Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Leo Heim on 1 June 1967

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Date: 2024-06-22

Last Updated: 2025-02-18

Categories: 🇺🇸 United States of America, Opening Prayers for Legislative Bodies

Tags: 20th century C.E., 58th century A.M., 90th Congress, English vernacular prayer, Prayers of Guest Chaplains, U.S. House of Representatives, תחינות teḥinot

Excerpt: The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. House of Representatives on 1 June 1967. . . .

Guest Chaplain: Rabbi Leo Heim, Congregation B’nai Zion, El Paso, Texas
Sponsor: n/a
Date of Prayer: 1 June 1967

Contribute a translation Source (English)
Heavenly Father:
We, citizens of this free haven,
rise to acknowledge
our cherished privileges
and to affirm our faith in Thee
as we beseech Thy benign guidance
in the deliberations
of this distinguished assemblage.
Charged with the affairs of our Nation,
these our Representatives
seek Thy beneficence.
Imbue them with wisdom and loving kindness
that their efforts emerge
into a beacon of light and hope
to a bewildered humanity.
In these perilous times
cause Thy spirit to enter the hearts
of the brazen and the bigoted.
Cleanse their hands of aggressive designs;
their spirits of iniquitous schemes.
Look down with favor
upon this our blessed land.
Unite our pursuit for peace;
empower our minds that we may not falter.
Make our lives a contribution
to the symphony of a freedom-loving humanity.

This prayer of the guest chaplain was offered in the sixth month of the first session of the 90th US House of Representatives, and published in the Congressional Record, vol. 113 part 11 (1 June 1967), page 14482.


Congregational Record, vol. 113, part 11 (1 June 1967), p. 14482


Contributor: Aharon N. Varady (transcription)


Featured Image:
Title: Flag_of_the_United_States_House_of_Representatives.svg
Caption: Flag of the United States House of Representatives