The Voice of the Lord, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (before 1883)

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Date: 2021-12-05

Last Updated: 2022-02-26

Categories: Dangerous Storms & Floods, Travel

Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., English Romanticism, English vernacular prayer, ocean, Prayers as poems, travel by water

Excerpt: A poem, inspired by psalms, about a dangerous ocean storm or else the violent nature calmed during one of the nights and days of creation. . . .

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The Voice of the Lord
The mighty voice of the Lord
Was upon the waters that day;
Like thunder it scattered abroad
The works that before it lay!
The voice of the Lord was heard
On the powerful ocean that night;
The billows arose, and the depths were stirred
In their glorious power and might.
The voice of the Lord is grand!
It lifts up the waves on high;
They proudly sweep o’er the land,
And the works of man defy!
The voice of the Lord awoke
The slumbering ocean’s tide;
That voice, “full of majesty,” spoke,
And the sea in its roar replied!
The white cliffs trembled and shook;
They broke at its angry blast,
They shivered in pieces before His look.
And into the foam were cast!
The voice of the Lord flashed fire,
And bars of iron gave way;
They bent—they fell as the waves rose higher,
And tossed them about in their spray!
Then the mighty sea had rest,
In its beauty, its clearness, its calm;
The voice of the Lord was hush’d on its breast.
Which heaved ‘neath His heavenly arm!

Titled “The Voice of the Lord” in Henry Abarbanel’s English School and Family Reader (1883), this poem was written by Rosa Emma Collins née Salaman (1815-1898). Whether “that day” or “that night” refers to a primordial day of creation or a specific and dangerous storm is unclear, but the language of her poem feels inspired by Psalms (93, 29, and others). The poem was likely published before 1883 elsewhere previously although we haven’t been able to locate where. If you know, please leave a comment or contact us.




Contributor: Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription)


Featured Image:
Title: 836px-Een_schip_in_volle_zee_bij_vliegende_storm,_bekend_als_‘De_windstoot’_Rijksmuseum_SK-A-1848
Caption: "The Rafale", painting by Willem Van de Velde (the Younger), circa 1680. A ship on the high seas during a flying storm, known as 'The wind gust' Rijksmuseum SK-A-1848