The Child's Al Ḥet, by Rabbi Abraham Cronbach (1924)

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Date: 2024-03-18

Last Updated: 2024-03-18

Categories: Yom Kippur

Tags: 20th century C.E., 57th century A.M., children's prayers, English vernacular prayer, וידוי vidui

Excerpt: This prayer for "The Child's Al Chet" by Rabbi Abraham Cronbach is found in his, Prayers of the Jewish Advance (1924), on pages 124-126. . . .


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For the sin that we have sinned
by losing our temper,
For the sin that we have sinned
by making fun of others,
For the sin that we have sinned
by speaking ill of others
even though we believed
that they deserved it,
For the sin that we have sinned
by seeking revenge,
For the sin that we have sinned
by disobeying our parents,
For the sin that we have sinned
by annoying our teachers,
For the sin that we have sinned
by acting discourteously,
For the sin that we have sinned
by being impure,
For the sin that we have sinned
by telling untruths,
For the sin that we have sinned
by neglecting our studies,
For the sin that we have sinned
by shirking our duties,
for all of these, O Heavenly Father,
do not forgive us
but make us hate, despise,
loathe, detest and abhor these sins;
and then when we have curbed our temper,
given cheer to others,
spoken kindly of others,
returned good for evil,
obeyed our parents,
gladdened our teachers,
shown courtesy to everyone,
abandoned our impurity,
corrected our falsehoods,
prepared our lessons,
and performed our duties, then,
Let us feel Thy loving arms about us.
Then may we say unto Thee, “my Father
and, within our hearts, hear Thee answer,
“I am with Thee, my beloved child.”

This prayer for “The Child’s Al Chet” by Rabbi Abraham Cronbach is found in his, Prayers of the Jewish Advance (1924), on pages 124-126.




Contributor: Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription)


Featured Image:
Where the Wild Things Are (Maurice Sendak 1963)
Title: Where the Wild Things Are (Maurice Sendak 1963)
Caption: Where the Wild Things Are (Maurice Sendak 1963)