Prayer in Eulogy for Vice President Henry Wilson, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (1 December 1875)

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Date: 2023-11-24

Last Updated: 2025-03-27

Categories: Mourning

Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., Eulogy, Henry Wilson, Prayers for leaders

Excerpt: This prayer in eulogy for Vice President Henry Wilson was preserved on page 78 of the Sobato Morais Scrapbook (a/k/a, the Morais Ledger) in a clipping from the Evening Telegraph on 1 December 1875, "The Late Vice-President: A Eulogy by Rev. S. Morais, of the Seventh Street Synagogue." . . .

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Almighty God! Eternal Father!
in whose hand is the soul of all living,
and the spirit ef all men’s flesh—
we approach Thy altar this morning with humility,
and implore Thy grace
on behalf of Thy servant Henry Wilson,[1] Henry Wilson (1812-1875) the 18th vice president of the United States from 1873 until his death in 1875, and a senator from Massachusetts from 1855 to 1873. He was a fierce opponent of slavery and its institutions. 
whom Thou hast called unto Thee
amidst high and important duties.
In the days of old
Thou didst incite Israel’s teachers
to instruct us in the belief
that the righteous of all people
will have ashare in the kingdom of heaven;
and this liberal imparting,
joined with the knowledge of Thy mercy,
inspires us with glowing, hope and confidence.
Verily, there is no man,
however good he may have been,
who sinned not;
but great were the temptations which beset the path
of the deceased Vice-President of these United States,
and he rose superior to them all,
that he might fulfil the dictates of morality
promulgated at Horeb.
Grant that the merits
with which he enriched his character
may be his advocates,
and bear up his soul to the regions of bliss.
Grant, O Lord!
that when his sun went down on our political horizon,
other luminaries may have arisen to lighten it brightly.
For we do stand sadly in want of individuals
who may serve as a pillar of fire
to guide the nation in the way of integrity.
We need personages of that simplicity of life,
and of that unswerving uprightness
which distinguished the founders of this republic.
Raise for us, O, Lord!
a Washington to wash away official impurities;
Adams to beget a new generation of incorruptible beings.
And grant that when the auspicious event
which we all anticipate with joyful emotions
shall have arrived;
when the national jubilee will be celebrated,
men may come hither from distant lands,
and see a community resting securely
not upon drawn swords and fointed bayonets;
not upon standing armies
but upon the wisdom and exemplary rectitude of their rulers.
Oh! happy the people whose shield is honesty,
happy the people whose buckler is heaven-loved Truth.

This prayer in eulogy for Vice President Henry Wilson was preserved on page 78 of the Sobato Morais Scrapbook (a/k/a, the Morais Ledger) in a clipping from the Evening Telegraph on 1 December 1875, “The Late Vice-President: A Eulogy by Rev. S. Morais, of the Seventh Street Synagogue.”


Prayer in eulogy of Vice President Henry Wilson [Evening Telegraph, 1875-12-1] (Sabato Morais Ledger, p. 78)



1 Henry Wilson (1812-1875) the 18th vice president of the United States from 1873 until his death in 1875, and a senator from Massachusetts from 1855 to 1873. He was a fierce opponent of slavery and its institutions.

Contributor: Aharon N. Varady (transcription)


Featured Image:
Title: Henry_Wilson,_VP_of_the_United_States
Caption: Henry Wilson (undated, sometime between 1860 and 1875)