The Hebrew Purim Ball at the Academy of Music, March 14 (Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, 1 April 1865), p. 21
Peter Sellers as Dr. Pratt in THE WRONG BOX (1966) – cropped stillframe
Two women playing chess. Miniature from the manuscript ‘Libro de los juegos’ by Alfonso X the Wise
The Triumph of Death (1587) by Jan Brueghel the Elder
Moon Cycle (credit: thDianaDuh)
“Orthodox kid” (photo credit: Hanan Bar Assouline). A ḥaredi child holding a chicken in one hand and a cigarette in the other (likely taken in the context of the Kaparot-atonement ritual before Yom Kipur)
My Moon by s_mad (SepidehDavoodi, CC BY)
Fanny Neuda, portrait in the Loštice synagogue (Richard Štipl. 2011) from Židé v Českých zemích – cropped
Transgender Day of Remembrance (Museum of Liverpool, UK)
Minhat Todah – Service for Thanksgiving Day (David de Sola Pool 1945) – title – cropped
-”>Greater coat of arms of the United States
Coat of arms of Germany
Great Seal of France
Death and Life (Gustav Klimt 1910-1915)
Rabbi A.J. Heschel, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Rev. Ralph Abernathy, Rabbi Maurice Eisendrath (holding Torah). March for Peace at Arlington National Cemetery on February 6, 1968 (cropped)
Hatiqvah Park, Tel Aviv. War memorial dedicated to the guard employed in the defence of the front line between the Hatikva Quarter and the Arab village Shalame in the 1947-1948 War of Independence, the site of a decisive encounter with enemy forced in Decemenber 1947. (credit: Avishai Teicher, license: CC BY)
Shiviti by Mashiaḥ Asgari (held in The Royal Library of Denmark David Simonsen Manuscripts Collection) – black letters on white background. Digital restoration by Andrew Meit. (Landscape with transparency set by ANV)
V-E Day Celebrations in London, 8 May 1945. A truck of revellers passing through the Strand, London
Civil calendars in use globally (Gregorian in black) – crop
Autumn Leaves Changing Colors in a Row (credit: Chris Lawton, license: CC 0)
“Sefirot HaOmer” by Aharon Varady derived from the color correspondences of Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, and the design concept of Lauren Deutsch. Each of the seven weeks and days of the Omer is represented by one of the seven lower sefirot: Ḥesed, Gevurah, Tiferet, Netsaḥ, Hōd, Yesod, and Malkhut, the creative emanations all the worlds were created and continually sustained, as taught in the cosmology of esoteric Jewish tradition. The first day of the Omer at the top left signifies “Ḥesed within Ḥesed.” The circle below representing the second day signifies “Gevurah within Hesed,” and so forth. The forty-second circle on the bottom row marks the 42nd day of the Omer, Yom Qeshet, Rainbow Day, which is “Malkhut that is in Yesod.”
Robin Willians as The Sun in The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (dr. Terry Gilliam, 1988) – cropped
Earth-satellite-seasons GIF animation
18th-centurry foldable Polish Yad (Emily Steiner, PiersAtPenn)
Tefillin manufacturing process. Leather
William IV (1765-1837), King of the United Kingdom and King of Hanover (1830-1837), Duke of Clarence and St Andrews (1789-1830), Admiral (1798), Admiral of the Fleet (1811), Lord High Admiral (1827-1828), 1837
Secondary (albeit not national) flag used by the Syrian Transitional Government
Eden Village Camp -Welcome Shabbat Queen, Erev Shabbat 20 July 2012 (photo credit: Aharon Varady, license: CC BY-SA)
Formal portrait of President Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman
Me’irah Iliinsky