Prayer of Parents for a Son or Daughter in the Armed Forces, by Rabbi Max Klein (1951)

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Date: 2019-11-08

Last Updated: 2025-02-10

Categories: Military Personnel & Veterans

Tags: 20th century C.E., 58th century A.M., American Jewry of the United States, English vernacular prayer, military, Parents blessing children, teḥinot in English, תחינות teḥinot

Excerpt: A prayer offered for parents praying for the safety and welfare of their adult children entering the armed forces. . . .

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Our God and Father:
We commend to thy tender and loving care
the life of our son (daughter)
who is leaving (has gone)
to serve in the armed forces
of our beloved country.

May he (she) who is leaving (has left) us
return to us in peace.
Keep him (her) strong in body and soul;
protect him (her) in the hours of trial and danger.

May he (she) remember
the love of his (her) father and mother
whose prayers will accompany him (her)
every step of the way.

May he (she) retain firm faith in thee.
Guide him (her) and all comrades in the service
with thy light
and may they be upborne by the hope
that they are helping to build a better world.

Speed the day when war will be no more.
Speed the day when the tears of sorrow
will have been wiped away.

Blessed art thou, O Lord,
whom we pray to hear our prayer.

“Prayer of Parents for Son or Daughter in the Armed Forces” appears on page 630 of Seder Avodah Tefilot l’Shabbat, l’Shalosh Regalim, u’l’Ḥol (1951), the Shabbat and Festivals prayerbook by Rabbi Max Klein.



Contributor: Aharon N. Varady (transcription)


Featured Image:
Jewish servicemen and women celebrate Passover by David I. Cederbaum (Center for Jewish History, c. 1945)
Title: Jewish servicemen and women celebrate Passover by David I. Cederbaum (Center for Jewish History, c. 1945)
Caption: "Jewish servicemen and women celebrate Passover" (credit: David I. Cederbaum, repository: Center for Jewish History, circa 1945, no copyright restrictions)