Public policy, technology, and copyright in Halakha: a sourcesheet

Source Link:

open_content_license: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International copyleft license

Date: 2011-10-18

Last Updated: 2024-06-01

Categories: Source Texts

Tags: copyright, responsa

Excerpt: Last Sukkot 5771 (2011), Efraim Feinstein shared the sourcesheet for his late night shiur (lesson) on copyright in Rabbinic Halakhah (Jewish law). Efraim's research adds a great deal of important perspective to our work here on the Open Siddur Project. It provides relevant historical context for our work advocating the adoption of free culture principles and free-culture licenses to facilitate sharing (tachlis) within the Jewish world. . . .


Image: "Copyright Khaf" by Aharon Varady (License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported)

Last Sukkot 5771 (2011), Efraim Feinstein shared the sourcesheet for his late night shiur (lesson) on copyright in Rabbinic Halakhah (Jewish law). Efraim’s research adds a great deal of important perspective to our work here on the Open Siddur Project. It provides relevant historical context for our work advocating the adoption of free culture principles and free-culture licenses to facilitate sharing (tachlis) within the Jewish world.

Efraim’s sourcesheet is shared (along with the TEX formatted source code and content for his sourcesheet) via his account on tumblr. For the sake of redundancy and redistribution, here is a direct link to downloading a PDF of his sourcesheet:

DOWNLOAD: PDF | TEX (source).

Contributor: the Hierophant


Featured Image:
Copyleft with the Hebrew letter Khaf by Aharon Varady (CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported)
Title: Copyleft with the Hebrew letter Khaf by Aharon Varady (CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported)
Caption: "Copyleft with the Hebrew letter Khaf" by Aharon Varady (License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported)