יָהּ רִבּוֹן | Yah Ribōn, a piyyut by Rabbi Yisrael Najara (16th c.) translation by Sara-Kinneret Lapidot

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Date: 2021-06-20

Last Updated: 2025-02-02

Categories: Se'udat Leil Shabbat, Se'udat Yom Shabbat

Tags: 16th century C.E., 54th century A.M., acrostic, Acrostic signature, Aramaic, זמירות zemirot, יה רבון Yah Ribon, פיוטים piyyutim

Excerpt: The piyyut, yah Ribon Olam, in Hebrew with an English translation. . . .

Source (Aramaic) Translation (English)
יָהּ רִבּוֹן עָלַם וְעָלְמַיָּא
אַנְתְּ הוּא מַלְכָּא מֶֽלֶךְ מַלְכַיָּא
עוֹבָדֵי גְּבוּרְתֵּךְ וְתִמְהַיָּא
שְׁפַר קֳדָמַי לְהַחֲוָיָּא׃ (דניאל ג:לב חלק)
Yah, Sovereign of all the Worlds
You are the King of kings
Of Your mighty deeds and wonders
It pleases me to proclaim
שְׁבָחִין אֲסַדֵּר צַפְרָא וְרַמְשָׁא
לָךְ אֱלָהָא קַדִּישָׁא דִּי בְּרָא כָּל נַפְשָׁא
עִירִין קַדִּישִׁין וּבְנֵי אֱנָשָׁא
חֵיוַת בָּרָא וְעוֹפֵי שְׁמַיָּא׃
I offer praises morning and evening
to You, holy God, creator of all souls
Heavenly angels and mortals
beasts of the field and birds of the sky
רַבְרְבִין עוֹבָדָךְ וְתַקִּיפִין
מָכִיךְ רָמַיָּא זַקִּיף כְּפִיפִין
לוּ יְחִי גְבַר שְׁנִין אַלְפִין
לָא יֵעוֹל גְּבוּרְתָּךְ בְּחוּשְׁבְּנַיָּא׃
Great and mighty are your deeds
shaming the proud and elevating up the humble
Even if one lived a thousand years
these would not suffice to tell of your mighty actions
אֱלָהָא דִּי לֵיהּ יְקַר וּרְבוּתָא
פְּרוֹק יַת עָנָךְ מִפֻּם אַרְיָוָתָא
וְאַפֵּיק יַת עַמָּךְ מִגּוֹ גָלוּתָא
עַמָּךְ דִּי בְחַרְתְּ מִכָּל אֻמַּיָּא׃
O God, to whom glory and greatness belong
save Your flock from the mouths of lions
Lead Your people out of exile
your people whom You chose above all nations
לְמִקְדָּשָׁךְ תּוּב וּלְקֹֽדֶשׁ קֻדְשִׁין
אֲתַר דִּי בֵהּ יֶחֱדוּן רוּחִין וְנַפְשִׁין
וִיזַמְּרוּן לָךְ שִׁירִין וְרַחֲשִׁין
בִּירוּשְׁלֵם קַרְתָּא דְשֻׁפְרַיָּא׃
Return to Your Temple and to the Holy of Holies
the place where all spirits and souls will rejoice
There they will sing to You songs and praises
in Jerusalem, the city of beauty

The piyyut “Yah Ribon Olam” was composed by Rabbi Yisrael Najara (1555-1625). The English translation was made by Sara-Kinneret Lapidot as published in Invitation to Piyut North America: 18 Piyutim & Mizmorim (Piyyut NA & B’nai Jeshurun, 2010), p.59. –Aharon Varady





Contributor: Sara Lapidot (translation)


Featured Image:
Title: 1200px-Dehio_10_Dome_of_the_Rock_Section
Caption: Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem. Cross section. (Georg Dehio/Gustav von Bezold, 1887–1901) This image is taken from Georg Dehio/Gustav von Bezold: Kirchliche Baukunst des Abendlandes. Stuttgart: Verlag der Cotta'schen Buchhandlung 1887-1901, Plate No. 10. Due to its age, it is to be used with care. It may not reflect the latest knowledge or the current state of the depicted structure.