📖 Gebete in Kriegszeit für isralitische Frauen und Madchen, by Rabbi Dr. Max Grunwald (1914)

Source Link: https://opensiddur.org/?p=48373

open_content_license: Creative Commons Zero (CC 0) Universal license a Public Domain dedication

Date: 2023-01-12

Last Updated: 2023-04-06

Categories: Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers

Tags: 20th century C.E., 57th century A.M., Austria-Hungary, Austrian Jewry, Central Powers, German Empire, German Jewry, German vernacular prayer, Jewish Women's Prayers, Second Reich, Teḥinot in German, World War Ⅰ

Excerpt: A collection of five teḥinot compiled for the use of German-Jewish women gravely concerned for the well-being of their husbands, fathers, and sons serving as military personnel during what became known as World War Ⅰ. . . .


Gebete in Kriegszeit für isralitische Frauen und Madchen (1914) by Rabbi Dr. Max Grunwald is a collection of five teḥinot compiled for the use of German-Jewish women gravely concerned for the well-being of their husbands, fathers, and sons serving as military personnel during what became known as World War Ⅰ.


This work is in the Public Domain due to its having been published more than 95 years ago.

This work was scanned by Aharon Varady for the Open Siddur Project from a volume held in the collection of the HUC Klau Library, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Thank you!) This work is cross-posted to the Internet Archive, as a repository for our transcription efforts.

Scanning this work (making digital images of each page) is the first step in a more comprehensive project of transcribing each prayer and associating it with its translation. You are invited to participate in this collaborative transcription effort!

In the absence of a table of contents for this short collection, I have prepared one below in order that we may link forthcoming transcriptions and translations. –Aharon Varady

Source (German) Translation (English)
Gebet während des Krieges
Gebet um Frieden
Gebet einer Mutter für ihren Sohn im Felde
Gebet für den zum Kriegsdienst einberfenen Gatten
Für den Vater, der zu den Fahnen einberufen 1st
Prayer during the war
Prayer for peace
Prayer of a mother for her son in the field
Prayer for the husband called up for military service
For the father who is called up for the first time


Contributor: Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation)


Featured Image:
Gebete in Kriegszeit für isralitische Frauen und Madchen (Max Grunwald 1914) – title
Title: Gebete in Kriegszeit für isralitische Frauen und Madchen (Max Grunwald 1914) – title
Caption: Gebete in Kriegszeit für isralitische Frauen und Madchen (Max Grunwald 1914) - title