Sunday's Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

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Date: 2023-05-09

Last Updated: 2023-05-09

Categories: Sunday

Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., English vernacular prayer, Jewish Women's Prayers, Sunday, teḥinot in English, West Central Girls' Club, תחינות teḥinot

Excerpt: "Sunday's Prayer" was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 10-11. . . .

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Sunday’s prayer.
Almighty Father, — Open my mouth
that my lips may declare Thy praise. (Psalms 51:17)
O God,
help me to understand
the beauty and power of prayer,
and let me not consider any day complete,
unless I have spent therein a few minutes
in speaking my heart to Thee.
I know, O Lord,
that thou wilt not change Thy laws
for my sake;
also I am much too ignorant
to understand what is for my good.
Yet I am not afraid
to make my petition unto Thee,
for the end and object of all my prayers
is to ask for faith and trust in Thee!
O Lord,
help me to do what is pleasing in Thy sight,
and to will that which Thou willest!
As a father delights
in the gratitude of his children,
mayest Thou not consider it unworthy
to accept my prayer of thanksgiving.
As a father allows his children
to confide their thoughts to him,
do Thou listen to the outflowings of my heart
and grant me peace!
Let the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord,
my Rock and my Redeemer. (Psalms 19:14)

“Sunday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 10-11.




Contributor: Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription)


Featured Image:
sunday’s prayer (Lilian H. Montagu 1895) – cropped
Title: sunday’s prayer (Lilian H. Montagu 1895) – cropped
Caption: sunday's prayer (Lilian H. Montagu 1895) - cropped